Questions 3-13


course Mth 164

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Question: `q003. If you are earning 8 dollars / hour, how long will it take you to earn $72? The answer may well be obvious, but explain as best you can how you reasoned out your result.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Your solution: (type in your solution starting in the next line)

You take 72 divided by 8. This gives you 9 hours.; Confidence level 3. OK


Question: `q004. Calculate (8 + 3) * 5 and 8 + 3 * 5, indicating the order of your steps. Explain, as best you can, the reasons for the difference in your results.


Your solution: (type in your solution starting in the next line)

Add 8+3=11 take 11*5=55 because of () we do them first.

Add 8+3*5=23. No () do as it is listed. Confidence level 3. OK


Question: `q005. Calculate (2^4) * 3 and 2^(4 * 3), indicating the order of your steps. Explain, as best you can, the reasons for the difference in your results. Note that the symbol '^' indicates raising to a power. For example, 4^3 means 4 raised to the third power, which is the same as 4 * 4 * 4 = 64.


Your solution: 2 to the 4th power=16, 16*3=48

2^(4*3); multiply 4*3=12; 2^12=4096; confidence level is 3. OK


Question: `q006. Calculate 3 * 5 - 4 * 3 ^ 2 and 3 * 5 - (4 * 3)^2 according to the standard order of operations, indicating the order of your steps. Explain, as best you can, the reasons for the difference in your results.


Your solution: Take 3^2=9 then 3*5=15 then 15-4*9=-21

4*3=12, then 12^2=144, then 3*5=15, then 15-144=-129; Convidence level 3.



Question: `q007. Let y = 2 x + 3. (Note: Liberal Arts Mathematics students are encouraged to do this problem, but are not required to do it).

Evaluate y for x = -2. What is your result? In your solution explain the steps you took to get this result.

Evaluate y for x values -1, 0, 1 and 2. Write out a copy of the table below. In your solution give the y values you obtained in your table.

x y

-2 -1

-1 1

0 3

1 5

2 7

Sketch a graph of y vs. x on a set of coordinate axes resembling the one shown below. You may of course adjust the scale of the x or the y axis to best depict the shape of your graph.

In your solution, describe your graph in words, and indicate which of the graphs depicted previously your graph most resembles. Explain why you chose the graph you did.


Your solution: My solution is linear, the line is postively sloped. Conficence level 3. OK


Question: `q008. Let y = x^2 + 3. (Note: Liberal Arts Mathematics students are encouraged to do this problem, but are not required to do it).

Evaluate y for x = -2. What is your result? In your solution explain the steps you took to get this result.

Evaluate y for x values -1, 0, 1 and 2. Write out a copy of the table below. In your solution give the y values you obtained in your table.

x y

-2 7

-1 4

0 3

1 4

2 7

Sketch a graph of y vs. x on a set of coordinate axes resembling the one shown below. You may of course adjust the scale of the x or the y axis to best depict the shape of your graph.

In your solution, describe your graph in words, and indicate which of the graphs depicted previously your graph most resembles. Explain why you chose the graph you did.


Your solution: This graph is quadratic or parabolic. it starts in quadrant 2 swoops down crosses x axis then curves to quadrant 1. level of confidence 3. OK


Question: `q009. Let y = 2 ^ x + 3. (Note: Liberal Arts Mathematics students are encouraged to do this problem, but are not required to do it).

Evaluate y for x = 1. What is your result? In your solution explain the steps you took to get this result.

Evaluate y for x values 2, 3 and 4. Write out a copy of the table below. In your solution give the y values you obtained in your table.

x y

1 5

2 7

3 11

4 19

Sketch a graph of y vs. x on a set of coordinate axes resembling the one shown below. You may of course adjust the scale of the x or the y axis to best depict the shape of your graph.

In your solution, describe your graph in words, and indicate which of the graphs depicted previously your graph most resembles. Explain why you chose the graph you did.

Your solution: This is an exponential graph. starting out as a stright line, then quickly curving upward into quadrant 1.


Question: `q010. If you divide a certain positive number by 1, is the result greater than the original number, less than the original number or equal to the original number, or does the answer to this question depend on the original number?


Your solution: it does not depend on the number, any number positive or negative divided by one will always stay the same. 1 does not change the number at all. Level 3. OK


Question: `q011. If you divide a certain positive number by a number greater than 1, is the result greater than the original number, less than the original number or equal to the original number, or does the answer to this question depend on the original number?

Your solution: The answer you get after dividing by a number greater then one will always be smaller than the beginning number.


Question: `q012. If you divide a certain positive number by a positive number less than 1, is the result greater than the original number, less than the original number or equal to the original number, or does the answer to this question depend on the original number?


Your solution: As long as the number is positive, your answer will always be greater. level of confidence is a 2, it took me a slight minute to understand how the number was greater, but after looking closely, It made more sense.


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