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Review of Answers to Timer Res
Student 4 seemed very confident with the procedure he/she used to answer the question. When I noticed that Student 6 also had a similar answer, I assumed that their procedure was the correct one. However, I would like to know a little more about the steps they used in Excel to find the intervals. Student 1 also had a logical procedure. I had also noticed that the TIMER program seems to always round to 7 decimal places at the most.
Good review.
If you put all the time intervals into a column in Excel, then click on the little A-Z button, it will sort the column numerically. Then you can easily find the smallest differences between observed times.
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Critiques on Answers to Timer
I think that Student 3 simply listed time intervals from their original experiment. There was no discussion or explanation. In order for us to understand where you got your information from, you should always give a brief explanation of the process you used.
Student 4 had a very good hypothesis. Where exactly did you get the intervals that you included in your graph in Excel? Were they the intervals from your original experiment? Your hypothesis was well represented and fairly well explained. You convinced me that you knew what you were doing.
Very good commentary.
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Review of Symmetry of Motion o
I think the majority of the students agreed that the motions should be symmetrical, however there are many factors that influence the distortions of the experiment. The surface was not level for many students, including myself. One student studied the ramp itself and found a distortion. If all outside factors were held constant, the motions from left to right and right to left should not show any significant variation.
Good review.