Your 'test taken' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Which test? **
I took test 2 (waves and optics) on July 30, 2007 at 3:05 P.M. My proctor was Roger Halsey at the Wytheville Community College location at the Crossroads Institute in Galax, Virginia.
** When, where etc? **
Most likely will send as PDF file.
** Optional additional comments and/or questions: **
My proctor printed my test and neither of us noticed that problem #6 had not printed off. I had already completed the test when I noticed the error. I assumed that you would rather me go back to the test website and get problem #6 rather than not even complete it. I wrote the test question down from the second test I opened. I wrote the time and date stamp next to the problem. I pledge that I did not in any way compromise the test or my testing situation.
I have emailed your proctor and I believe have emailed you; there is no problem with the situation you describe.
I think I received your test. Email me tomorrow for your score. I failed to forward the records to this location.