Orientation Assignment

course Mth 173

I hope I completed the correct assignment correctly. This is my first time using the online program. Also, I am not sure if there was a fifth question, but I did follow the link and look at the typewriter examples.

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001. typewriter notation

qa initial problems




`q001. Explain the difference between x - 2 / x + 4 and (x - 2) / (x + 4). The evaluate each expression for x = 2.



x - 2 / x + 4: The first step in evaluating this expression is 2 / x, where as the first step in (x - 2) / (x + 4) would be to evaluate the expressions in the parenthesis. In short, the difference is: since the second expression has two expressions, x -2 and x + 4, inside parenthesis, then they will be executed first.

For both expressions: For x - 2 / x + 4: 2 - 2 / 2 + 4 = 5. For (x - 2) / (x + 4): (2 - 2) / (2 + 4) = 0

confidence assessment: 3




`q002. Explain the difference between 2 ^ x + 4 and 2 ^ (x + 4). Then evaluate each expression for x = 2.

Note that a ^ b means to raise a to the b power. This process is called exponentiation, and the ^ symbol is used on most calculators, and in most computer algebra systems, to represent exponentiation.



2 ^ x + 4 is different than 2 ^ (x + 4) because the parenthesis around x + 4 make it first in the order of operations. In the first expression, 2 ^ x is the first in the order of operations.

2 ^ 2 + 4 = 8

2 ^ (2 + 4) = 64

confidence assessment: 3




`q003. What is the numerator of the fraction in the expression x - 3 / [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] - 2 + 7x? What is the denominator? What do you get when you evaluate the expression for x = 2?



The numerator in the expression x - 3 / [(2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1] - 2 + 7x is x - 3

The denominator is [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] - 2 + 7x

2 - 3 = 1

(2*2-5) = -1

-1^2 = 1

1*3*2 + 1 = 7

7-2+7*2 = 19


confidence assessment: 2




`q004. Explain, step by step, how you evaluate the expression (x - 5) ^ 2x-1 + 3 / x-2 for x = 4.



First: Insert 4 for all of the x's. (4 - 5) ^ 2*4-1 + 3 / 4-2

Second: Clear any parenthesis. (4-5) = -1

Third: Evaluate any radicals or exponents. -1^2 = 1

Fourth: Multiply and divide (left to right). 1*4 = 4; 3/4 = .75

Fifth: Add and subtract (left to right). 4-1+.75-2 = 1.75

confidence assessment: 3



x is not part of the numerator on question 3; the correct answer is 95/7 or 13 3/7.

You appear to understand the order of operations well; that is the only error I see.

However your file should include the given solutions and any necessary self-critiques. No need to repeat the exercise but:

&#To run the program correctly you click on the Next Question/Solution button (top left), enter your response in the Answer box (the box at top right), click on the Enter Response button (above the top right box), then again on the Next Question/Solution botton (top left) to see the solution, and finally enter your response or self-critique in the Answer box and click on Enter Response.

You then start the process over with the next question, clicking on the Next Question/Solution button at top left, etc.
