The timely, accurate, and secure recording and maintenance of students’ grades are essential elements of an academic records system. The following grade processing policies and procedures ensure that integrity and confidentiality are maintained in the handling of student grades including the initial recording of grades and any subsequent grade changes.

Initial Grade Assignment
Initial grades are assigned by the faculty member via the PeopleSoft Student Information System by accessing the on-line grade roster. The grade roster is generated by the Registrar after the sixty-percent point in the semester, but before the last day of class.

Verification of Initial Grades
Verification of initial grades is completed by the faculty member as they assign the grades on-line. The three steps of the on-line verification process include; Approval Status – not reviewed, Approval Status – ready for review, and Approval Status – approved. Once all grades are verified, approved, and saved by the faculty member, the registrar will complete the posting process via PeopleSoft.

Grade Changes
Changes to existing grades (i.e., A, B, C, D, F, R, S, I, and U) require the approval of the Instructor of record and the appropriate Division Dean. Any grade being changed to a “W” grade must have the instructor signature, the signature of the appropriate Division Dean, and the signature of the Vice-President of Instruction and Student Services. Grade changes initiated by college personnel other than the original faculty member, and grade changes for classes taken that are over one year old shall be reviewed and approved by the Vice-President of Instruction and Student Services. All Courses for which the grade of “I” (incomplete) has been awarded must be completed by the end of the subsequent semester or another grade (A, B, C, D, F, P. R. S, U, or W) must be awarded by the instructor based upon course work which has been completed. If no change is turned in by the instructor the “I” grade will be changed to an “F” at the end of the subsequent semester by the Registrar. The student is notified by mail of this change. Changes to grades are submitted by the Division Dean to the Registrar on the “authorization for change of grade request form.” An Admissions and Records staff member will record all grade changes via the PeopleSoft SIS system and then the Registrar will verify the change to ensure accuracy. One copy of the form is filed in the student admissions folder, one copy is sent to the counselor, and the last copy is mailed to the student.

Access to PeopleSoft SIS Grade Processing
To ensure that access to PeopleSoft SIS screens are limited to those with an essential need to maintain the student academic record, requests for security to the Student Information System must be completed on the Computer Access Request Form and the Computer Access Recertification Form as approved by the supervisors and the data owner. All employees must also sign the VCCS Information Technology Employee Ethics Agreement.

Maintenance and Security of Grade Forms
Forms used in the grade assignment process include change of grade forms, and official grade transcripts. A supply of authorization for change of grade forms is maintained by the Registrar and Instructors request these forms as they intend to make an individual change.

The Director of Admissions, Records, and Financial Aid will provide periodic written reviews of the “Grades Plan” to the Vice-President of Instruction and Student Services. The Director of Admissions, Records, and Financial Aid will utilize available PeopleSoft audit trail support to monitor appropriateness of grade change transactions.