The Student Government Association (SGA) serves as a vital communication link between students, administration, and faculty. It provides leadership opportunities for VHCC students, including the opportunity to develop new policies, services, and activities for the benefit of other students. The SGA extends a welcome to any student who is interested in becoming involved in student government. SGA elections are held each spring semester. Students are encouraged to become acquainted with the SGA Constitution and to take part in elections and activities. Contact the Student Success Center, ISC 208, (276) 739-2438, for more information. The constitution of the SGA follows:
The Constitution of the Student Government Association of Virginia Highlands Community College
We, the students of Virginia Highlands Community College, in order to promote open communication among students and between students and other groups in the college community, to form an effective student government, to encourage the development of a spirit of community within and around the college and to strive for the attainment of educational excellence throughout the college community, do hereby establish this constitution for the organization and regulation of student government.
Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be the Student Government Association of Virginia Highlands Community College, hereafter referred to as the SGA. All power granted herein shall be vested in the five executive officers and four student senators of the SGA. An executive committee of these members and the SGA advisor will be responsible for the exercise of all provisions of the constitution.
Article II: Purposes
The purpose of the SGA shall be:
To promote the development of a climate favorable to educational excellence and community involvement.
To promote open communication among the students and between students and other segments of the community.
To uphold and protect the rights of students as set forth in the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
To formulate and to propose rules, standards, and regulations pertaining to student conduct and affairs.
To assist the Student Success Center in the preparation of the activities calendar.
To establish and implement policies and procedures necessary to carry out the orderly functioning of student government.
Article III: Organization
To carry out student governance the SGA shall be organized in the following manner: The Student Body, the SGA Executive Officers, and the SGA Student Senate.
Section I: The Student Body
All currently enrolled students at VHCC shall be considered members of the Student Body.
Section II: Student Government Association Executive Officers
The SGA shall consist of five executive officers: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and publicity officer. These officers shall be elected by the student body and delegated the authority to act on its behalf.
Section III: Student Government Association Student Senate
The Student Senate shall consist of four members. These student senators shall be elected by the student body with the intent to represent their needs and interests on the SGA.
Article IV: SGA
Section I: Meetings
A. Regular Meetings
1. The SGA will meet no less than once a week each semester for regular business. All meetings are open to the student body. Each semester, the student body shall be informed of the specific meeting times and place.
2. Attendance shall be mandatory, unless notification has been given to the president or advisor of the SGA.
B. Special Meetings
1. The president of the SGA shall have the power to call special meetings or to cancel any other SGA meetings, with the exception of meetings called by a quorum of the officers.
2. A quorum of the officers, upon written notification to the SGA president, may call a special meeting.
3. The Student Forum shall meet at least once in the fall and once in the spring. The meetings are called by the SGA and are open to all students. Any issue concerning students may be discussed. Actions that have been taken or are about to be taken by the SGA shall be disclosed and reviewed. Through the Student Forum, the SGA shall receive information and viewpoints from members of the student body. Either the SGA or members of the student body may call special meetings of the Student Forum when conditions warrant such meetings. In the latter instance, a petition signed by at least fifteen (15) members of the student body shall require that SGA converge a special meeting of the Student Forum.
4. A retreat will be held after the spring election of new executive officers. Topics covered will include (but will not be limited to): a review of the previous year’s activities, an outline of goals to be accomplished in the upcoming year, a training for new executive officers from outgoing executive officers, and an introduction of new officers to promote better cooperation during the ensuing term.
5. A one day retreat will be held in the fall semester immediately following election of SGA Student Senators. Topics covered will include (but will not be limited to): a review of current SGA projects and upcoming SGA events, and an orientation to the policies and procedures of the SGA. This meeting will also be used to acquaint the new SGA Student Senators not only with each other but with the SGA Executive Officers as well.
Section II: Quorum
A majority of members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section III: Term of Office
The executive officers of the SGA shall be the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and publicity officer. Each executive officer shall serve from the day following the end of spring semester following his/her election to the last day of the next spring semester.
In order to better focus on the strenuous schedule of the SGA and to better serve the student body, executive officers of the SGA shall not serve as an officer of any other club at VHCC.
The SGA Student Senate shall consist of four members. Each
student senator shall begin service immediately following the fall semester
election, and their term shall conclude at the end of the spring semester.
Section IV: Qualifications
To be eligible for executive office, a student must be in good academic standing and plan to be a full time student for the entire upcoming year.
To be eligible for the student senate, a student must be in good academic standing and plan to be enrolled in at least six credit hours (half-time) for the entire upcoming year.
The Student Success Center must verify a student meets the above qualifications before the student announces his/her candidacy.
Section V: Elections
Elections for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicity Officer will occur in April of the year prior to their term of service. There will be a two week period in which all eligible students may submit an application to run for office. At the end of the application period, only those that complete the application and submit it to the SGA Advisor are eligible candidates for office. If, at the end of the application period, any office has only one candidate, that candidate is declared the winner by default. If a position has more than one candidate apply, the winner will be determined in an open election to be held in the snack bar over a two day period.
Campaigning must be conducted in an appropriate manner. There is no campaigning in the snack bar during voting. Candidates must stay at least 10 feet away from the election table (except when voting).
Voters must be currently enrolled students and must present valid ID when voting.
A clean, updated list of eligible students must be used for each election. Each student that votes is to be marked off the list to prevent duplicate voting.
Section VI: Duties of the Members
Each member will be pledged by the president of the college to uphold the Constitution of the SGA and to represent the college and its students to the best of his/her ability.
A. President
The president of the SGA shall have the following powers and duties:
To preside over all SGA meetings.
To uphold and execute the provisions of this constitution.
To execute and administer any rule, regulation, and resolution enacted pursuant to this constitution.
To serve when it becomes necessary in an ex-officio capacity on all standing and special committees.
To attend, upon invitation, meetings of administrative and faculty councils when student affairs are under consideration.
To interpret the constitution upon concurrence of the SGA.
To appoint or abolish special offices and committees upon concurrence of the SGA.
To ensure that minutes of all meetings are submitted to the SGA and to the Student Success Center.
To act at all times only within the jurisprudence of his/her elected position.
To preside over and execute the business of the two mandatory Student Forums.
To represent the student body on the President’s Advisory Council (PAC).
B. Vice President
The vice president of the SGA shall have the following powers and duties:
To preside in all SGA meetings in the absence of the president.
To assume temporary duties of the office of president in the event it is vacated until completion of the re-election process.
To serve in ex-officio capacity on all standing and special committees as the SGA president may direct.
To discharge all duties assigned by the SGA president.
To uphold and execute the provisions of the constitution.
To represent the student body on the college’s Student Advisory Committee.
To discharge all duties assigned by the SGA president.
C. Secretary
The secretary of the SGA shall have the following powers and duties:
To record the minutes of all meetings of the SGA.
To post and distribute the minutes of all meetings of the SGA and its cabinet members.
To file all documents originating from or received by the SGA.
To discharge all duties assigned by the SGA president.
To represent the student body on the college’s Academic Programs Committee.
D. Treasurer
The treasurer of the SGA shall have the following powers and duties:
To record and maintain records and documents of all financial transactions of the SGA.
To submit a written financial report to the SGA twice every semester, once the week of mid-term exams, once the week of final exams.
To follow college procedures relating to collection and disbursement of funds.
To represent the student body on the college’s Academic Services Committee.
E. Publicity Officer
The publicity officer of the SGA shall have the following powers and duties:
To work with the college public relations specialist, and independently, to publicize all SGA special events.
To maintain SGA profiles on social networking sites on the internet.
To monitor and maintain the SGA e-mail account.
To represent the student body on the college’s Marketing Committee.
F. Student Senators
To disseminate the programs the SGA Executive Officers are working on to the student body on a one-to-one basis.
To work with the publicity officer to publicize all SGA special events.
To attend all SGA meetings and present the concerns of the student body to the executive officers.
To maintain the SGA suggestion box.
To monitor the state of the game room and the equipment contained therein.
Section VII: Resignation, Removal, and Replacement
Article V: Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the consulting authority on all procedural matters before the SGA, except when inconsistent with this constitution and standing rules pursuant therein. A copy will be available for review for all members through the SGA advisor.
Article VI: Amendment
Any amendment to this constitution shall be proposed and approved by majority vote by the elected SGA members. The SGA advisor then shall submit the proposed amendment to the Student Advisory Committee for final approval.
The Constitution of the Student Association of VHCC - Revised March 2008