The Director of Admissions, Records, and Financial Aid is the chief admissions officer for the College and serves as registrar, financial aid director, tobacco scholarship coordinator, non-curricular advisor, and veterans certifying official. The Director reports to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. Responsibilities include the following:

  1.  Providing leadership and supervision for the staff in the division including the following areas: admissions, records, financial aid, and career coaches.
  2. Developing policies and procedures which ensure proper implementation of Federal, state, and local regulations pertaining to student financial assistance.
  3. Coordinating the processes of awarding and disbursing student financial aid among affected functions including admissions, registrar, financial aid, business office, and bookstore.
  4. Reviewing and approving the institutional financial aid packaging philosophy and annual student budgets, making adjustments in packaging which correspond with institutional mission.
  5. Supervising the process of applying for federal and state financial aid funds, and filing of the end-of-year fiscal operations report to the U.S. Department of Education.
  6. Using the Congressional Federal Regulations and the bi-weekly NASFAA Newsletter to interpret federal regulations regarding educational benefits; sharing interpretations with financial aid staff; and remaining current of state and Federal regulations pertaining to the financial aid processes.
  7. Providing leadership for implementing institutional effectiveness within the admissions, records, financial aid, and veterans’ areas including but not limited to the following: strategic planning and annual departmental planning and evaluation cycle, using a variety of measures and institutional data to improve programs and processes as determined necessary and appropriate.
  8. Utilizing prospective student application data to evaluate the recruitment program and make decisions about modifications of the existing program.
  9. Developing and directing a recruitment program targeted at high school seniors including high school visits, campus tours, financial aid workshops, and telemarketing. Developing and conducting off-campus recruitment activities in the community for the purpose of informing prospective students, who are not currently enrolled in high school, of educational opportunities available at the College.
  10. Developing and administering selective admissions processes for programs including, but not limited to, nursing and radiography in cooperation with program faculty.
  11. Developing registration/enrollment procedures each semester and supervising the registration/enrollment process.
  12. Interpreting and implementing state regulations pertaining to granting in-state tuition status. Making or reviewing determinations of in-state tuition status.
  13. Advising non-curricular students and prospective non-curricular students about admissions, transfer, class selection, and similar matters.
  14. Supervising the tobacco scholarship application and awarding process of the College.
  15. Assuring confidentiality and credibility of the student academic recordkeeping system.
  16. Developing and supervising the graduation clearance process ensuring that all graduates meet established state and local graduation requirements.
  17. Participating in college governance through College Standing Committees and other formal structures, including the Vice President of Instruction and Student Service’s staff and the President’s Advisory Cabinet.
  18. Leading and managing recruitment and enrollment management processes.
  19. Providing leadership and process to ensure the College’s compliance with Title IX of the US Department Education Amendments.