q_a_ exercises for Day 2:

·      Get into Internet Explorer

·      Type bb.vccs.edu into the Address Box.

·      Login as vhstudent with password college

·      Select the course Supervised Study Current Semester

·      Click on Course Documents.

·      Run q_a_prelim; quit as soon as the Quit button shows.

·      Click on Downloads.  Run the program q_a_rates.  Click on Next Question/Answer and do as instructed.


·      Exit the browser and let the other person do the same thing.


 If done with q_a_rates go to q_a_init_probs and do typewriter notation and describing graphs exercises.


When you leave the computer copy the SEND file in your c:\vhmthphy folder to the folder




As long as you haven't rebooted you can copy the SEND file repeatedly to this folder; no information will be lost.  If you computer has been rebooted as for instructions.


When you finish a program do the following:




(  If done with first three qa exercises work on one of the remaining four exercises in the q_a_init_probs--your choice.)


Turn in with your name:



Turn in on a slip of paper with no name: 


Model based on data:


Period = .238 * length^.45


Accurate model of pendulum:


Period = .2 * length^.5