
Class Notes Precalculus I, 9/29/98

Proportionality and Sugar Piles

Today's quiz problem was to determine a linear force vs. displacement function for a pendulum, if it is known that a 5 in. displacement from a certain reference position results in 3 pound resisting force, tending to pull the pendulum back to the reference point, and also that a 9 in. displacement results of 7 pound resisting force. 

To solve the problem it is very helpful to sketch or graph of the force vs. the displacement.

We can easily draw the graph of the linear function through these two points.


Since y stands for the force, and x for the displacement, we can rewrite the equation y = x - 2 in meaningful terms as

force = displacement - 2,

understanding that force will be in lbs. when the displacement is in inches.

Using this form of the equation it is easy to determine what to do define the force when the displacement is 15 inches.

It is equally easy to determine what displacement corresponds to a force of 13. (Coincidentally, this is the force we found above for the displacement 15. We will proceed as if we didn't know this.)


Video File #01


Video File #02


Video File #03


Sand Piles

We will use sand piles to illustrate some of the main ideas of proportionality and to provide an introduction to power functions.

Actually are dealing with sugar piles here, but sand will behave in a similar way.

The first picture below shows a pile of sugar being formed by pouring a container full of sugar in front of the 43-cm mark on a meter stick.

We pose following question: when the second container of sugar is added on top of the first, will the diameter of the pile therefore double?

pc03.jpg pc06.jpg

The pictures below show the result of pouring the second and the third container of sugar onto the pile.

It should be clear that the diameter did much less than double and triple.

The third pile appears to have a diameter of approximately 7 -- still not double the diameter of the first, though the pile has three times as much sugar as the first.

pc07.jpg   pc08.jpg

The fourth and fifth piles have diameters that approach 8 cm, but they still do not reach the double-the-first-diameter measurement of 9 cm.

pc09.jpg   pc10.jpg

Except for the last trial, where the sugar was poured carelessly and allowed to 'mound' on the left half of the pile, all these piles seem to have approximately the same slope along their sides.

If we imagine that the first sugar pile is made up of tiny cubes, and that each subsequent pile is made up by 'inflating' each tiny cube by inflating it to form a larger cube, then to increase the diameter from 4.5 cm to 5.5 cm would require that we increase the length, width and height of each cube by 5.5 cm / 4.5 cm = 1.22 (approx.).

If we wish to increase the diameter by the factor 1.22 (remember, this is the diameter ratio between the 1-container pile and the 2-container pile), we could imagine that we take each tiny cube and increase its length by the factor 1.22, obtaining 1.22 times the volume, then increase the width of the resulting figure by the same factor, obtaining 1.22 * 1.22 times the original volume, and finally increase the height by factor 1.22 to obtain 1.22 * 1.22 * 1.22 = 1.22 ^ 3 times the original volume.

A situation like this, in which we expect that one quantity, like the volume, changes in proportion to the cube of another quantity, can be represented by the proportionality equation y = k x^3.

By making reasonably careful diameter measurements on a series of sugar piles made in class, we obtain the y = volume vs. x = diameter data shown below.

We can test our hypothesis that the volume y should be proportional to the cube of the diameter x by assuming that there is some constant k such that y = k x^3.

When we do this we obtain the k values shown in red.


The calculation of one of the k values is shown below.


Video File #04


If we plot our data using DERIVE and fit a cubic proportionality to our data (using FIT([x, kx^3], #1), we obtain y = .0046 x^3.

Video File #05
