Precalculus I

Framework and Main Concepts

This document provides an overview of the framework of Precalculus I.  You will work through the details in the text, in class notes, and in communication with the instructor.

If you have already had Precalculus I, this document should provide a brief review of the main topics.

If you are just starting Precalculus I, you should read over this document, though you might not understand much of it. 

If you are reviewing for a test, this document is a good place to start.

Topics between double asterisks **  ... ** are to be regarded as useful, maybe interesting, and instructive but not required.  That is, it won't be on the test but if you understand it, it might come in handy some day.

Topics included on the major quiz are indicated by blue text within the outline.

Introductory Flow Model, Functions, Function Families 

Properties of Linear Functions 

Proportionality and Power Functions 


Solving Equations

Introductory Flow Model, Functions, Function Families

A set of pendulum frequency vs. length data may be modeled by the function f = A L^-.5, where f is frequency and L is length.  The number A is understood to be a constant number, and is called a parameter of the model.  If we have the frequency at a known length we can substitute for f and L and determine the value of the parameter A.  Substituting this value of A into the form f = A L ^-.5, we obtain a mathematical model of frequency vs. length.  To the extent that we have accurate data our model will work for a pendulum of any desired length.  Since f is a multiple of the -.5 power of L we say that f is a power function of L.

If we observe the frequency of a pendulum at two lengths we can find the two parameters A and p for the model f = A L^p.  This equation has two parameters, A and L.  When we substitute the length and corresponding frequency into this form we get an equation with A and p as unknowns.  If we substitute the length and frequency for our two observations we will therefore obtain two equations in the two parameters A and p, which we can then solve to obtain values of these parameters.   Substituting the values we obtain for A and p into the form f = A L ^-p, we obtain a mathematical model of frequency vs. length. Since f is a multiple of the p power of L we say that f is a power function of L.

If we have the form of a function, as with the form f = A L^-5 or the form f = A L^p above, then if we substitute a number of data points equal to the number of parameters in the model we will obtain a set of simultaneous equations whose number is equal to the number of parameters.  We may or may not be able to obtain completely accurate solutions to these equations, but we often can solve them precisely to obtain values of the parameters.  When we cannot solve the equations precisely we can almost always obtain approximate solutions

For example, the equations used to solve for the parameters of the model f = A L^p can be solved exactly for A and p.  However the precise solution for p requires the use of logarithms, which may not be familiar to all students at the beginning of this course (and even most students who are famliar with logarithms will not remember the precise technique required).  So most students will be unable to solve the equations exactly at this point of the course.  However any student can solve the equations approximately using trial and error. and will be able to master the use of logarithms at a later point.

A set of depth vs. clock time data for water flowing from a uniform cylinder through a hole at the bottom of the cylinder can be very closely modeled by a quadratic function of the form y = a t^2 + b t + c.

A graph of the depth vs. clock time data set vs. the quadratic function model shows that the model stays very close to the data set.

A quadratic function y(t) has zeros for t values given by the quadratic formula.

The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola; if the function has two distinct zeros the vertex of the parabola lies on the vertical line which is halfway between the two zeros.

The graph points of the parabola y = a t^2 + b t + c whose horizontal coordinates lie 1 unit to the right and 1 unit to the left of the vertex have vertical coordinates a  units above the vertex.

In order to find the depth at a given clock time we simply substitute the given clock time for y in the function y(t).

In order to find the clock time at which the depth in the depth vs. clock time model is equal to a given value, we recall that y represents the depth.

The average rate at which a depth function y(t) changes during a time interval is equal to the change in depth divided by the duration of the time interval.

In general if a function y(t) represents some quantity that changes with clock time, then the average rate at which the quantity changes between two clock times is equal to the change in the quantity divided by the change in the clock time.

The graph of any quadratic function can be thought of as a uniformly stretched and shifted version of the basic quadratic function y = x^2.

If the basic quadratic function y = x^2 is stretched by factor a , then shifted horizontally through displacement h and vertically through displacement y, the resulting function will be y(t) = a ( t - h ) ^ 2 + k.

We understand quadratic functions and their uses better if we look at various sub-families of the family of quadratic functions.

Quadratic functions represent quantities whose rates change at a uniform rate.

Other function families which we will take as basic for this course include the families of linear, exponential and power functions.

The basic linear function is y = x.

Typical situations involving linear functions include

The basic exponential function is y = 2 ^ t.

Typical situations involving exponential functions include

The power function family is actually a multiple family of functions characterized by basic functions of the form y = x ^ p.

If p is an integer, then the function is defined for both positive and negative values of x.

  • A function symmetric about the y axis is also called and even function.

If p is a rational number with denominator, in lowest terms, being odd then the function is defined for both positive and negative values of x.

If p is neither and integer nor a rational number with odd denominator, then the basic power function is not defined for negative values of x.

For each value of p there is a family of power functions y = A (x - h ) ^ p + k.

Typical situations involving power functions include

Properties of Linear Functions

We can form a good linear model of a set of data points by sketching a line which minimizes the average distance between the data points and the line.

Given two points on a straight line we can use the slope = slope form ( y - y1) / ( x - x1) = slope, where slope = rise / run = ( y2 - y1) / ( x2 - x1).

The basic points on the graph of a linear function are taken to be the y-intercept and the point 1 unit to the right and m units up from this point.

For any function y = y(x), between x = x1 and x = x2 the linear function between the two corresponding graph points gives us an approximation of the original function.

An equation of the form a(n+1) = a(n) + m, with an initial value a(0), generates a set of points which lie on the graph of a straight line whose slope is m and whose y intercept is a(0).

Proportionality and Power Functions

When we increase the scale of a solid object, we increase its height, its width and its depth by the same factor.

We can test a set of y vs. x data for a given y = k x^p proportionality by calculating k for different data points.

Linear dimensions (e.g., diagonals, lengths, altitudes) x, areas A and volumes V of similar real geometric objects obey the following proportionalities, which can be derived from the linear proportionalities A = k x^2 and V = k x^3:

These geometric proportionalities are all power functions.

Solving Equations

A linear equation is solved by strategically adding the same quantity to both sides of an equation and multiplying both sides by the same nonzero quantity.

A quadratic equation is solved using the quadratic formula.

An equation of the form x^p = c is solved by raising both sides to the 1/p power. 

An equation of the form b ^ x = c can be solved by taking the log of both sides, obtaining x log b = log c, which has solution x = log c / log b.

An equation of the form log ( x ) = b can be solved by exponentiating both sides.


When the nth difference of a sequence gives us a nonzero constant, the sequence can be generated by a polynomial of degree n.

When the ratio a(n+1) / a(n) of successive terms of a sequence is constant, the sequence is of the exponential form y = A r ^ n, where r is the common ratio.

When the ratio of successive terms of the first difference of a sequence is constant, the sequence is of the exponential form y = A r ^ n + c, where r is the common ratio.

Exponential Functions

When a quantity Q(t), which is a function of time, increases over a given time period by amount r * Q the quantity is said to have growth rate r. To find the quantity Q(t) at the end of a period, if Q as the quantity at the beginning of the period we add r * Q to the original quantity, obtaining at the end of the period the quantity Q + r Q, or Q ( 1 + r). (1 + r) is therefore called the growth factor, because it is the factor by which we multiply the quantity to obtain its new value.

If t stands for the number of periods and Q0 for the t = 0 quantity, it follows that Q(t) = Q0 ( 1 + r) ^ t. Thus if we let b stand for the growth factor 1 + r we can express Q(t) as

A function of this form is called an exponential function. Exponential functions arise naturally in the context of population growth, compound interest, temperature relaxation and radioactive decay, among numerous others.

The most basic exponential function is taken here to be y = 2^t.

Noting that 2^(kt) = (2^k)^t = b^t for b = 2^k, we see that the general form can be expressed as

The graph of the general exponential function will approach y = c as an asymptote for either large positive t (if b < 1 or equivalently k negative) or large negative t (if b > 1 or equivalently k positive). The graph is characterized by the two basic points (0, A+c) and (1, A*b + c) (alternatively (0, A + c) and (1, A*2^k + c)).

Another general form of the exponential function is

where e is the limiting value of the quantity (1 + 1/n)^n as n becomes very large. e is an irrational number whose value is approximately 2.71828. e is the factor by which a principle at 100% interest, compounded continuously for 1 period, would grow in one period. It follows that if interest is compounded continuously at growth rate r the quantity at clock time t is Q(t) = Q0 * e^(rt).

The defining characteristic of an exponential function is that the change in the quantity Q during a given time interval is proportional to Q itself, as in following cases:

This behavior is analogous to that of a sequence defined by a(n) = k * a(n-1), a(0) = Q0.

If the horizontal asymptote of an exponential function is known, for example in the case of an object's temperature approaching room temperature, the amount of a radioactive substance approaching 0, or the principle or population approaching 0 as we go back in time, then given two data points we can fit the general form y = A b^t + c to the two points using a basic algebraic solution of the two resulting simultaneous equations for A and b. Using logarithms we can solve a similar set of equations for the general form y = A * 2^(kt) + c or y = A * e^(kt) + c.

Logarithms and Logarithmic Functions

A logarithmic function is in general defined as the inverse of an exponential function.

The table of an inverse function is obtained by reversing the columns of the table of the original function, a process which yields a function if and only if the original function is either strictly increasing or strictly decreasing on its domain of definition. If the original function is denoted y = f(x) then we denote the inverse function by y = f^-1(x).

Examples of inverse functions are

The fact that these pairs of functions are inverses is plausibly demonstrated with a calculator by picking any number for x, applying the first function in a pair to x, then applying the second function of that pair to the result, showing that the second function 'undoes' the action of the first.

When a function and its inverse are graphed on a set of coordinate axes on which the scales of the to axes are identical, it is seen that the reversal of coordinates results in graphs which are mirror images with respect to the line y = x, with each point on the graph of one function connected to the corresponding point on the graph of the other by an imaginary line segment which passes through the y = x line at a right angle.

As mentioned above the function y = log(x) is the function which is inverse to the y = 10^x function. From this relationship and from the laws of exponents as they apply to the y = 10^x function we obtain the most basic laws of logarithms:

Other laws of logarithms are also important and are easily derived from these.

The base-10 logarithm is the function which is inverse to the y = 10^x function; the base-2 logarithm is inverse to the y = 2^x function; and the base-e logarithm is inverse to the y = e^x function. The base-e logarithm is generally denoted ln(x), standing for the 'natural logarithm' of x. Logarithms to other bases are defined similarly. Another useful property of logs is that

In order to solve an exponential equation we isolate the expression with the variable in the exponent then take the log of both sides.

Given a set of exponential data for y vs. x we can linearize the data set by first subtracting the value of the asymptote from all y values, then transforming the y vs. x table into a table of log(y) vs. x. If the data is exponential and if we have subtracted correct asymptotic value, a graph of this transformed table will be approximately linear. If we then obtain the equation of the best-fit line for the graph, we can solve the equation for y. The best-fit line might e given in the form y = m x + b, in which case we need to understand that since we have graphed log(y) vs. x the equation really means log(y) = m x + b. This equation is solved for y by applying the base-10 exponential function to both sides to obtain 10^(log y) = 10^(mx + b).  Applying the laws of logarithms and exponents we simplify this equation to obtain our solution.

Given a set of power-function data we linearize the data set by transforming the y vs. x table into a table of log(y) vs. log(x), which if we have the correct power function yields and approximately linear graph. Since we have graphed log(y) vs. log(x) the resulting y = mx + b function really means log(y) = m log(x) + b, which is solved as in the case of the preceding paragraph by applying the base-10 exponential function to both sides.

Logarithmic scales are very useful for respresenting quantities such as auditory or visual perception and other phenomena for which intensities vary over an inconceivably great range. The typical scale is the decibel scale, defined by

where Io represents some 'threshold intensity'. Given the value of Io this defining relation can yield a decibel number dB for any given intensity I, or the intensity I corresponding to any given dB level.