Precalculus II
Class Notes, 3/25/99
Given a situation in which 20% of the sane population becomes demented and 10 percent
of the demented population becomes sane in a given transition period, a population
initially consisting of 500 sane and 500 demented individuals will behave as indicated
- The middle picture in the figure below depicts the "flow" of 100 sane
individuals to the demented side and 50 demented individuals to the sane side.
- We see that there is a net change of 50 individuals from sane to demented; i.e., the
sane population will lose 50 individuals and the demented will gain 50.
- In the next transition we see that the net "flow" will be 35 individuals from
the sane to the demented side.
The figure below depicts the row vector and column vector we multiply to obtain the
number of demented individuals after a transition.
The figure below depicts where the 450 sane and 550 demented people come from during
the first transition.
- The sane population will be made up of the .80 * 500 = 400 who remained sane and the .10
* 500 = 50 demented individuals who become sane.
- The demented population will be made up of the .90 * 500 demented to remain demented and
the .20 * 500 = 100 sane individuals who become demented.
The figure below depicts the multiplication by the resulting transition matrix of a
population vector consisting of 600 sane and 400 demented.
- When we multiply the first row by the column vector the numbers we obtain represent the
80 percent of the sane who remain sane and the 10 percent of the demented who become sane,
so that the first number we get in the new population vector must depict the number of
sane individuals after the transition.
- When multiply the second row by the column vector the numbers we obtain represent the 20
percent of the sane who become demented and the 90 percent of the demented who remain
demented, so that the second number in the new population vector must depict the number of
demented individuals after the transition.
We could iterate this process by multiplying the new population vector [520 480 ]` by
the transition matrix to obtain the population configuration for the following year.
- Since the [520 480 ]` was obtained by multiplying the original population vector [600
400]` by the transition matrix, we could rewrite the product at the top of the figure as
in the middle of the figure.
- If we then group the two matrices on the left so that they are multiplied first (i.e.,
if we assume the an associate law for matrix multiplication), as at the bottom of the
figure, we should obtain the same result.
Video File #01
It might seem like more work to multiply the two matrices, but the result we obtain
will be very significant.
To multiply the two matrices, we multiply each column of the second by each row
of the first and place the results in the corresponding rows and columns of the product
- The result of multiplying the first row by the first column goes into the first row and
first column of the product matrix.
- The result of multiplying the first row by the second column goes into the first row and
second column of the product matrix.
- The result of multiplying the second row by the first column goes into the second row
and first column of the product matrix.
- The result of multiplying the second row by the second column goes into the second row
and second column of the product matrix.
Had we multiplied the population vector [520 480]` by the transition matrix we would
have obtained [464 536]` for the end of the second year.
- Had we on the other hand multiplied the original population vector [600 400]` by the
result [ [.66, .17], [.34, .83] ] of the preceding matrix calculation we would
have obtained the same result without having had to compute the intermediate population
configuration [520 480 ]`.
Video File #02
The matrix [ [.66, .17], [.34, .83] ] was obtained by multiplying the original
transition matrix [ [.8, .1], [.2, .9]] by itself, and so is seen to be the square of that
- We thus see that multiplying by the square of a transition matrix gives is a
2-transition matrix, i.e., the matrix we multiply by an original population vector to get
the population after two transitions.
- If we let A stand for the original transition matrix, the new matrix is A2 =
[ [.66, .17], [.34, .83] ]
- Using DERIVE we can author the original matrix with the command A := [ [.8, .1], [.2,
.9]], using the := to assign the matrix to the variable name A.
- We can then author the matrix A2.
- If we simplify or approximate A2 we obtain our two-transition matrix A2
= [ [.66, .17], [.34, .83] ]
- We can similarly author the matrices A3, A10, A100,
etc., to obtain the transition matrices for any numbers of years we wish.
- Using this strategy we obtain the populations indicated in the figure below.
Video File #03
We also note that A100 = [ [.333333, .333333], [.666666, .666666] ].
- You should check that multiplying A100 by [ 500, 500]` yields [333.3...,
666.6...]`, which is the population configuration we expect after a long time.
- You should also check that multiplying A100 by [1000, 0]` or by [0,
1000]`yields the same result, which should make it very plausible to you that the
population configuration will after a time approach the same value regardless of the
initial population configuration.
We note that A50 is also equal to [ [.333333, .333333], [.666666, .666666]
], but that A30 is equal to these values only to a few decimal places.
- We expect that A100 will be equal to the limiting matrix [ [1/3, 1/3], [2/3,
2/3] ] to a greater number of decimal places than A50.
A graph of population D vs. population S is depicted below.
- Each population might be represented by a population vector consisting of an arrow from
the origin to the graph point corresponding to that population.
- While the figure is not drawn with great accuracy, we see that since the changes in the
population configuration become less and less with each iteration of the process, the
vectors will tend to get closer and closer together as they approach the limiting
population vector (333.3..., 666.6...).
We ask what the shape of the curve defined by the population configurations will be.
Will it be a straight line, part of a circle, an ellipse, a parabola, or what?
Note that the figure was intentionally not drawn with great precision so that the
answer to the question would not be obvious.
The answer is that the points lie on a straight line.
- This follows from the fact that the total number of people is 1000 so that S + D = 1000.
- It follows that D = 1000 - S.
- In y vs. x notation, we have y = 1000 - x, which is a straight line with vertical
intercept 1000 and slope -1.
Video File #04