Precalculus II

Class Notes, 3/25/99

Given a situation in which 20% of the sane population becomes demented and 10 percent of the demented population becomes sane in a given transition period, a population initially consisting of 500 sane and 500 demented individuals will behave as indicated below.


The figure below depicts the row vector and column vector we multiply to obtain the number of demented individuals after a transition.


The figure below depicts where the 450 sane and 550 demented people come from during the first transition.


The figure below depicts the multiplication by the resulting transition matrix of a population vector consisting of 600 sane and 400 demented.


We could iterate this process by multiplying the new population vector [520 480 ]` by the transition matrix to obtain the population configuration for the following year.


Video File #01

It might seem like more work to multiply the two matrices, but the result we obtain will be very significant.

To multiply the two matrices, we multiply each column of the second by each row of the first and place the results in the corresponding rows and columns of the product matrix.


Had we multiplied the population vector [520 480]` by the transition matrix we would have obtained [464 536]` for the end of the second year.


Video File #02

The matrix [ [.66, .17], [.34, .83] ] was obtained by multiplying the original transition matrix [ [.8, .1], [.2, .9]] by itself, and so is seen to be the square of that matrix.


Video File #03

We also note that A100 = [ [.333333, .333333], [.666666, .666666] ].

We note that A50 is also equal to [ [.333333, .333333], [.666666, .666666] ], but that A30 is equal to these values only to a few decimal places.



A graph of population D vs. population S is depicted below.

We ask what the shape of the curve defined by the population configurations will be.   Will it be a straight line, part of a circle, an ellipse, a parabola, or what?   Note that the figure was intentionally not drawn with great precision so that the answer to the question would not be obvious.


The answer is that the points lie on a straight line.


Video File #04