Assignment 04

We continue to reason out and represent motion, and extend our concept of motion to the angular motion of a rotating object.  We also begin in a lab exercise to work with the idea of force.

In this assignment you will continue to develop your ability to reason out and represent quantities associated with motion.  You will also apply what you know to rotational motion, and begin to work with the concept of force.

In the qa document you will continue to develop your ability to reason out acceleration, given various combinations of known quantities applicable to motion on an interval.

In the seed question you will answer questions about a velocity vs. clock time trapezoid, and connect your results to your reasoning of motion on an interval.

In your lab exercise you will apply the definition of rate to rotational motion.  You will also make observations related to systems of opposing rubber bands, graphically represent your data, and attempt to reason out certain characteristics of the forces being exerted.

The Class Notes make inferences regarding velocity vs clock time from position vs. clock time data, related to water flowing from a uniform cylinder.