Assignment 07

The acceleration of gravity is introduced, and vertical motion of an object subjected to the acceleration of gravity is analyzed.  The rate-of-change definition is applied to a new situation, which will turn out to be relevant to the acceleration of gravity.

You will begin to work in Chapter 2 of the text, for which most of the preceding assignments will have sufficiently prepared you.

The q_a_ for this assignment is focused on the acceleration of gravity and its application.

One 'seed' problem presents data and asks whether it is consistent with the accepted value of the acceleration of gravity. 

Another 'seed' problem asks you to apply the definition of rate of change in a way with which you are not previously familiar; the result turns out to be related to the acceleration of gravity in what you will probably find to be a surprising way.

The lab exercise for this assignment introduces a convenient data program and uses it to analyze TIMER data you will acquire for 30 consecutive quick-click intervals.

A randomized problem gives you values for v0, `ds and `dt and asks you to analyze the corresponding motion.

In the text you will begin work in Chapter 2.  Hopefully you will find this chapter very accessible as a result of work done in previous assignments.