Class Notes Physics I, 9/02/98
Lab Exercise; The Use of Flow Diagrams in Problem-Solving
Introduction, Goals and
The use of
'flow diagrams' in analyzing problems
We conduct an experiment to determine acceleration vs. slope for a
toy truck on small-slope inclines, which we extrapolate to obtain the
acceleration of gravity. We then solve two basic uniform-acceleration problems
(given v0=0, a and `dt, and given v0=0, `ds and `dt) by reasoning, then
represent the solutions by 'flow diagrams' that reveal the structure of the
Today we
- conduct an experiment to determine the relationship between the slope
of an incline and the acceleration of
an object down the incline
- analyze two basic uniform-acceleration problems and represent the structure of
their solutions using 'flow
- consider some useful strategies
for problem-solving
For the lab exercise we begin with the idea that as the slope increases so
does the acceleration of an object down the slope. We ask the following
- For small slopes does the corresponding acceleration seem
to change by an amount that is proportional to the change in slope?
- Do we expect the small-slope behavior of acceleration vs. slope to
continue when the slope becomes large?
- How are initial and final velocities, acceleration, time duration and
displacement related in the situations we encounter in this experiment?
This lab exercise is redundant with lab exercises assigned on the
homepage, and need not be done at this time. However, you should view the
Using a toy truck or car
and a ramp raised at one end, on a slope such that the vehicle just barely
accelerates down the incline, determine by timing the vehicle as it coasts down
the ramp for a measured distance, starting from rest.
- Use good timing technique and use at least three
- Measure the slope of
the incline by measuring its rise and run.
- Increase the incline slightly
by adding a large washer under the raised end and repeat.
- Add another washer to increase
the incline and repeat again. Then add a final washer and repeat
once more.
- The things you have actually
measured, the rises, runs and times, are your data.
What we find from the data are not data and should not be reported as such.
- Use your data to
determine to the slope for
each incline and the corresponding acceleration.
- Sketch of graph of
the acceleration versus
the slope.
- From your graph conjecture what acceleration would
correspond to a slope of
1, assuming that the graph is linear (i.e.,
that it forms a straight line and that your graph is not perfectly straight
because of uncertainties in timing and other measurements).
- Estimate the uncertainty in your various measurements, and estimate the
effect of these uncertainties on your results.
As we will see later, this
acceleration corresponds to the acceleration of an object falling
freely under the influence of gravity.
Conduct a modified
experiment by finding slopes
such that the acceleration of the cart is approximately .2 m/s/s, then .4 m/s/s,
then .6 m/s/s (you might extrapolate your existing acceleration vs. slope
- Again obtain a
graph of acceleration vs. slope.
- From your graph
conjecture the acceleration that would correspond to slope 1, assuming that
the graph is linear.
Is this modified
strategy more or less
accurate than the original strategy of using equal slope increments?
Consider the quiz problem
from the present class, where an object starts out at initial
velocity 5 m/s and for time
duration nine seconds
increases velocity at a rate of
2 m/s/s. We wish to determine how far the object travels during this time.
This problem is fairly
easy to reason out.
- If we increase
velocity for nine seconds at the rate of
2 m/s/s, that are increase is
obviously 18 m/s and we attain a final
velocity of 5 m/s + 18
m/s = 23 m/s.
- Our velocity
therefore averages (5
+ 23) m/s / 2 = 14 m/s, and in a nine second time
interval we experience displacement (14
m/s) (9 sec) = 126 meters.
process is depicted in the figure at left.
We represent the process symbolically on the 'flow diagram' figure below.
- We began by calculating the velocity
change `dv resulting
from the acceleration a
and time interval `dt.
We represent this on the figure below by the 'purple triangle' (with purple
lines leading to `dv, which is also in purple). This triangle indicates
that the velocity change is obtained from the time interval and
- We next obtained the final
velocity by adding the velocity
change to the initial
velocity. This is depicted by the 'green' triangle in which final
velocity vf follows from velocity change `dv and initial velocity v0.
- We then averaged the initial and final velocities to get the average
velocity, which is depicted by the 'light blue' triangle.
- We finally use the average
velocity and the time
interval to determine
the displacement `ds,
depicted as the 'red' triangle.
We can use the same strategy for the quiz problem from the preceding class,
where a car coasts 60 cm in 15 seconds starting from rest.
- Note that the information on this problem is different from the
preceding, where we started with knowledge of `dt, a and v0. This time we
start with knowledge of `ds, `dt and v0.
We can solve this problem by simply drawing
whatever conclusion we can from
the information we are given or have already concluded. This
is preferable to sitting
around paralyzed because we can't see the complete solution right away. This
strategy is very often useful, because if we get 'hung up' on where we're trying
to go we can fail to see
where it is possible to go. The idea is to 'keep
moving', even if it isn't clear where we're going. Of course, we want
to stop every once in awhile and check
our progress toward our goal.
- The first thing we can conclude is that the car has an average
velocity of 60 cm/s / 15
s = 4 cm/s.
- We next conclude that, since the car started from rest and averaged 4
cm/s, it must have achieved a final
velocity of 8 cm / s.
- We are attempting to determine the acceleration of the car. Acceleration
is velocity change divided by time interval. We know that there is a 15
second time interval, so we need only find the velocity change. We say that
the velocity change from
0 to 8 cm/s is 8 cm/s.
- We finally conclude that the acceleration is
8 cm/s / 15 s = .533... cm/s.

The 'flow diagram' below represents the process used above:
- We represent the
calculation of the average
velocity vAve from the
known time interval `dt
and displacement `ds
by the 'purple' triangle.
- We represent our
reasoning out of the final
velocity vf from the initial
velocity v0 and the velocity
change vAve by the
'green' triangle.
- We represent the
calculation of velocity
change `dv from initial
velocity vf and final
velocity v0 by the 'fuschia'
triangle (it probably looks pretty much red).
- We finally
represent the calculation of acceleration a
from the velocity change `dv
and the known time
interval `dt, using the
'red' triangle.
You will do well to learn
to construct such 'flow
diagrams' as you solve multi-step
problems, and you need to practice looking at
such diagrams to see the
structure of the problems
you solve. The structural
thinking encouraged by this
process can be a very useful tool, demonstrating how a complex
problem can be broken down
into a series of simple,
interlinked steps.
You might note that this
last problem has a lot to tell you about how to determine the acceleration of
those vehicles on the inclines, as in the lab exercise.