Class Notes Physics I, 9/02/98

Lab Exercise; The Use of Flow Diagrams in Problem-Solving

Introduction, Goals and Questions

Lab exercise

The use of 'flow diagrams' in analyzing problems

We conduct an experiment to determine acceleration vs. slope for a toy truck on small-slope inclines, which we extrapolate to obtain the acceleration of gravity.   We then solve two basic uniform-acceleration problems (given v0=0, a and `dt, and given v0=0, `ds and `dt) by reasoning, then represent the solutions by 'flow diagrams' that reveal the structure of the problem.

Introduction, Goals and Questions

Today we

For the lab exercise we begin with the idea that as the slope increases so does the acceleration of an object down the slope. We ask the following questions:

Lab exercise

This lab exercise is redundant with lab exercises assigned on the homepage, and need not be done at this time.  However, you should view the clips.

Using a toy truck or car and a ramp raised at one end, on a slope such that the vehicle just barely accelerates down the incline, determine by timing the vehicle as it coasts down the ramp for a measured distance, starting from rest.

As we will see later, this acceleration corresponds to the acceleration of an object falling freely under the influence of gravity.

Conduct a modified experiment by finding slopes such that the acceleration of the cart is approximately .2 m/s/s, then .4 m/s/s, then .6 m/s/s (you might extrapolate your existing acceleration vs. slope data). 

Is this modified strategy more or less accurate than the original strategy of using equal slope increments?

The use of 'flow diagrams' in analyzing problems

Consider the quiz problem from the present class, where an object starts out at initial velocity 5 m/s and for time duration nine seconds increases velocity at a rate of 2 m/s/s. We wish to determine how far the object travels during this time.

This problem is fairly easy to reason out.

ph01.jpg  The process is depicted in the figure at left.

We represent the process symbolically on the 'flow diagram' figure below.


We can use the same strategy for the quiz problem from the preceding class, where a car coasts 60 cm in 15 seconds starting from rest.

We can solve this problem by simply drawing whatever conclusion we can from the information we are given or have already concluded.  This is preferable to sitting around paralyzed because we can't see the complete solution right away.  This strategy is very often useful, because if we get 'hung up' on where we're trying to go we can fail to see where it is possible to go.  The idea is to 'keep moving', even if it isn't clear where we're going.  Of course, we want to stop every once in awhile and check our progress toward our goal.


The 'flow diagram' below represents the process used above:


You will do well to learn to construct such 'flow diagrams' as you solve multi-step problems, and you need to practice looking at such diagrams to see the structure of the problems you solve.  The structural thinking encouraged by this process can be a very useful tool, demonstrating how a complex problem can be broken down into a series of simple, interlinked steps.

You might note that this last problem has a lot to tell you about how to determine the acceleration of those vehicles on the inclines, as in the lab exercise.
