Analyzing the Acceleration vs. Ramp Slope Experiment
Experimental Errors and Uncertainties
Using flow diagrams to derive formulas relating kinematic quantities
From our data on the acceleration vs. ramp slope experiment, we obtain a graph of acceleration vs. ramp slope for small ramp slopes and extrapolate to determine the acceleration of gravity. Three types of important errors occur in our data, but one is consistent and systematic, another is random, and a third is systematic but not consistent. Only the third will influence the final result, the slope of our graph.
Flow diagrams help us to analyze some basic situations involving uniformly accelerated motion. Symbolizing one process we obtain the two most basic equations of uniformly accelerated motion, from which we can obtain two more equations which allow us to formulate the analysis of uniformly accelerated motion in terms of v0, vf, `ds, `dt and a.
Today we
We pose the following questions with regard to the experiment:
With respect to the analysis of uniformly accelerated motion, the following questions arise:
When we observe the acceleration of cart rolling down ramp vs. the slope of the ramp
On the graph below
We easily find a slope of this straight-line graph by picking two points on the line. Note that the straight line in this case doesn't go through any of the data points.
For the graph we have depicted our estimate that the rise corresponding to a run of .1 will be .8 m / s / s.
The results obtained by various groups in the class are shown that the bottom of the above figure.
The figure below shows the graph in more detail.
There are a number of unavoidable errors in this experiment.
This is a serious error, because the time interval `dt is used twice to calculate acceleration.
We call this a 'systematic error', because it tends to be about the same on each timing and is therefore perpetrated throughout the data set.
Another possible source of error is the fact that the computer timer is only accurate to within about .03 seconds.
An important question is how much effect this uncertainty in timing has on the final result, which is the slope of the graph.
A third source of error could be the slope of the table on which the ramp rests.
The figure below shows the effects of three factors on the graph. The blue points, labeled 'ideal correct acceleration', represent the actual acceleration vs. slope, which we assume is somehow known to us.
One factor might be the slope of the table on which the incline rests.
Another error is the effect of friction.
A consistent time-shortening error, such as that mentioned above in association with watching the cart, would have an increasing effect on our calculated acceleration as ramp slope increases.
Flow diagrams can help us to obtain formulas relating the basic kinematic quantities in terms of which we have been analyzing uniformly accelerated motion. These quantities are v0, vf, `dv, vAve, `dt, `ds and a.
For example consider the situation where the velocity increases from 13 m/s to 33 m/s between clock times t = 8 s and t = 12 s.
As we often do, we ask the question 'what can be determined from what we know at this point?'.
From the average velocity vAve and time interval `dt we also determine the displacement `ds = vAve * `dt = (vf + v0) / 2 * `dt.
The figure below depicts a situation in which `dt, `ds and v0 are known.
In the preceding diagram, we obtained expressions for each new quantity in terms of the original variables. In so doing we obtained two extremely useful equations.
We could have proceeded algebraically, with the fundamental equations found previously, to find vf. We could have used the fundamental equation `ds = (vf + v0) / 2 * `dt to find vf.
In the figure below we combine `dt, a and v0 to obtain expressions for vf and `ds.
The figure below shows the basic 'impossible situation' in kinematics. It is impossible in the sense that we can't reason out the solution directly, as we did in the examples above.
We can get unstuck if we write down the two most fundamental equations and see what we know.
Another quantity that the two equations have in common is `dt.
In any situation where we know three of the kinematic quantities `ds, `dt, v0, vf and a that apply to a uniform acceleration event,
Note that the quantities `dv and vAve do not appear in this formulation. However, these quantities are important for understanding uniformly accelerated motion. Why do they not appear in the formulation?