Class Notes Physics I, 9/30/98
Momentum; Projectiles; Problems
The equal and opposite forces exerted on two objects in a collision ensures that the
change in the product m1 v1 of one is equal and opposite to the change in the product m2
v2 of the other. We call the product mv the momentum of an object. Since the momentum
changes are equal and opposite we say that momentum is conserved. This statement can be
extended to any number of interacting objects. This leads to the conservation of momentum
equation m1 v1 + m2 v2 = m1 v1' + m2 v2' for objects of constant mass. Of the six
quantities m1, m2, v1, v2, v1', v2' we can solve for one if we know the other 5, or if we
know 4 of the other quantities and some relationship between them (e.g., that v1' and v2'
are the same, or that the relative velocity of the two objects reverses upon collision: v2
- v1 = v1' - v2).
When two objects collide they
exert equal and opposite forces on one another, by Newton's third
- If one object has a greater
mass than the other, the magnitude of its acceleration will
be less than that of the other, since the magnitudes of
the forces on the objects are equal.
- Its velocity will
therefor change by less than that of the other, since
the accelerations occur over the same time interval.
Thus in any collision the magnitude of the velocity
change will be greater for the less massive object and
less for the more massive object.
Consider the following question:
- If a 65 kg football player running down the field at 10
m/second is met by a 75 kg football player running in the opposite
direction at 7 m/second, then if the second player
tackles the first head-on and holds on, will they move in the direction
of the more massive player or in the direction of the player
with the greater speed?
- It is clear from the previous discussion that the magnitude of
the velocity change will be greater for the 65
kg player then for the 75 kg player.
- In order to reverse the direction of motion of the 65
kg player the magnitude of his velocity change must
be greater than 10 m/second, while the 75 kg
player will experience a change in direction of
motion if the magnitude of his velocity change is
greater than 7 m/second.
- We could proceed along these lines and reason out the result. You
should attempt to do so.
- We could also follow our intuitive notion (expressed by several members
of the class) that since mass and velocity both contribute to
the 'effectiveness' of a mass in a collision, then this effectiveness
might be measured by the product of mass and velocity.
- In this case we might write p = mv, where p stands for
what we call the momentum of the object.
- We note that, as indicated by the arrows above the p and v in
the figure below, momentum is a vector quantity just as velocity
is, and that its direction is as important as
its magnitude.
- Thus when two objects are approaching head-on, the velocity
and hence the momentum of one will be chosen to be positive,
and these quantities will be negative for the other object.
- In the present situation we will regard the direction of the 65
kg player as the positive direction.
- The momentum of
the first player is thus p1 = m1 * v1 = 65 kg * 10 m/s = 650 kg
- The momentum of
the second player will be p2 = m2 * v2 = 75 kg * -7 m/2 = -535 kg
We thus have the situation as shown below, with a 650 kg m/second momentum approaching
a -535 kg m/second momentum.
- The total momentum in the situation is therefore the sum of
these two momenta, or 115 kg m/s.
The impulse-momentum theorem tells us that the change in
the momentum of an object is equal to the product of the
force on the object and the time over which the force
- Since in this case the forces exerted in the collision are equal
and opposite, it follows that the changes in momentum will
be equal and opposite, so that the total
momentum of the two objects will be unchanged in the collision.
- Therefore, immediately after collision, we will have a total
mass of 140 kg (recall that the players stay together for at
least a short time after the collision), and this total mass will have
the same total momentum they had before the collision.
- Thus we will have a total mass of 140 kg with a momentum
of p = mv = 115 kg m/second.
- Since the mass is 140 kg, we thus have (140
kg) * v = 115 kg m/s, so v = .82 m/s.
- Since this mass is positive, we see that the two
players move in the direction of the first.
- Though the first had less mass than the second, his greater
velocity caused his momentum to dominate the collision.
- This is not to say thay he gets hurt less than the larger player; remember that they both
experience collision forces of the same magnitude,
and all things being equal there forces will be more likely to injure the smaller player.
It is important to understand that this analysis concerns only what happens in the instants
immediately before and after the collision.
- The two players in fact come
to rest, but this happens over the period of a second or so after
the collision has occurred, and is the result mostly of the friction
of the playing surface and perhaps the continuing efforts of the
two players.
- In the instant after
collision, there is not enough time for either of these factors
to have any effect.
Quiz Problem
The quiz problem for today concerned a ball that slides down a
ramp before being projected in the horizontal direction from
the edge of the ramp and falling 1 meter to
the floor.
- Assuming that all the potential energy lost as the ball slides down the
ramp is converted to kinetic energy, we are to determine
horizontal range of the ball if the change in altitude of
the sliding ball on the ramp is 1 cm, then 4 cm, then 16
- Letting m stand for the mass of the ball, we see that
for a 1 cm fall the change in potential energy is `dPE = m(980
cm/s^2) * (-1 cm).
- The change in kinetic energy will be equal in
magnitude and opposite to the change in potential
energy, since by hypothesis the potential energy loss is compensated by the
kinetic energy gain.
- The resulting calculation is shown in the figure below.
- Note that the mass m disappears when we solve for v;
we obtain v = 44 cm/s.

Similar calculations for altitude changes of 4 cm and 16 cm on
the ramp yield the velocities indicated in the table below.
Since the vertical motion of the ball begins with velocity 0 (the
initial velocity is in the horizontal direction so there is no vertical component) and accelerates
toward the floor at 9.8 m/s^2 as it travels the
1 m to the floor, we have the vertical motion situation with v0 = 0, `ds = 1 m and
a = 9.8 m/s/s.
- We easily find that the time `dt required to reach the floor is .44
We now apply our knowledge that the horizontal velocity does not change from
the instant the ball leaves the edge of the ramp to the instant it strikes the floor, we
see that for the 1 cm vertical slide, with the resulting 44 cm/s
horizontal velocity, the horizontal displacement must be `ds = 44 cm/s *
.44 s = 20 cm.
- The horizontal displacements for the other two situations are
calculated in the same manner.
- We will obtain displacements of approximately 40 cm and 80 cm.
It is important to understand that the ball undergoes at least two phases of
motion in this situation.
- The first phase is the slide down the ramp, and no
assumption is made as to whether the ramp as a uniform slope or not.
- During this phase, then, the acceleration may be either uniform or nonuniform;
since the only thing that matters here is the velocity the ball attains,
we can determine this result by energy considerations and it doesn't
matter whether the acceleration is uniform or
The second phase begins at the instant the ball leaves
the edge of the ramp and ends at the instant it
strikes the floor.
- Between these two instants the acceleration of the ball is completely
uniform (provided we ignore the negligible contributions of air resistance and
other very small forces), with a horizontal acceleration of 0 and
a downward vertical acceleration of 9.8 m/second/second.
At the instant the ball strikes the floor a third phase begins, but we
are not concerned with this phase at this time. Our attention is focused
mainly on the second phase, with the first phase relevant
only because it contributes the initial velocity for the second.
The general situation is depicted below.
- `dy is the vertical displacement of the ball has its
slides down the ramp, v0 is the horizontal
velocity attained by the ball as result of its slide down the ramp, `dh is
the vertical distance which the ball falls, and `dx
is the horizontal range of the ball.
- v0 is proportional to `sqrt(`dy) because
of energy considerations,
- `dx seems also to be proportional to `sqrt(`dy)
as indicated by our experimental analysis, so that
- v0 is proportional to `dx.
- We also saw by flicking one washer off the horizontal edge of a table and dropping
another at the same instant that the time of fall `dt appears to be independent
of the horizontal velocity of the falling object.
- It follows that the horizontal range `dx is always equal to the product
of the average horizontal velocity vAvex and the uniform
time interval `dt:
- `dx = vAvex * `dt, where `dt is the same for
every initial velocity.

If the x velocity is indeed constant, then for each
situation vAvex will be equal to the initial velocity v0 for
that situation, and we will have v0 = `dx / `dt.
- We can validate these assumptions
by directly observing the velocities attained by the
ball on various ramps and comparing with the observed
ranges `dx and the calculated time interval `dt.
- Our results will confirm
the hypothesis that the x velocity is in fact constant.
Questions on Assigned Problems
The following question was posed by a student:
- For the problem where an automobile stops from a speed of 90
kilometers/hour in a distance of 50 m, it is clear that the initial
velocity will be v0 = 90 km/hr = 25 m/s, the final
velocity will be zero and the displacement will
be `ds = 50 m.
- It is also clear that in order to determine the acceleration we will
use the equation vf^2 = v0^2 + 2 a `ds, in which all the quantities
except a are known.
- The question is, how do you do the algebra to solve this
equation for a?
As shown below, we need to isolate
a, and we begin doing so by adding -v0^2 to both sides of the
- This isolates 2 a `ds on
one side of the equation.
- Note that we could have
begun by multiplying both sides by the reciprocal 1 / (2
`ds), which would also in a sense have isolated a, but to do so we would have had
the multiply both vf^2 and v0^2 by the same factor and
this would have complicated the algebra unnecessarily.
- Usually in a situation like this
we perform additions before we get into multiplications,
in order to keep the algebra as simple as possible.

- The next step will
be to multiply by the reciprocal 1 / (2 `ds) of the
coefficient of a, thus obtaining a = (vf^2 - v0^2) / (2 `ds).
- We then substitute the
known initial and final velocities and the displacement,
and simplify our expression to obtain the acceleration shown below.
- Note that in the first
substitution step we have effectively used (-v0^2 + vf^2) / (2 `ds) instead
of (vf^2 - v0^2) / (2 `ds); that was an instructor error of form, though
it is mathematically correct.
Another question was posed to in relation to the problem of a sprinter
who accelerates uniformly (which is unrealistic, incidentally)
from 0 to 11.5 m/second while covering a distance of 15 m.
- The individual posing the question noted that we have v0, vf and `ds.
- We might begin by constructing a flow diagram for this problem.
- Given v0, vf and `ds, we first note that from v0 and vf
we can easily determine vAve and `dv.
- We can then use our value of vAve along with our given value of `ds
to determine the time interval `dt over which the acceleration
- We can then combine our knowledge of `dt with our
knowledge of the velocity change `dv to obtain the acceleration.
- vAve is obtained as the average of initial and
final velocities, vAve = (v0 + vf) / 2, and in this case is 5.75 m/s.
- Since the displacement is `ds = vAve `dt, we see that `dt
= `ds / vAve; substituting the known values we obtain `dt
= 2.7 sec.
- Since the change in velocity is the difference between
initial and final velocities, `dv = 11.5 m/s,
we are now in a position to easily obtain the acceleration a = `dv / `dt = 11.5
m/s / 2.7 sec = 4.3 m/s/s.