Class Notes Physics I, 10/05/98
Projectiles; Impulse-Momentum Theorem
Quiz Problems
Today's quiz problems involved projectiles projected in the horizontal direction from
the edge of a table 80 cm above the level floor.
In the first problem, as depicted below, we are given that the initial x
velocity is 70 cm per second and we are asked to find the horizontal range `dx of the
In any projectile problem we completely separate the horizontal and vertical motion,
and in general or first goal is to find the time interval `dt.
- In this case we find `dt from our knowledge of the vertical initial velocity,
displacement and acceleration.
- Since the object is projected in the horizontal direction, its initial vertical velocity
must be 0.
- Its vertical displacement is 80 cm (where the downward direction has implicitly been
chosen as the positive direction) and its acceleration is 980 cm/s^2.
- Using these quantities we easily determine that `dt = .4 sec.

With this value of `dt we can now easily solve the horizontal motion problem.
- We know that the horizontal
acceleration is 0, we know the horizontal initial velocity and we know `dt, so we could
use one of the four fundamental equations of uniformly accelerated motion. However, we
choose instead to simply reason out the answer. We know that in a projectile problem,
where not otherwise stated, the horizontal velocity is constant. Moving a constant
velocity of 70 cm/s for .4 sec we will move 28 cm, so the horizontal range is `dx = 28 cm.
Details are shown below.

The alternative quiz problem specified a horizontal range of 70 cm, with the initial
velocity in the horizontal direction and a fall of 80 cm. In this case we are asked to
find the initial horizontal velocity.

We again easily determine from the vertical motion that `dt = .4 sec. Then, knowing
that vx is constant, and therefore equal to vAve, we see that vx = `dsX / `dt = 70 cm /
(.4 sec) = 175 cm/s.

A related problem gives the initial x velocity and horizontal range of a
projectile projected in horizontal direction and asks for the height of the platform from
which the projectile was projected.
In the present example we have an
initial horizontal velocity of 50 cm per second and horizontal range of 250 cm.

We can directly reason out the vertical motion of this projectile.
- We could also use the equations of
uniformly accelerated motion, but direct reasoning is preferable because it brings us
closer to the essential nature of the problem and the basic ideas upon which we base our
analysis of uniformly accelerated motion. In general we should always attempt to reason
out our results directly before we reach for an equation.
- We should then use the equations
of motion to check our results and further deepen our understanding.
As usual we began by attempting to find `dt.
- Looking at the horizontal motion we immediately see that if we move 250 cm at a constant
velocity of 50 cm/second, the basic idea of velocity tells us that `dt = 5 sec (i.e.,
moving in 50 cm increments every second we move 250 cm in 5 such increments; we visualize
1 second's displacement and ask how many such displacements it takes to move through the
given displacement).
We then apply our knowledge of `dt to the vertical motion.
- Accelerating at 9.8 m/sec./second
for five seconds, velocity must change by 49 m/s (we visualize or speedometer changing by
9.8 m/second every second for five seconds).
- Since initial velocity is 0 this
implies a final velocity of 49 m/second and therefore an average velocity of 24.5

Moving at an average horizontal velocity of 24.5 m/sec. for 5 sec., we clearly move a
horizontal distance of 5 * 24.5 meters = 122.5 m.

Question Concerning Text Problem
A question was asked about a situation in which a car moving at some constant velocity
stops in response to some emergency.
- The driver has a reaction time of one second, and acceleration of the car is given.
- We are asked to find a total distance required to stop the car.
The individual who posed the question recognized that we have two motion phases, one
lasting one second at the initial velocity and the other characterized by acceleration
from the initial velocity to final velocity 0, and that for the second phase we would use
the equation vf^2 = v0^2 + 2 a `ds to determine the displacement. The question regarded
the algebra required to solve the equation.
- If we assume an initial velocity of 35 m/second, and an acceleration of -.5
m/sec./second, then we identify v0 as 35 m/s, vf as 0 and a as -.5 m/s/s.
- We note that the equation vf^2 = v0^2 + 2 a `ds contains known quantities a, vf and v0
(underlined) and the desired variable `ds.
We will solve the equation for `ds.

The solution is similar to that illustrated in the 9/30 lecture, where we solved the
same equation for a.
- As then, we add -v0^2 to both
sides then multiply both sides by the reciprocal of the coefficient of the variable for
which we are solving.
- In this case to variable is `ds
and its coefficient is 2a, so we will add -v0^2 to both sides and then multiply both sides
of the resulting equation by 1/ (2a), obtaining `ds = (vf^2 - v0^2) / (2a).
- We then substitute the values of
the variables and easily quickly find the result, `ds = 1225 m.
- The total stopping distance will
be found by adding the 1225 m to the 35 m traveled during the reaction time.

We could have reasoned out the 1225 m distance easily enough, as follows:
- To come to stop from 35 m/second
requires a velocity change of negative 35 m/second.
- At -.5 m/s it should be clear that
this will require 70 seconds.
- It should also be clear that our
average velocity will be 17.5 m/s, so that in the 70 seconds we will travel total distance
of (17.5 m)(70 s) = 1225 m.

The Impulse-Momentum Theorem
Recall that if we take the two equations of uniformly accelerated motion
- vf = v0 + a `dt and vf^2 = v0^2 +
2 a `ds,
and combine them with Newton's
Second Law in the form a = F / m, where F is the net force acting on an object of mass m,
we obtain the equations
- vf = v0 + (F/m) `dt and vf^2 =
v0^2 + 2 (F/m) `ds,
as indicated in the figurebelow.
- Recall that when we solve the
second equation for the quantity F `ds, circled in red, we obtain the work-energy theorem
- F `ds = .5 m vf^2 - .5 m v0^2, or
- `dW = .5 m vf^2 - .5 m v0^2 = KEf
- KE0 (where `dW is the work done by the net force F).
When we solve the first equation for F `dt, we obtain F `dt = m vf - m v0.
- Since we have defined momentum to be p = mv, we see that the right-hand side is just the
change pf - p0 in the momentum of the object, so that F `dt = `dp.
- We call the quantity F `dt the impulse of the force.
Recall that the distinction between F `dt and F `ds is illustrated in the apparent
contradiction between the fact that an object moving a given distance down a given incline
experiences the same force and therefore the same acceleration over that distance whatever
its initial velocity, although we observe that it experiences less of a velocity change
when initial velocity is higher.
- This apparent contradiction is
resolved when we realize that it is the product F `ds that is the same for all initial
velocities, but that this product (the work) is associated with a change in v^2
(associated with KE).
- The change in v (proportional to
the momentum) is associated with the product F `dt (the impulse).
- Since on the incline `dt is less
for greater initial velocity, there will be less impulse F `dt and hence less change in
momentum mv and less change in v.

It is not always the case that the force acting on object is constant.
- Typically in a collision the force starts at 0 when the colliding objects first make
contact, increases to some maximum Fmax, then decreases to 0 again.
- The change in force with clock time is usually not linear, but we first postulate a
linear change from 0 to Fmax and back to 0.
We wish to determine what the impulse of such a variable force might be.
Since the impulse of constant force is F `dt, the impulse of a force which changes
linearly from 0 to Fmax might be thought of as the product of the average force Fave and
- Since the average force in the
case of a linear change would be (0 + Fmax) / 2 = 1/2 Fmax, we see that the average force
in the situation below must be 1/2 Fmax (the preceding argument clearly applies just as
well when the force decreases from Fmax to 0).
- The impulse of the force shown in
the figure below therefore should be 1/2 Fmax * `dt.
- We note that this impulse is
therefore equal to the area under the force v. clock time graph.

A more realistic F vs. t graph is shown below.
- The dotted lines represent a
linear increase from F = 0 to Fmax, then a linear decrease back to 0.
- It should be clear that the areas
beneath the two graphs are approximately equal, and that we can still therefore assume
that the average force is Fave = 1/2 Fmax and the impulse is 1/2 Fmax `dt.

Phy 241 students should note that the impulse of a force is simply the integral
of that force with respect to time, represented by the area under the force vs. clock time