
Class Notes Physics I, 10/21/98

Vectors; Forces





Imagine a force of 70 Newtons acting on a large smooth block of ice resting on a smoothly frozen lake or skating rink.

This force is completely equivalent to the application of the two component forces Fx = 70 N cos (30 deg) = 60 N (approx.) in the x direction and Fy = 70 N sin (30 deg) = 35 N in the y direction.


If a second force having magnitude 40 N and angle of 115 degrees from the positive x axis, is also applied, its effect will be equivalent to that of its components Fx = -17 N (approximately) and Fy = 36 N, as shown below.


If the two forces are applied simultaneously, the situation is as shown below.

  • The 60 Newton x component of the first force is partially resisted by the -17 Newton x component of the second force. The resulting force in the x direction is therefore 60 Newtons + (-17 Newtons) = 43 Newtons.
  • The 35 Newton y component of the first force is enhanced by the 36 Newton y component of the second force, resulting in a total y force of 35 N + 36 N = 71 N.

The result of applying the two original forces is therefore the same as that of a 43 Newton force in the x direction and a 71 Newton force in the y direction.



We can of course replace these two forces by a single force.


We can represent the original forces and the resultant force as in the figure below.


Vectors can also be applied to velocities, momenta, and a variety of other quantities other than force.

Consider the problem of finding the magnitude and angle of the velocity of a projectile 1 second after it is projected in the horizontal direction with a velocity of 5 m/s.


We can easily determine the x and y components of its velocity at this instant.


We thus conclude that after 1 second the velocity of the object will be 11 m/s at 297 deg.



Vectors are also used to represent momentum, which always has a direction (the direction of the momentum of any moving object is the same as that of its velocity).

Consider the situation shown below, where a 5 kg object is moving in the x direction at 10 meters per second, toward a collision with a 12 kg object moving at seven meters per second and angle of 212 degrees has measured from the positive x axis.

The figure below shows the two momenta in purple, and the components of the two momenta in red.


At the top of the figure below we show only the components of the two momenta.




The magnitude of the total momentum is easily calculated by the Pythagorean Theorem.

If we wish to find the common velocity of the objects after collision, we need only divide their total momentum by their total mass.


We now consider what happens when a coffee filter is dropped. As we saw in class when the filter is dropped it very quickly reaches a constant (terminal) velocity and drifts down to the floor at that velocity.


The result is that as velocity increases, the net force acting downward on the coffee filter decreases and the acceleration of the filter therefore decreases.

We also note that mathematically, we will never actually reach terminal velocity. Terminal velocity will be approached as an asymptote. In physical terms weekend and do in this case approached terminal velocity so close that no possible physical measurement will show the difference.



The top picture below shows several 'frames' in which we see the increasing air resistance R, constant gravitational force W and increasing air resistance R.



The figure below depicts an Atwood's machine, consisting of two weights suspended over a light low-friction pulley by a light string.

If one mass is greater than the other, experience tells us that the system will tend to accelerate in the direction of the greater mass.

We solve this problem by considering the system in this situation to consist of the weights and the string.

We will next consider what forces act on the system.


If there is no friction in the pulley the total force on the system will just be the sum of the weight forces.

To determine the acceleration of the system, we divide the net force on the system by the mass of the system.


