Experiments 1-4

Note:  It is suggested the Experiments 1, 2 and 3 be done in the same session.

Experiment 1:  Measuring Temperature with an Uncalibrated Thermometer

Using an uncalibrated thermometer and a ruler we measure the temperatures of freezing and boiling water and room temperature.  Using the linearity of the Celsius scale and appropriate assumptions about thermometer we infer the Celsius temperature of the room.

In this experiment you will use an uncalibrated thermometer (one with no marks on it) and a ruler to obtain reasonably accurated indications of temperatures according to different temperature scales.

Given an uncalibrated thermometer and a plastic ruler, obtain a sample of ice water and a sample of boiling water and demonstrate that the temperature of the ice water is less than that of the boiling water, and that the temperature of your room lies between that of ice water and of boiling water.

If you assume that the temperature of the ice water was 0 Celsius while that of the boiling water was 99 Celsius (as is the approximately the case at the elevation of VHCC), then what do your data indicate is the Celsius temperature of the room?

If you assume that the temperature of the ice water was 32 Fahrenheit while that of the boiling water was 210 Fahrenheit (as is the approximately the case at the elevation of VHCC), then what do your data indicate is the Fahrenheit temperature of the room?

Experiment 2:  Thermal Content of Water, Steel, Rock

Using the uncalibrated thermometer and ruler we measure the temperature of a known quantity of water before a sample previously immersed in boiling water is introduced into the system.  We then measure the temperature of the water after the new system has come to equilibrium.  From the masses of the water and the sample we estimate the thermal energy content, per Celsius degree per gram of the substance, as a fraction of that of water.

In this experiment you will determine how much thermal energy is required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of steel, then of stone, by 1 degree Celsius, given the amount of thermal energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

Place the large steel washer in boiling water and leave it there for at least 5 minutes. Do not let the washer come in contact with the bottom or sides of the container in which you are boiling the water--the washer should be in contact with just the water.  (Suggestion:  Suspend the washer by a thread).

In a Styrofoam cup place approximately a 1 cm depth of water at room temperature , being sure that there is enough water to cover the washer and the bulb of the thermometer and to permit stirring of the water.

Now analyze the energy transfers between water and washer:

Repeat this experiment for a small rock whose mass is approximately that of the washer.

Experiment 3:  Heat of Fusion of Water

By measuring temperatures before and after introducing a known amount of ice at its melting point in a known amount of water we determine the thermal energy per gram required to melt ice at its melting point.

In this part of experiment 3 you will determine how much thermal energy must be added, per gram of ice at 0 C, to melt the ice into water at the same temperature.

In a Styrofoam cup place approximately 200 ml of hot water.

Obtain approximately 1 cup of fine powdered snow, if possible, or 1/4 cup of finely chopped ice.

If you use ice, dry it as much as possible with paper towels before placing it in the hot water.

Analyze your results to determine how many Joules of thermal energy were transferred from each gram of the ice or snow to the water that was originally in the cup, before and after melting.

Experiment 3.5:  Specific Heat by Deflection of Temperature Relaxation Curve

By  first observing the time dependence of the temperature of a sample of ice water in a constant-temperature room, then by observing the discontinuous 'jog' in the curve which results from the introduction of a sample of known mass and temperature, we infer the specific heat of the sample.

(required for Physics 201 and 241 only; optional for Physics 121)

In this experiment we will observe Newton's Law of Cooling.  

We will then use our understanding of temperature relaxation curves to devise a way to compensate, when measuring specific heats, for the unavoidable thermal energy transfers between the system being observed and its environment.

iimage15.gif (5288 bytes)iimage17.gif (4838 bytes)

The first two graphs shown above depict temperature vs. clock time for an ice water sample into which a warm rock is added near clock time t = 28 minutes, after the ice has melted. The second graph is a continuation of the first, after approximately a 1-minute lapse. The 'new' clock time starts at the end of this 1-minute lapse.  Note the 'gap' in the temperature corresponding to the 1-minute delay.

image18.gif (3997 bytes)

The third graph depicts temperature vs. clock time for the same amount of water without the addition of the rock.

The graph shown below depicts the temperature response when a metal washer is introduced to the water. 

image19.gif (4920 bytes)

Experiment 4

Using a U-shaped length of plastic tubing sealed at one end and inserted through a stopper in a soft drink container at the other, with a column of liquid between the sealed end and the container, we measure the volume of the air column in the sealed end of the tube as a function of the temperature in the container.  From these measurements we estimate absolute zero.

In this experiment you will observe how the air pressure in a sealed container of fixed volume depends on temperature.

As shown on the video clip, insert the stopper and pressure tube into a 3-liter plastic soft drink bottle. Note that the pressure tube is sealed at one end and has an air space at this end, with the air space blocked by water in the U part of the tube.

Measure the length of the air column in the tube with the entire system at room temperature.  Record room temperature.

Analyze your results.

Consider possible sources of error and uncertainty in your experiment.