Experiments 5-9

Experiment 5:  PE Changes and Flow from a Container

Experiment 6:  Continuity Equation and Bernoulli's Principle

Experiment 7:  Terminal Velocity of an Object in a Fluid

Experiment 8: Bottle Engine I

Experiment 9: Bottle Engine II

Experiment 5:  PE Changes and Flow from a Container

From the range of a horizontally directed flow out of a container, we can determine the horizontal velocity of the water as it flows from the container by considering each water particle as a projectile. We can correlate this velocity of flow with the depth of the water as measured from the point which the water flows from the container.

Set up the container above a level surface as shown on the video clip, and note the vertical distance from the outflow hole to the floor or the ground.

Analyze your results.

Make sense of your results.

Analyze errors and uncertainties.

Phy 242 Exercise:  Write and, using DERIVE, solve the differential equation relating depth y to the rate dy/dt at which depth changes for a uniform cylinder of cross-sectional area A from a hole of radius rCompare your results to observed depth vs. clock time.

Experiment 6:  Continuity Equation and Bernoulli's Principle

Using the tube apparatus described in the video clip, we will observe the velocity and corresponding pressure changes as water flows through a series of tubes.

Begin by holding the apparatus under a faucet, as shown, and keep the top end full. Notice whether the water in the clear tubes rises or falls as the faucet fills the apparatus.

Now determine the exit velocity of the water from the lower tube:

Determine the water velocities in the apparatus just before and just after the passageway narrows.

Determine the difference in pressure, and the difference in .5 `rho v^2, before and after the narrowing.

Answer the following:

It is a common experience that when an object is dragged through the water, the faster we drag it the more force of water resistance we counter.

In this experiment we attempt to determine the drag force vs. velocity function for a marble rising in a tube of water.

We will use an Atwood machine with a marble suspended by a thread on one side of the pulley and a series of different hanging weights on the other.

Begin by setting up the Atwood machine and the water cylinder as shown on the video clip.

Analyze your results.

Answer the following questions:

Experiment 8:  Bottle Engine I

SAFETY NOTE:  This experiment involves working with hot water. Take the care you usually do when working with hot water in order to avoid injury to yourself or damage to your property. If you cannot perform this experiment safely, contact the instructor for an alternative.

As demonstrated on the video clip, you will

Begin by assembling the apparatus:

While the system is at room temperature take the readings you will need to determine the length of the air column in the pressure gauge and the temperature of the air in the bottle as indicated by the thermometer.

Now raise the temperature of the system just enough to raise the water to the end of the long tube, at a height of 50 cm relative to the water level in the bottle.

Now position a large cup or a bottle to catch the water that flows out of the high end of the tube.

Measure the mass of water you have collected at the 50 cm height. You may use the balance in order to weigh the water, or perhaps more conveniently you can measure the number of fluid ounces of water in the cup and multiply by the approximately 28 ml per ounce, which corresponds to 28 grams per ounce. Note that a tablespoon contains 14 ml and a teaspoon contains 1/3 that amount.

Determine the Kelvin temperature, the volume of the air in the container, and the pressure in Pa at three stages in the process:

Determine the amount of work done by the system and the thermal energy added to the system.

Determine the efficiency of the system, defined as the ratio of the useful work done by the system to the thermal energy put into the system.

Sketch and analyze a graph of the pressure of the gas vs. its volume.

Apply Bernoulli's equation to determine the pressure required to raise the water to the 50 cm height and relate your results to the Ideal Gas Law..

Summarize your results and speculate on possible sources of error.

Experiment 9:  Bottle Engine II

Before doing this experiment, set one or more containers containing a total of at least 4 liters of water in the room in which the experiment will be conducted and leave them there for at least 6 hours so they will come to room temperature.   As an alternative, use a mixture of warm and cool water to obtain at least 4 liters of water at room temperature (use your thermometer to measure room and water temperatures and adjust until the temperatures are equal).

In the preceding experiment with the bottle engine, we analyzed the energy of the system as it moved through 3 states. These states were

Begin by speculating on the answers to the following questions:

The actual experiment is fairly simple, though it takes awhile.

Using at least four different heights, see how much water is raised, using the same initial state, and using hot water (between 60 and 80 Celsius) at the same temperature each time.

Analyze your results:

Design an experiment to determine the effect of maximum temperature on maximum possible efficiency.