Experiments 5-9
From the range of
a horizontally directed flow out of a container, we can determine the horizontal
velocity of the water as it flows from the container by
considering each water particle as a projectile. We can
correlate this velocity of flow with the depth of the water as
measured from the point which the water flows from the container.
Set up the container above a level surface as shown on the video clip,
and note the vertical distance from the outflow hole to
the floor or the ground.
- Fill the container to maximum depth. Let a brief stream of
water flow from the hole and take the data necessary to determine the maximum
range of the stream.
- Repeat for 6 depths equally distributed between depth 0 and
maximum depth.
Analyze your results.
- Make a table of maximum stream range vs. water depth.
- For each maximum stream range, determine the velocity
of the water, assuming that each water particle is a projectile falling
freely to the floor.
- Make a table of the velocity of the outflowing water
vs. its depth relative to the hole, and construct a graph of
outflow velocity v vs. depth y.
- Linearize your table using an appropriate power function
transformation of the velocity column. Determine the power of
the power function that gives you the best linearization.
- From the power that gives the best linearization,
determine the function v = k y ^ p that models outflow velocity v
vs. depth y.
- Linearize your table in another way by constructing a
table of log(v) vs. log(y). Construct a graph of log(v)
vs. log(y) and determine the slope m and the vertical-axis intercept
b of your graph. The resulting model will be v = 10^b * y ^ m. Compare
this model with your previous model.
Make sense of your results.
- Suppose that water depth is 10 cm. Then in some short
time interval, if water is flowing out of the hole, 1
gram of water at the 10-cm position above the hole will be replaced
by 1 gram of water flowing out of the hole.
- What is the potential energy, relative to the hole, of the 1
gram of water at the 10-cm position above the hole?
- What is the potential energy, relative to the hole, of the 1
gram of outflowing water that replaces the 1
gram at the 10 cm position?
- What therefore is the corresponding change in the potential
energy of the system?
- By conservation of energy, what should be the kinetic energy
change of the system?
- If the kinetic energy resides in the 1 gram of water
that escapes the hole, what must be the velocity of that bit of water?
- Repeat this analysis for an unspecified small mass `dm at
vertical position y relative to the hole, as is replaced over
short time interval by an equal small mass flowing out of the hole. From energy
conservation determine the velocity of that small mass of water as
it exits the hole.
- Do you expect that any energy is dissipated in the form of thermal
energy as the water flows from the hole?
- To your table of outflow velocity vs. water depth, add a column for the
ideal outflow velocity at each depth, as predicted by
your analysis of energy exchanges.
Analyze errors and uncertainties.
- According to your table of actual vs. ideal outflow velocities,
what percent of the expected kinetic energy is actually
present at each depth?
- Energy must be conserved. The potential energy changes must be manifested
somewhere in the system. Clearly the lost PE is not
all going into the kinetic energy of the outflowing
water. What has happened to the potential energy loss not
accounted for by outflowing kinetic energy?
- How might you design an experiment, given sufficiently accurate
instruments, to verify your conjecture about where the unaccounted-for
energy goes?
Phy 242 Exercise: Write
and, using DERIVE, solve the differential equation relating depth
y to the rate dy/dt at which depth changes for a uniform
cylinder of cross-sectional area A from a hole of
radius r. Compare your results to observed
depth vs. clock time.
6: Continuity Equation and Bernoulli's Principle
Using the tube apparatus described
in the video clip, we will observe the velocity and corresponding pressure
changes as water flows through a series of tubes.
Begin by holding the apparatus under a faucet, as shown, and keep
the top end full. Notice whether the water in the clear tubes rises or
falls as the faucet fills the apparatus.
- Is the water in the tubes higher before or after the
passageway narrows? Do you therefore conclude that the water
pressure in the tube is greater before or after the passageway
- Does the water level in the tubes increase or decrease
as water flows toward the open end of the lower tube? Do you
therefore conclude that water pressure is increasing or decreasing
as water flows down the tube?
- Adjust the faucet so that the tube just barely remains full. Record the
height of the water in each clear tube.
- Turn the faucet on as far as possible without creating a major mess.
Record the height of water in each clear tube.
Now determine the exit velocity of the water from the lower
- Position the apparatus so that the lower tube is really horizontal, and
is resting at a known distance above a horizontal surface.
- Using a milk jug or some other container, fill the apparatus with water
and keep it full until you have determined the range of
the stream as it arcs to the ground.
- Treating the water stream as a projectile determine its horizontal
Determine the water velocities in the apparatus just before and
just after the passageway narrows.
- The velocity just after the passageway narrows will equal the horizontal
velocity of the water stream as it exits.
- From the relative diameters of the passageway before and
after it narrows, determine the velocity of
the water stream before the narrowing.
Determine the difference in pressure, and the difference in .5
`rho v^2, before and after the narrowing.
- Determine the pressure that results from the vertical column in
the clear tube before narrowing, using the height of the
column and the density of water.
- Determine the same quantites based on the height of
water in the clear tube after narrowing.
- Using the velocities before and after narrowing determine
the corresponding values of .5 `rho v^2, where `rho = 1000 kg/m^3 is the
mass density of water.
- By how much does the pressure change as the water crosses the
narrowing section?
- By how much does .5 `rho v^2 change as the water crosses the
narrowing section?
- What do you conclude about pressure change and change in .5
`rho v^2?
- Using the heights of water in the clear tubes in the
last segment of the lower section, make a graph of water pressure
vs. distance along the lower tube. Describe your graph.
Answer the following:
- Why does the water level in the clear tubes increase
or decrease, as the case may be, as the water flows toward
the open end?
- Explain the differences in the values observed when the tube was
just barely kept full and those observed when the tube was filled
by a forceful stream of water.
It is a common experience that when an object is dragged through
the water, the faster we drag it the more force of
water resistance we counter.
In this experiment we attempt to determine the drag force vs. velocity function
for a marble rising in a tube of water.
We will use an Atwood machine with a marble suspended
by a thread on one side of the pulley and a series of different hanging
weights on the other.
- For each hanging weight total, you will use a pendulum timer to
determine position vs. clock time as the weight descends from
rest pulling the marble upward through the water.
- From your position vs. clock time curves you will determine the various
terminal velocities of the marble as it is subjected to different forces.
- From this information you will determine the drag force on the marble
vs. its velocity through the water.
Begin by setting up the Atwood machine and the water cylinder as
shown on the video clip.
- As shown on the clip, find the mass that must be added to the other
side of the Atwood machine, with the marble suspended in the
water, to just overcome the friction in the
- Now add a mass of 2 grams to the hanging mass and
observe how the mass descends, at first increasing its velocity
but then maintaining a constant velocity.
- Using the pendulum timer, as shown on the video clip, determine the
time required for the marble to ascend from rest through distances of 15,
30, 45 and 60 cm.
- Add an additional 2 gram mass and repeat your trial.
- Twice more, increase the hanging mass by 2
grams and repeat.
Analyze your results.
- For each of the four hanging mass totals,
- use your data to determine the time required to travel the first,
second, third and fourth 15-cm. distances.
- For each 15-cm. interval determine the midpoint clock time,
as measured from the instant the system was released, for that interval.
- Determine the average speed of the marble on each 15-cm
- Graph the average speed of the marble on an interval vs. the midpoint
clock time of that interval.
- From each graph determine whether the marble reached the terminal
velocity, and determine what the terminal velocity is for that
amount of hanging mass.
- For each amount of hanging mass, determine the net force exerted by the
mass in excess of friction.
- Make a table showing the net force on the marble vs.
the terminal velocity of the marble.
- Sketch a graph of terminal velocity vs. net force.
- Is your graph linear?
- Find the power function F = A v^p that best fits your
table and your graph.
Answer the following questions:
- Why would you expect that the net force on
the marble is equal to the weight hanging on the Atwood machine in excess
of the frictional force on the system?
- From your data, and from your model,
would you conclude that doubling the velocity of the marble approximately
doubles the drag force on it, more than doubles the
drag force or less than doubles the drag force? Speculate on why
it should be so.
SAFETY NOTE: This experiment involves working with hot
water. Take the care you usually do when working with hot water in order to avoid
injury to yourself or damage to your property. If you cannot perform this
experiment safely, contact the instructor for an alternative.
As demonstrated on the video clip, you will
- Use the tendency for a heated gas to increase its pressure and/or
to expand in order to perform work by increasing the potential
energy of a measurable quantity of water.
- Measure the quantities needed to determine the change in the water's potential
energy, then you will calculate the amount of thermal energy required
to increase the temperature of the gas.
- Observe the state of the system (its temperature,
pressure and volume) at various stages,
and you will make comparisons between what you observe and
the predictions of Bernoulli's Equation and the Ideal
Gas Law.
- Construct a P vs. V graph of the process and interpret
the graph.
Begin by assembling the apparatus:
- Pour 16 fluid ounces plus three tablespoonfuls of
water (1.5 additional fluid ounces, for a total of 17.5 fluid ounces) into a 2-liter
bottle. Note that 17.5 ounces is very close to 500 ml, to that this this
will leave 2000 ml - 500 ml = 1500 ml of air in the bottle.
- Calibrate the 'thermometer on a stick' using ice water
and boiling water, and insert the thermometer into
the bottle.
- As shown on the video clip, remove the stoppers from
the ends of the thin tubes, except for
the one required to seal the end of the tube to be used as a pressure
gauge. Being careful not to spill the alcohol solution in the pressure-gauge
tube, insert the stopper into the top of the bottle.
- Attach the pressure gauge tube to a convenient measuring
device (e.g., the pendulum stand). As shown on the video clip, you may carefully
adjust the level of the alcohol column so as to
maximize the length of the air column in
its end.
- Place the bottle in the deep pot or crock to which you will be adding
hot water in order to heat the system.
- Be sure that the lower end of the long tube is lying
on the bottom of the bottle, covered by
water. Raise the other end of the long
tube to a height of 50 cm above the level of the water
in the bottle, and be sure that no part of the tube is higher than
this level.
While the system is at room temperature take the
readings you will need to determine the length of the air column in
the pressure gauge and the temperature of the air in the
bottle as indicated by the thermometer.
Now raise the temperature of the system just enough
to raise the water to the end of the long
tube, at a height of 50 cm relative to the water level in the
- Add hot but not boiling water to the pot.
The temperature of the water should be approximately 60 C - 80 C, hot but
significantly below boiling.
- While holding down the bottle slowly add hot water to the pot, watching
the elevation of the water in the tube. The water should rise
slowly as you add more and more water. When the water is nearly at
the 50 cm height, stop adding hot water and do whatever
is necessary to keep the liquid at that level for
two minutes (e.g., if the liquid begins to rise further, threatening to
overflow, you can raise the bottle slightly so that less hot water is in contact with the
- With the water at the 50 cm height, read the thermometer to
determine the temperature of the gas, and take the data you will need to determine
the pressure (i.e., to determine the length of the air column in
the pressure gauge).
Now position a large cup or a bottle to catch the water
that flows out of the high end of the tube.
- Still holding the bottle down, slowly add more hot water until the pot
is full. Observe the pressure gauge and the thermometer
every 30 seconds, until water stops flowing from
the end of the tube.
- Remove the bottle from the water and set it aside.
Measure the mass of water you have collected at the 50 cm
height. You may use the balance in order to weigh the water, or perhaps more
conveniently you can measure the number of fluid ounces of water in the cup and multiply
by the approximately 28 ml per ounce, which corresponds to 28 grams per ounce. Note that a
tablespoon contains 14 ml and a teaspoon contains 1/3 that amount.
Determine the Kelvin temperature, the volume of the air
in the container, and the pressure in Pa at three stages
in the process:
- At the beginning, when everything was at room temperature and
atmospheric pressure,
- at the point when the water was at the top of the tube and before
it started flowing out, and
- at the time when the water stopped flowing.
Determine the amount of work done by the system and the thermal
energy added to the system.
- The work done is the potential energy increase of the
water. Recall that the potential energy increase is equal to the product of the weight of
the water and the altitude to which it was raised, relative to its starting point.
- From the original 1500 ml volume, the room temperature and
the assumption of atmospheric pressure (100,000 Pa at Southwest Va.
altitude), determine the number of moles of air in the system.
- It requires approximately 5/2 R = 5/2 * 8.31 Joules / (mole Kelvin) to increase
the temperature of air at constant
volume, and 7/2 R to increase the temperature of air at constant
- Assuming that there was no significant increase in volume as
the water rose in the thin tube (i.e., that the volume
of the tube was very small in proportion to that of the container, which is pretty much
the case) and before water started flowing out of the tube, and that as the water
flowed out of the tube the pressure remained constant,
determine how much thermal energy must have been added to
the system.
Determine the efficiency of the system, defined as the ratio of
the useful work done by the system to the thermal energy put
into the system.
Sketch and analyze a graph of the pressure of the gas
vs. its volume.
- Locate three points on the graph, corresponding to the
pressure and volume at the beginning,
at the point when water reached the top of the tube, and
at the point when water stopped flowing from the tube.
- Connect these points in the matter that seems most
- Describe your graph and your reasoning regarding its
- Determine the area under the graph and above the horizontal axis, in
units of Pa * m^3.
- Show that the units of area are in fact units of
energy, and explain how the area is related to
an energy change observed in the experiment.
Apply Bernoulli's equation to determine the pressure required
to raise the water to the 50 cm height
and relate your results to the Ideal Gas Law..
- This calculation is straightforward. Fluid velocity is negligible
so only changes in `rho g h and P are relevant.
- Compare a point at the top of the tube to a point at
the level of the water surface in the container.
- Compare this predicted pressure with the pressure you observed.
- What Kelvin temperature would be required to build
this much pressure in the system, given the starting temperature (i.e.,
room temperature)?
Summarize your results and speculate on possible
sources of error.
Before doing this experiment, set one or more containers
containing a total of at least 4 liters of water in the room
in which the experiment will be conducted and leave them there
for at least 6 hours so they will come to room temperature.
As an alternative, use a mixture of warm and
cool water to obtain at least 4 liters of water at room
temperature (use your thermometer to measure room and water temperatures and
adjust until the temperatures are equal).
In the preceding experiment with the bottle engine, we analyzed the energy
of the system as it moved through 3 states.
These states were
- The original state, which we will call State 1, at room
temperature, volume 1500 ml and atmospheric pressure.
- The state at which the water column just reached its maximum
height, which will call State 2, in which the pressure and
temperature of the system have increased without a
significant increase in the 1500 ml volume.
- The state at which the system reaches its maximum temperature, which
will call State 3, in which the pressure is still that
required to raise the water to its maximum height, the temperature
is maximized (as high as we can get it with the given water
temperature), and the volume of the system has increased to
its maximum with result that water has been displaced.
Begin by speculating on the answers to the following questions:
- Given the initial temperature (room temperature) and water
temperature, how would the amount of work done by the system change
as the height to which the water is raised is changed?
- Note that for these temperatures there is a limit to how much the
system can expand, and therefore to how much water can
be raised; it follows that if the water is raised only a small
distance, not much work is done.
- There is also a limit to how far water can be raised given these
temperatures, and that if we raise the water to this limiting height very little
water will be raised so that very little work is
- So what would a graph of work done vs. height look
- For the given initial temperature and water temperature, how do the State 2
pressure and temperature depend on the height of
which water is raised?
- How would the P vs. V graph of the system, as it moves from State
1 to State 2, compare for a trial in which
water is is raised to a small height and for a trial
in which water is raised to a much greater height?
- How does the temperature required for State 2 affect
the amount of water raised? How therefore does the height to
which water is raised affect the amount of water raised?
- How would the P vs. V graph of the system, as it moves from State
1 to State 2 to State 3, compare for a trial in
which water is is raised to a small height and for a trial in which water
is raised to a much greater height?
- How would the area under the P vs. V graph change as a height
changes from a small height to various increasing
intermediate heights to a height near maximum?
- How do the changing shapes
of the graph reveal why, in the limits of 0 height and
of maximum height, no work is done?
- How would the maximum possible
amount of work done change if the maximum temperature was
increased to 1000 C (assuming a heat-resistant container
and a liquid like water that wouldn't vaporize)? How would the P vs. V graph
corresponding to maximum work change, and how would the area
of the maximum-work graph change?
- Would the amount of work done
increase by a greater or a lesser ratio than the amount
of thermal energy transferred to the gas? Would the efficiency
of the system therefore increase or decrease?
The actual experiment is fairly simple, though it
takes awhile.
Using at least four different heights, see how much water is
raised, using the same initial state, and using hot
water (between 60 and 80 Celsius) at the same temperature each
- Start each trial with the entire system at room temperature.
This includes the water in the bottle, which should be poured
from a container which you are sure is at room
- For the first trial fix the vertical tube so that its
open end is as high as possible. Raise the system to its maximum
temperature and measure the water height, the maximum
temperature of the system and the maximum pressure of
the system.
- For the second trial, replace the water in
the bottle (which will be much warmer than room temperature) and use a
height that is 90% of the maximum. Make sure that the hot water is at the
same temperature as in the first trial.
- Observe pressure and
temperature for State 2 and for State 3,
and collect and determine the weight of the water
that comes out of the tube at the 90% height.
- For the third trial, use a height that is 75% of
the maximum, and repeat the preceding step.
- For the fourth trial use a height that is 50% of the maximum,
and repeat as before.
- If time permits, repeat using a
height that is 10% of the maximum.
Analyze your results:
- For each trial determine the amount of work done to raise the
- For each trial determine the thermal energy added to the system between
State 1 and State 2, then between State 2 and
State 3 (recall that one process occurs at constant pressure and another
at constant volume, which affects the specific heat of the air,, which we assume to be
- For each trial sketch a graph of P vs. V and determine
the area under the graph.
- For each trial determine the efficiency of the engine.
- Sketch a graph of work done vs. height.
- Sketch a graph of efficiency vs. height.
- Estimate the maximum possible efficiency for this system at the
temperatures used, and the height at which you expect maximum
possible efficiency to be achieved.
Discuss possible sources of error in your experiment and their effect
on your conclusions.
Design an experiment to determine the effect of
maximum temperature on maximum possible efficiency.
- Describe how you would conduct an experiment to
determine the relationship between the maximum temperature of
the system and the maximum possible efficiency of the system.
- How would you expect maximum possible efficiency to change
with maximum temperature?
- For a given maximum temperature, how would room temperature affect
the maximum possible efficiency?