Module 1:  Preliminary Assignment - Assignment 10

Major Quiz over Module 1 is assigned as part of Assignment 10


1.  Observe a sequence of position vs. clock time events and present the results in a table.


Observe for a sequence ot (t, x) events: {(t_i,x_i) | 0 <= i <= n}  knowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics

·         x_i and t_i are the observed or actual position and clock time of an object moving along a line, relative to a fixed point on the line and an arbitrary instant of time.

·         n is the number of clock-time-and-position observations.

2.  For an observed series of position vs. clock time events relate position vs. clock time information to displacements and time intervals between consecutive events.


Relate {(t_i,x_i) | 0 <= i <= n} U {`dt_i, `dx_i | 1 <= i <= nknowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics

·         `dx_i = x_i – x_(i-1) is called the displacement on the ith interval

·         | `dx_i | is the distance moved by the object corresponding to the ith interval

·         `dt_i is the time increment, or time interval, or change in clock time, corresponding to the ith interval

3.  For an observed series of position vs. clock time events relate position vs. clock time information, displacements and time intervals between consecutive events, the definition of average rate of change, and the average rate of change of position vs. clock time for each interval.


Relate {(t_i,x_i) | 0 <= i <= n} U {`dt_i, `dx_i | 1 <= i <= n} U {definition of average rate} U {average rate of change of position with respect to clock time on ith interval, vAve_i, average velocity on ith interval}  knowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics

·         Average rate of change of A with respect to B on an interval is defined to be the change in A on the interval divided by the change in B on that interval.

·         The average velocity on an interval is defined to be the average rate of change of position with respect to clock time on that interval.

·         vAve_i stands for the average velocity on the ith interval.

4.  Relate position vs. clock time information to average velocity vs. midpoint clock time and acceleration at each clock time.


Relate {(t_i,x_i) | 0 <= i <= n} U {`dt_i, `dx_i | 1 <= i <= n} U {definition of average rate} U {average rate of change of position with respect to clock time on ith interval, vAve_i, average velocity on ith interval} U {t_mid_i, `dt_mid_i, approximate average rate of change of velocity between midpoints, approximate acceleration at t_i, a_Ave_i | 1 <= i <= n-1 knowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics

0.01 – 0.04 are sequenced, each being a superset of the preceding, with quantities new to the sequence underlined at each step

5.  Relate

  • uncertainty in measured quantity

  • value of measured quantity

  • percent uncertainty in measured quantity

  • uncertainty in value of a given power of measured quantity 

knowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics

6.  Relate

  • uncertainties in two measured quantities

  • values of measured quantities

  • percent uncertainties in measured quantities

  • percent uncertainty in product or quotient of measured quantities

  • uncertainty in sum or difference of measured quantities

knowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics

7.  Relate

measurement using given instrument

estimated precision of instrument

estimated accuracy of measurement

justification of estimate

 knowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics

8.  Estimate uncertainties in measured quantities as appropriate to means of measurement (ph1 background (see also ch 1), intro asst, asst 0 query, asst 1 query)  knowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics

9.  Relate

  • domino measurements with largest and smallest ruler

  • order of domino volumes

  • uncertainty in each measurement

  • uncertainty in volume calculation

  • uncertainty in order of volumes

knowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics

10.  Relate for n measurements of clock time t and position x for a uniformly accelerating object

  • percent uncertainty in x_i measurements

  • percent uncertainty in t_i measurements

  • percent uncertainty in inferred v_Ave_i

  • percent uncertainty in inferred a_Ave_i

  • percent uncertainty in slope of v_Ave_i vs. t_mid

knowledge of Physics I and prerequisite mathematics


11.  Precision and accuracy of measurements of various objects using ruler copies at various levels of reduction.

12.  Accumulation of error with successive difference quotients.

Identify and explain in terms of a simple example the proportionalities among dQ/dt (rate of thermal energy transfer), L (distance between points on a flow line), A_cs (cross-sectional area of flow) and `dT/`dx (temperature gradient).


Relate {dQ/dt, k, L, A_cs, dT/dx, T_1, T_2}

13.  Identify and explain in terms of a simple example the proportionalities among L_0 (the original length of an object), `dL (the change in its length due to thermal expansion), A_0 (original surface area), `dA (change in surface area), V_0 (original volume), `dV (chagne in volume) and `dT (the change in its temperature).


Relate {`dL, L_0, `dT, T_0, T_f, alpha, A_0, `dA, V_0, `dB, beta}

14.  Relate

  • c (specific heat of an object)

  • m (mass of the object)

  • `dQ (change in thermal energy of the object)

  • `dT (change in temperature of the object)

  • T_0 (initial temperature of the object)

  • T_f (final temperature of the object)

qa_2, class notes

15.  Relate for an isolated collection of n objects, where the subscript i refers to the i_th object, 1 <= i <= n

  • c_i (specific heat of the i_th object)

  • m_i (mass of the i_th object)

  • `dQ_i (change in thermal energy of the i_th object)

  • `dT_i (change in temperature of the i_th object)

  • T_0_i (initial temperature of the i_th object)

  • T_f (final temperature of the system

16.  For a single particle of mass m moving at speed v perpendicular to and colliding elastically with a piston of cross-sectional area A_cs, with time `dt between collisions, where p is the momentum, `dp the change in momentum during a collision, F_ave the average force and P_ave the average pressure on the piston:

  • Relate {m, v, p, `dp, `dt, F_ave}
  • Relate {m, v, p, `dp, `dt, F_ave, A_cs, P_ave}

17.  For a single particle of mass m moving at speed v perpendicular to and colliding elastically with the ends of a cylinder of cross-sectional area A_cs and length L, with time `dt between collisions, where p is the momentum, `dp the change in momentum during a collision, F_ave the average force and P_ave the average pressure on the piston:

  • Relate {m, v, L, p, dp, KE }  
  • Relate {m, v, L, `dt }
  • Relate {m, v, L, p, `dp, `dt, F_ave, KE, A_cs, P_ave}

18.  For a large number N of particles each of mass m_particle moving at speed v in a random direction in space, colliding elastically and end of a cylinder of cross-sectional area A_cs and length L, where F_ave is the average force and P_ave the average pressure on the end, KE_ave the average kinetic energy and v_Ave the (rms) average velocity of the particles, n the number of moles, U the total rotational and translational KE of the particles, T the absolute temperature, n the number of moles, R the gas constant, k the Boltzmann constanct, N_A Avagodro's number and the gas monatomic or diatomic:

  • Relate {m_particle, N, v, L, F_ave, A_cs, P_ave}  
  • Relate {T, m_particle, KE_ave, v_rms, N, n, U, C_p, C_v, monatomic/diatomic, R, k, N_A}

19.  Where in addition V is the volume, T_0, V_0, P_0, N_0 the initial temperature, volume, pressure and number of particles, `dT the change in absolute temperature, `dKE the change in KE, `dP the change in pressure, `dN the change in the number of particles

  • Relate {m, N, v, L, Fave, A_cs, P_ave, KE_ave, V, T}
  • Relate {direction of `dT, direction of `dKE, direction of `dP, direction of `dV, direction of `dN}
  • Relate {`dT as percent of T_0, `dP as percent of P_0, `dV as percent of V_0, `dN as percent of N_0, `dT/T_0, `dV/V_0, `dT/T_0, `dN/N_0 | percent changes are small }

20.  Relate, where T_1 and T_2 are the initial temperatures of equal amounts of gas and T_f the final temperature when mixed:

  •  {T_1, T_2, T_f}

21.  Relate, for two samples of gas in a divided container at equal pressure, where T, V, n, m are absolute temperature, volume, number of moles and mass,

  • {T_1, V_1, T_2, V_2, n_1, n_2, m_1, m_2, T_f}

22.  Relate, for two samples of the same gas in a divided container

  • {V_1, V_2, T_1, T_2, P_1, P_2, T_f}

23.  Relate, for a confined gas

  • {P, V, n, T}

24.  Relate, for a confined gas

  • {P_0, T_0, V_0, N_0, P_f, T_f, V_f, N_f}

25.  Relate for a capped-bottle system with an open tube, where A_cs is the cross-sectional area of the tube, V_bottle the volume of the bottle, `dV_tube the volume of water displaced into the tube, `dy the change in the water level in the tube.

  • {A_cs,`dL, V_bottle, `dV_tube, `dV_tube/V_bottle , `dV_tube/V_bottle (as %), `dy }

26.  Relate for a capped-bottle system with an open tube, where P is the pressure inside the bottle, `dy the change in the water level in the tube, squeeze is perceived force exerted when squeezing the bottle, P_atm, T the absolute temperature of the gas, V the initial volume of the bottle, `dV the change in volume ..

  • {P, `dy, squeeze}
  • {P, `dy, squeeze, P_atm}
  • {P, `dy, squeeze, P_atm,T, V, `dV}

27.  Relate Atm pressure:  {rho_water, y2 – y1, L_0, `dL, (V / V_0)_air_column, P_atm}  

28.  Relate {P, V, T, y2 – y1, L_0, L}  

29.  Relate {P_0, V_0, T_0, n, y_max, P_1, V_1, T_1, T_f, P_2, V_2, T_2, `dQ, `dPE, `dU, eff}

30.  Relate {P_0, V_0, P_f, T_f, adiabatic\isothermal, `dW, `dU, `dQ}

31.  Relate {n, R, mon/diam, C_p, C_v, `dT, `dQ}

32.  Relate {m, v, p, `dp, `dt, F_ave, A_cs, P_ave} 

Module 2, Assignments 10-22


1.  Relate for a traveling sine wave

  • lambda (wavelength)
  • f (frequency)
  • omega (angular frequency)
  • T (period)
  • A (amplitude)
  • 'time delay' between two points
  • equation of motion of point at end
  • equation of motion of arbitrary point
  • waveform at given instant t

2.  Relate for a an oscillation driven by two independent oscillators

  • f_1 (frequency of first oscillator)
  • f_2 (frequency of second oscillator)
  • f_beat (beat frequency)
  • n (number of beats occurring during time interval `dt)
  • `dt (time interval)

3.  Relate for longitudinal or transverse standing waves in a given object of given length

  • boundary conditions
  • positions of nodes and antinodes for fundamental oscillation
  • lambda_1 (wavelength of fundamental oscillation)
  • positions of nodes and antinodes for first n harmonics (n <= 4)
  • pattern of positions of nodes and antinodes for subsequent harmonics
  • positions of nodes and antinodes for nth harmonic
  • lambda_n (wavelength of nth harmonic)
  • c (propagation velocity)
  • f_n (frequency of nth harmonic)
  • A_max (amplitude of oscillation at antinode)
  • A(x) (amplitude at position x)
  • y(x, t) (position relative to equilibrium of point at position x along the object, at clock time t)
  • sketch of y(x) for given t
  • graph of y(t) for given x

4.  Relate for traverse standing wave in string or chain under uniform tension

  • T (tension)
  • c (propagation velocity)
  • m (total mass)
  • L (length)

5.  Relate

  • waveform y_1(x), given mathematically or graphically
  • waveform y_2(x), given mathematically or graphically
  • superposed waveform y_1(x) + y_2(x), constructed graphically
  • superposed waveform y_1(x) + y_2(x), represented mathematically
  • equation y_1(t, x) of traveling or harmonic wave
  • equation y_2(t, x)  of traveling or harmonic wave
  • equation of superposed wave

6.  Relate

  • traveling sine wave y_1(t, x) traveling in positive direction, traveling sine wave y_2(t, x) traveling in opposite direction, both with common propagation speed c, frequency f and amplitude A
  • evolution of waveform of superposed wave between two specified points
  • boundary conditions
  • number of harmonic
  • matching selection of points
  • evolution of cycle of given harmonic

7.  Relate

  • traveling wave incident on fixed or free boundary
  • reflected wave

8.  Relate for a wave traveling through a medium

  • amplitude
  • frequency
  • mass per unit length
  • energy per unit length
  • propagation velocity
  • power

9.  Relate (Doppler effect) for a wave created by a source moving with velocity v_s and observed by an observer moving with velocity v_o  through a medium in which propagation velocity of the wave is c

  • c
  • v_o
  • v_s
  • f
  • f ‘

10.  Relate for a sound wave

  • pressure amplitude
  • intensity
  • area
  • power of source
  • threshold intensity
  • decibel level

11.  Relate for an aluminum rod which is supported at its middle and free at both ends

  • length
  • frequency of fundamental harmonic of longitudinal wave
  • wavelength
  • propagation velocity of sound in aluminum
  • small change in position of support
  • change in beat frequency as proportion of original beat frequency

12.  Relate for two broken-line paths, each defined by three points in the coordinate plane

  • coordinates of the three defining points for each path
  • x and y intercepts of the paths
  • point(s) of intersection of the paths
  • triangles formed by paths with one another and with the coordinate axes
  • sets of similar triangles and relative dimensions

and apply to image formation by thin lenses.

13.  Relate for a thin converging or diverging lens

  • image distance
  • object distance
  • focal distance
  • magnification
  • nature of image
  • diagrams of principle rays

14.  Relate for a given point (x_0, 0) on the x axis of the coordinate plane, two points (0, y_1) and (0, y_2) on the y axis and a wavelength

  • length of path 1 from (x_0, 0) to (0, y_1)
  • length of path 2 from (x_0, 0) to (0, y_2)
  • difference in path lengths
  • difference in path lengths as a multiple of wavelength

15.  For points (0, -a/2) and (0, a/2) on the coordinate plane and a wavelength lambda < a

  • using a sketch depict the path difference corresponding to a distance observer, along paths making angle theta with the x axis
  • calculate the path difference
  • calculate the path difference as a multiple of lambda
  • determine angles for which the path difference is an integer multiple of lambda
  • determine angles for which the path difference is an integer multiple of lambda plus a half-wavelength
  • apply to situations involving the two-slit phenomenon

16.  Relate for two lenses

  • focal lengths
  • position of object with respect to first lens
  • position of image formed by first lens
  • position of second lens
  • position of image formed by second lens
  • characteristics of each image

17.  Relate for a plane wave incident from one medium at a plane interface with a second:

  • indices of refraction
  • angle of incidence
  • angle of refraction
  • speed of light in each medium

18.  Sketch and analyze the path of light incident on an reflected or refracted by a thin lens, a mirror or a prism.

19.  Sketch and analyze the path of light incident on a thick cylindrical interface.

20.  Analyze image formation by a combination of thin lenses.

21.  Analyze interference patterns for thin films, single slits, double slits and diffraction gratings.

22.  Explain how radio waves could be polarized when passing through a series of vertical or horizontal metal posts, and whether the resulting waves would be polarized vertically or horizontally.

23.  Calculate Brewster's angle for light incident from a medium with index of refraction n_1 on a smooth flat surface with index of refraction n_2.

Module 3, Assignments 23 - 33

1.  Relate for a sphere with a single point charge at its center, where phi is the electrostatic flux through the sphere, Q the charge, a the radius of the sphere, E the magnitude of the electric field at a point on the surface of the sphere, q a charge at distance r from the center, PE(r) the electrostatic potential energy of the system, V(r) the electrostatic potential at the position of q due to the charge Q.

{Q, phi, A, E, q, r, PE(r),  V(r)}

2.  Relate

{F, E, `ds, q, `dW_on, `dPE_elec, `dV}

where F is the force exerted on charge q at a certain position, E the field at that position, `ds a displacement of q small enough that the field E does not change significantly, `dPE_elec the change in the electostatic potential energy due to the displacement of q, `dW_on the done on q by the field during the displacement, `dV the change in electrostatic potential between the initial and final positions of q

3.  Relate for current I in a short segment of length `dL in a charge carrier in the presence of magnetic field B, where `dF is the force exerted by the field on the segment:

{I, B, `dL, `dF}

4.  Relate for a circuit element with resistance R, where I is the current through the element and V the potential difference across the element:

{I, R, V}

5.  Relate

{P, I, V, R}

for a circuit element with resistance R, where I is the current through the element and V the potential difference across the element, and P is the power required to maintain the current.

6.  Relate for long cylinder carrying an axially symmetric charge distribution of density lambda, where phi_E is the electrostatic flux of the distribution, a its radius and E the magnitude of the electric field at distance r from the cylinder (where the distance from the point to the nearest end of the cylinder is much greater than r): 

{Q_enclosed, lambda, L, phi_E, a, E, r}

7.  Relate for a plane distribution of constant charge density, at a point much closer to plane than to any of its edges: 

{`dA, sigma, `dQ, phi_E, N, E}

where sigma is the charge density, N a vector normal to the surface, `dA is the area of a cross section in a plane perpendicular to N of an appropriately positioned rectangular 'box' all of whose points are much closer to the plane than to any of its edges, `dQ the charge enclosed in the box, phi_E the electrostatic flux through an end of the box and E the electric field at the point.

8.  Relate for a parallel-plate capacitor in air, where A is the area of each plate, d the separation, E the electric field between the plates, V the potential difference between the plates, C the capacitance and Q the magnitude of the charge on each plate:

  • {A, d, E, V, Q, C}

9.  Relate for two conducting elements of the same material, each of constant cross-section both subject to the same potential difference V between its ends:

{A_cs_1, A_cs_2, I_1, I_2, L_1, L_2}

where A_cs indicates cross-sectional area, I current, L length of the conductor in the direction normal to the cross-section.

10.  Relate

{C, Q, I, R, V_s, V_c, `dt, `dQ, `dV_c},

for a series circuit consisting of a source, a capacitor and a resistance element, with V_s is the voltage of the source, C the capacitance, Q the charge on the capacitor, V_c the voltage of the capacitor, I the current, R the resistance, `dt a short time interval, `dQ the change in the charge on the capacitor, `dV_c the change in the voltage across the capacitor.

11.  Relate

{V, R_1, R_2, `dV_1, `dV_2, I_1, I_2}

for a series or a parallel circuit with two resistance elements, where V is the voltage of the course, R_1 and R_2 the two resistances, `dV_1 and `dV_2 the respective voltage drops, I_1 and I_2 the currents through the respective resistors.

12.  Relate for short current segment `dL, position r relative to `dL, the magnetic field contribution `dB at that position; theta is the angle of `dL with respect to r

{`dL, `dB, I, r, theta}

13.  Relate {I, orientation, a, B}  for a circular current loop of radius a in which a current I flows with a given orientation, B the magnetic field at the center of the loop.

14.  Relate for a plane region of area A, electric field of magnitude E whose angle with respect to the specified normal of the plane is theta,  phi_E the flux of the electric field through the region

{E, theta, A, phi_E}

15.  Solve problems related to voltage induced by changing magnetic flux.

16.  Explain self-induction.

17.  Relate for a plane region of area A, magnetic field of magnitude B whose angle with respect to the specified normal of the plane is theta,  phi_B the flux of the magnetic field through the region

{B, theta, A, phi_B}

18.  Relate for a plane region of area A, magnetic field of magnitude B whose angle with respect to the specified normal of the plane changes from theta_1 to theta_2 it time interval `dt,  phi_B_1 the flux of the magnetic field through the region at the beginning of the interval and phi_B_2 the same quantity at the end, `dPhi_B the change in flux, ave_Rate the average rate of change of flux with respect to clock time, V_ave the approximate average induced voltage:

{B, theta, A, phi_B_1, phi_B_2, `dPhi_B, ave_Rate, V_ave}

19.  Relate for charge q moving with velocity v in electric field E and magnetic field B, where F_E and F_B are the forces exerted by the respective fields

{q, E, B, v, F_E, F_B}

20.  Relate for segment `dL carrying current I, in the presence of magnetic field B, where `dF is the force exerted on the segment,

{`dL, B, I, `dF }

Module 4, Assignments 34 - 40

1.  Relate for an electron in a classical circular orbit about a proton, where m_e is the mass of electron, v its oribtal velocity, r its distance from the proton, F_coul the Coulomb attraction between the particles, F_centrip the classically-predicted centripetal force, KE and PE the kinetic and potential energies of the orbit (PE relative to infinite separation)

{m_e, v, KE, r, F_coul, F_centrip}

2.  Relate for the preceding situation with the additional quantization condition on angular momentum, where lambda and circumf are the deBroglie wavelength of the electron and circumf the circumference of the classical orbit

{m_e, v, KE, PE, r, F_coul, F_centrip, n, angular momentum, lambda, circumf}

3.  Relate where n_1 and n_2 are angular momentum quantum numbers, `dKE and `dPE the kinetic and potential energy changes for the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, f the frequency of the photon associated with the change in orbit

{n_1, n_2, `dKE, `dPE, f}

4.  Relate where E is the energy equivalent of mass m and c the speed of light

{E, m, c}

5.  Analyze masses of two given isotopes of a given element to determine if a given transition is possible.

6.  Given the information in a periodic table of elements and their isotopes, identify possible decay chains involving alpha, beta and gamma decays.

7.  Relate where E is the energy equivalent of mass m and c the speed of light, lambda the wavelength of a photon with equivalent energy

{E, m, c, lambda}

8.  Relate where N_p is the number of protons and N_n the number of neutrons in a nucleus, m_p and m_n the masses of proton and neutron (masses in SI units, AMU or equivalents), m_nucleus the mass of the nucleus, ' indicates properties of the resulting nucleus after a nuclear transition, m_defect the mass defect associated with the transition and E the energy released by the transition:

{N_p, N_n, m_p, m_n, m_nucleus, N_p', N_n', m_p, m_n, m_nucleus', E}

9.  Relate where N_p is the number of protons and N_n the number of neutrons in a nucleus, ' indicates properties of the resulting nucleus after a nuclear transition, and transitionType indicates the type of transition (alpha, beta, gamma)

{N_p, N_n, N_p', N_n', atomicNumber, atomicNumber', transitionType}

10.  Relate where all quantities have been defined in preceding objectives

{N_p, N_n, N_p', N_n', m_p, m_n, m_particle, atomicNumber, atomicNumber', transitionType}

11.  Relate where E_bind is total binding energy, E_per is binding energy per nucleon, other quantities as previously defined:

{E_bind, E_per, m_p, m_n, m_nucleus}

12.  Relate where v is the relative velocity of two reference frames, L and L ' the lengths of a given object as measured in the two frames, `dt and `dt' the time interval between two events as measured in the two frames, m and m ' the masses of a given object as measured in the two frames:

{v, c, L, L', `dt, `dt', m, m'}