
Physics II

Class Notes, 1/27/99

If the system depicted in the picture at left in the figure below consists of 2000 ml of air, supporting a column of water 1.11 meters high, then assuming that the system started at atmospheric pressure and 25 Celsius, what must be the temperature of the gas inside the bottle?

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To find T2 we invert the relationship P1 / T1 = P2 / T2 and plug in the appropriate quantities.

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If the system is now raised to a temperature of 80 C = 353 K, with the water at the 1.11 meter level permitted to flow out of the tube and into a reservoir that height, the gas will expand and the water flowing out of the tube is that displaced by the expansion.

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We note that work has been done by this thermal engine, since 140 ml water has been raised to a height of 1.11 meters above its original level.

We wish to see how much thermal energy was transferred to the system to accomplish this.


The thermal energy increase of the system is the amount of thermal energy added to increase the temperature of the gas.

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For a diatomic gas, such is the nitrogen or the oxygen that makes up most of the air around us (and in our system), the ideal values of Cv and Cp are 5/2 R and 7/2 R.

From these molar specific heats we will be able to determine the amount of thermal energy required to raise the temperature of the gas in the system.

We will then be able to determine the efficiency of our thermal engine, in terms of thermal energy required and useful work done.


We can use our system to raise water to any height, up to the maximum possible height dictated by the initial and final temperatures 297 K and 353 K of the system.

To determine the useful work done by the system, as temperature is raised from 297 K to 353 K and water is raised to altitude h, we consider the three states depicted below.

The first state is the initial state of the system, the second the state when the water first reaches the required altitude h, and the third the state when the final temperature the system reaches 353 K.

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To determine the work done by the system we first find the volume of the water raised:

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When applying Bernoulli's equation in state 2, we distinguish between the state of the gas and the state of the water by using A and B for the states of the water, used in Bernoulli's equation. Otherwise we might become confused between state 1 and state 2 of the gas and the two states of the water.

Looking at state 2, we let B be the state of the water at the open end of the tube and A the state at the surface of the water in the bottle.

Knowing every value of P, v and h except the pressure at A inside the bottle, we substitute the known values and easily determine this pressure in the bottle as indicated below.

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Following through the process we determine for various heights h the volume changes `dV indicated below.

From each height and volume change we can then determine the associated potential energy change.

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It is not difficult to determine the amount of thermal energy required to raise the n moles of gas from the initial to the final temperature:

The system in state 1 consisted of 2000 ml = .002 m^3 of diatomic gas at 297 K and pressure 100,000 Pa.

Had we used lower initial temperature and/or higher final temperature, assuming a container capable of withstanding these temperatures, we would have been able to raise water to much greater heights using less of the available temperature difference and, even though we would have required greater thermal energy to increase the temperature of the system, our gains in PE would have been even greater and much greater efficiencies would have been possible.
