
Physics II

Class Notes, 2/12/99

A .9 m metal rod in which longitudinal pulses travel with velocity 6000 m/s, supported by a magnetic field or in free fall so that its vibrations are not damped, will vibrat in such a way that the free endpoints will be antinodes.

By contrast, if one end of the rod is constrained to remain stationary while the other end is free, the entire length of the rod can consist of a node-antinode distance and the fundamental wavelength will therefore be 3.6 meters.

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The figure below shows how a complete cycle of a harmonic wave consists of four node-antinode pairs.

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For a string fixed at both ends, both ends will be nodes and the fundamental mode of vibration will consist of these two nodes with an antinode in the middle of the string.

The first overtone, or the second harmonic, will consist of four node-antinode pairs so that the wavelength will be equal to the length of the string.

The next overtone must contain an additional node-antinode pair, so that the string contains 6 node-antinode distances and the wavelength is therefore 2/3 L, which is 1/3 that of the fundamental.

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This pattern continues, adding a node-antinode pair for every subsequent harmonic.

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The ratios for a vibrating rod or air column for which one end is a node and the other an antinode can be easily found to be 3/1, 5/3, 7/5, etc..

On a keyboard, a doubling of frequency (an 'octave'), is achieved in 12 steps, with each key (white or black) having a frequency r = 2^(1/12) = 1.05946 (approx.) higher than the one to its left.

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