
Physics II, 4/30/99

Time Dilation; Source of Magnetic Field Revisited

Time Dilation

By considering a light beam bouncing between two mirrors, we show that if the speed of light is constant in all reference frames, then the time interval between reflections will be greater in a reference frame moving with respect to the mirrors than in a reference frame which is stationary with respect to the mirrors.  We obtain a time dilation factor 1 / `sqrt( 1 - v^2 / c^2).  We observe that a length contraction occurs, with a factor that is the reciprocal of the time dilation factor; that mass increases by the same factor as the time; and that simultaneity is not conserved between reference frames for events which occur at different places.

Source of Magnetic Field Revisited

By analogy with the expression for the electric field `dE = k `dq / r^2 of a charge `dq, we see the magnetic field `dB = k' I `dL / r^2 sin(`theta) of a wire segment of length `dL carrying current I as the result of the source I `dL, reduced from its 'perpendicular-direction value' k' I `dL / r^2 by factor sin(`theta).  We use this expression to find the magnetic field at the center of a wire loop.

Time Dilation

If you observe someone moving past you at a constant velocity vx, tossing a ball straight up and down as perceived from her frame of reference, then the ball will appear to you to move in a series of parabolic arcs, as indicated at the top of the figure below.

If on the other hand the ball is bouncing elastically from the floor to the ceiling of the vehicle in which the individual is riding, and bouncing at a high speed so that its speed is pretty much unchanging, then the path will be more of a sawtooth shape, as indicated in the figure.

If the vertical velocity of the ball has constant magnitude vy, then you will observe a ball velocity that is the vector some of the vertical velocity vy and horizontal velocity vx.

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Suppose now that you are in a rocket ship lost in space someplace, and another ship comes flying by you at a constant velocity vx in the x direction.

If the vertical distance between floor and ceiling is d, then you will observe the path from floor to ceiling then from ceiling to floor to follow a sawtooth pattern and to have some length s > d.

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Video Clip #01

A fundamental assumption of physics is that the laws of physics are the same as observed from any frame of reference.

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We compare the distances s and d.

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The distance along the light beam from floor to ceiling, as measured from your ship, is thus the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose legs are .5 v `dt' and d.

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The distance along the light beam from floor to ceiling, as measured from your ship, is thus the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose legs are .5 v `dt' and d.

We can solve the resulting equation for `dt'.

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Video Clip #02

Below we show a table of `dt' vs. v. As v -> c, `dt' becomes a larger and larger multiple of `dt, without limit.

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It also follows that the length of the passing ship will appear shorter to you than to the occupants of that ship.  The 'length contraction' factor is simply `sqrt( 1 - v^2 / c^2).

The mass of the ship, as measured by the force you observe to accelerate it at a given rate, will also increase as the relative speed of the ship increases.  The mass increase factor is the same as the time dilation factor.

The simultaneity of events will also be affected.  Events occuring at different locations that accurate detectors on the passing ship show to be simultaneous will not be simultaneous as measured by accurate detectors operated from your ship.

Video Clip #03

Source of Magnetic Field Revisited

The figure below depicts a short segment of wire, of length `dL, carrying a current I.  The point P lies at distance r from the segment, and in a direction perpendicular to the segment.  The distance r is much greater than the length `dL of the segment.

The magnetic field at P, due to the segment, is `dB = k' I `dL / r^2, where k' = 10^-7 Tesla / (amp meter).

If the point P lies along a vector originating at the segment, with the vector making angle `theta with the segment, then `dB will be as before, but with the 'correction factor' sin(`theta) reducing its magnitude.

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For a circular loop of radius r carrying a current I, the field at the center of the loop is easily found.

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Video Clip #04
