Initial Activities

This is the Initial Activities page for your course. 

You are hereby instructed to complete Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Initial Activities during the first week of your semester, which begins with the first official day of class.  You might also need to complete Part 4 during the first week (read on). 

You may begin work on the Initial Activities before the official first day of class.  You are in fact encouraged to get a head start, if your schedule permits.

You cannot expect to navigate or understand the course homepage without having first completed the Initial Activities.  You will be provided with a link to the course homepage in Step A3 of Part 3, below.  You may if you wish skip to that document and preview the homepage, but you will find it confusing unless you first work through the Initial Activities step by step.

You may if you wish scroll down about half a page to the menu (it's the part with the blue background) and simply begin following instructions and clicking on links.  If you want a little more of an overview of the process, read on.

Brief overview of Initial Activities:

Your Initial Activities are divided into four parts, as indicated below.  These three parts are

The course schedule typically allots about 1.5 weeks during a regular Fall or Spring term, and 1 week during the shorter Summer term, to the Initial Activities.  The course schedule, to which you will be introduced, will give you the specifics.

The time required to complete these activities varies widely from student to student.  However most students get to Item A3 of Part 3 within the first couple of hours, by which time they have a pretty good overall picture of the course, including the course homepage.

A more detailed overview of the Initial Activities:

You are expected to complete Parts 1, 2 and 3 during the first week of the Fall or Spring semester (during the shorter Summer semester you will be expected to complete Part 4 as well during the first week).  Having completed these assignments you will have seen the schedule for the remainder of the course, including Part 4, and will know how to complete assignments.  You will be expected to follow the schedule beginning in Week 2 of the semester.

The menu for the Initial Activities phase of your course follows.  For later reference, a copy of this menu is also easily found in the menu frame of your course homepage, to which you will be introduced during these activities.