Calculus II

Class Notes, 1/22/99

A Differential Equation

Strategies for Substitution

Integration by Parts

A Differential Equation

We wish to find h(t) = s for a velocity function v(t) = m g / k ( 1 - e^(-kt/m) ) for an object dropped from altitude h0.

Note that since the factor in parentheses is a pure number, m g / k must have units of velocity; note also that since k t / m is a pure number, the reciprocal of k / m must have units of time.

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Some Strategies for Substitution

To integrate the expression below, we are certainly inclined to make the substitution u = 2x - 3. However, its differential du = 2 dx doesn't provide much encouragement, since we have to account for (3x + 4) dx.

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If we wish to integrate sin^5(`theta), as indicated below, we are at first inclined to use the substitution u = sin(`theta), using the 'inner function' of the composite function. However, in this case we would obtain du = cos(`theta) d`theta, and we do not have a cosine factor available.

This strategy will work with any odd power of a sine or cosine function.

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Integration by Parts

If we apply the product rule to the product (u v), where u and v are two functions of the same single variable and the derivative is with respect to this variable, we obtain the equation in the first line below. We will rearrange this equation to obtain an expression for the integral of v' u:

The form in the last line is the formula for integration by parts, which will be illustrated with subseqjent examples.

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We apply the formula to the integral of x sin(x).

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A slightly more complicated example is shown below, in which we attempt to integrate x^2 e^x..

The integral in the resulting expression, as we have seen, involves a lower power of x than that in the original. However, we still cannot evaluate this integral any straightforward substitution.

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We can apply integration by parts the integral of ln(x), as in the example below.

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We can also apply integration by parts to find the integral of cos^2(`theta):

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However, if we persist we see that the integral of the squared cosine has difference signs on both sides. This suggests to we might add this term to both sides to obtain the equation in the third line below.

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To integrate the expression below, we might wish to let u = 1 - x^4.

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