Phy 121
Your 'cq_1_01.2' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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The problem:
Answer the following:
How accurately do you think you can measure the time between two events using the TIMER program?
answer/question/discussion: I do not quite understand the timer program's beginning reference point. the numbers to the left of the decimal point do not make much sense. If the numbers to the right of the decimal are seconds in minute frames then the program can be fairly accurate if the processor of the computer being used can respond as fast as the timer
What is the shortest time interval you think you would be able to measure with reasonable accuracy?
answer/question/discussion: 0.01. Anything beyond is too small
How does the percent error in timing intervals change as the time between the events gets smaller?
answer/question/discussion: The percent error increases due to response times between the hand eye movements of the operator and any other factor that may require the operators attention
How accurately are you able to measure the positions of the ball and the pendulum in the initial video?
answer/question/discussion: My measurements were only ballpark measurements. the blurr, the visual blockage of the object to the tape measure and the lack of detail (even with my glasses on) of the tapemeasure made accurate data frustrating
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15 minutes
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I fell that my answers are too basic. Are they suppose to be written on a higher discussion level?
Though it's clear that you understand these ideas, some of your answers could have been more quantitative.
The document in the link below will give you a better idea of how these answers might be quantified.
You need more detail in at least some of your answers to these questions.
This link also expands on these topics and alerts you to many of the common errors made by students in the first part of this course.