Most Basic Properties of Linear, Quadratic, Exponential Functions

You will need to thoroughly understand the graphs of the y = x, y = x^2 and y = 2^x functions.  Much of the Precalculus course is based on these functions.

You should be able to instantly sketch the graph of any of these functions.  Practice until you can do so without reference to these pictures.

Basic Points (defining points) of the Basic Linear Function y = x

Basic Points (defining points) of the Basic Quadratic Function y = x^2

Basic Quantities (defining quantities, two points and asymptote) of the Basic Exponential Function y = 2^x

Basic Points of the Basic Linear Function y = x

points_on_graph_of_basic_linear.gif (5924 bytes)lin_two_basic_points.jpg (19021 bytes)

lin_fn_def_by_two_basic_points.gif (7306 bytes)lin_fn_def_by_two_basic_points_contains_all_points.gif (7527 bytes)

Basic Points of the Basic Quadratic Function y = x^2


points_on_graph_of_basic_quad.gif (6052 bytes)quad_three-basic_points.gif (6156 bytes)


quad_parabola_def_by_three-basic_points.gif (7970 bytes)quad_parabola_def_by_three-basic_points_contains_all.gif (8231 bytes)

Basic Quantities (two points and asymptote) of the Basic Exponential Function y = 2^x

points_on_graph_of_basic_exp.gif (6109 bytes)exp_three_basic_quantities.gif (6710 bytes)


exp_graph_def_by_three-basic_quantites.gif (7952 bytes)exp_graph_def_by_three-basic_quantites_contains_all.gif (7923 bytes)