Stretching and Shifting Transformations applied to Linear, Quadratic, Exponential Functions

Before doing this exercise you need to be able to sketch the graphs of the basic functions and the basic-point graphs of their function families.

Shifting and Stretching the graph of the Basic Linear Function

Shifting and Stretching the graph of the Basic Linear Function

wpe17D.jpg (13819 bytes)shifted_lin_fn.gif (7590 bytes)shifted_lin_fn_basic_pts_define_fn.gif (7999 bytes)

doubled_lin_fn.gif (8341 bytes)doubled_lin_fn_basic_pts.gif (5960 bytes)doubled_lin_fn_basic_pts_define_fn.gif (7298 bytes)


shifted_and_stretched_lin_fn_basic_pts_and_graph.gif (9155 bytes)