
Submit all results in the manner established for previous experiments.

Experiment 7.  Measuring Masses

Using a balance constructed from pieces of shelf standard, balanced on a knife edge and with a brass damping cylinder partially submerged in water, we investigate the rotational displacement of the balance from equilibrium in response to the addition of small weights. We then use the balance with the mass set to precisely measure the masses of various objects.  See video clip on CD EPS01.

You have been supplied with a mass set and a crude but effective and precise balance. With this balance you can with reasonable accuracy determine the mass of an object by placing it on one side of the balance and adding masses from the mass set to achieve a balance. The balance is very sensitive to small changes in mass, capable of detecting changes on the order of .01 grams.

The mass set consists of masses of .1 gram, .2 gram, .3 grams, .5 gram, 1 gram, 2 grams, 3 grams, 5 grams, 10 grams, 20 grams, 30 grams, 50 grams and 100 grams. Using various combinations of these masses you can obtain any mass from .1 gram to over 200 grams, in increments of .1 gram. Each mass is accurate to within +-.5%.

Place the balance beam on the stand, balanced on the edge of the dulled blade, with the damping cylinder partially immersed in water.

Add enough water to the cup to increase the water level by approximately 1 cm.

Now we will observe what happens to the position of the beam when various masses are added to the balance at the position of the damping cylinder, and also when the same masses are added at a position opposite to the position of the damping cylinder.

The position of the beam in the absence of any added mass will be called the equilibrium position of the system. We will construct a graph to determine the displacement of the beam as a function of the mass added at the position of the cylinder.

Now you will use the balance to accurately determine the masses of various objects.

Hang the 'balance pans' at opposite ends of the beam, at equal distances from the balancing point.

Measure the masses of various objects.

Answer the following questions:

Experiment 8. Acceleration of a constant mass vs. net applied force gives a linear graph which can be extrapolated to obtain the acceleration of gravity.

Using weights suspended over pulleys we observe the acceleration due to different net forces on the mass of the friction car. A graph of acceleration vs. net force can be extrapolated to a force equal to the weight of the car. Since it is this force which accelerates the car in free fall, this extrapolated acceleration will be the acceleration of gravity..  See video clip on CD EPS01.

As shown in the video clip, we will relate the net force accelerating a constant mass to the acceleration of the mass.

We first obtain the data necessary to determine the acceleration of the system vs. the number of suspended washers.

We determine the acceleration of the system for each number of suspended washers.

Next, plot the acceleration of the system vs. the number of suspended washers and interpret the results.

Use your results to predict the acceleration of the entire system when the net force is equal to that of the gravitational force on the mass of the system:

Repeat this experiment using weights suspended over a pulley (an Atwood Machine):

Experiment 9. The force tending to pull a pendulum back toward its equilibrium position is in the same proportion to the weight of the pendulum as the displacement from equilibrium to the length of the pendulum..   See video clip on CD EPS01.

By displacing a pendulum with various numbers of equal masses suspended over a pulley, we determine the nature of the relationship between the displacing force and the displacement of the pendulum.

In this experiment we suspend a spherical pendulum bob of known mass by a string of known length to form a simple pendulum. We then displace the pendulum by means of various known masses suspended over a pulley to establish the relationship between pendulum displacement and suspended mass.

Now check out the proportionalities involving forces and distances.

Use the proportionality x / L = m / M to predict various displacement and suspended masses.

Justify the following statements: 

Analysis of Errors

Note that the results obtained here are only valid as long as the displacement of the pendulum from equilibrium is small compared to its length.

Experiment 10. Rubber bands can be calibrated to measure force with reasonable accuracy.

Click here for Physics 121 Short Version

By pulling back a pendulum of known length and mass using two attached strings with a rubber band between them, we see that the additional force required to pull the pendulum back further and further results in a greater and greater stretch of the rubber band. By measuring the length of the rubber band vs. the displacement of the pendulum we infer and graph force vs. stretch for the rubber band. Repeating the experiment with two identical rubber bands in series, then again with the two rubber bands in parallel, we compare the forces exerted by these combinations with the force of a single rubber band. We store our calibration of the rubber bands in a convenient calibration program. We repeat this experiment for two different types of rubber bands..  See video clip on CD EPS01.

We can measure forces using a rubber band and a scale by which to measure the stretch of the rubber band. The force vs. stretch curve is not linear for a rubber band. For a spring which is light compared to its strength, a force vs. stretch curve would be very nearly linear; however we choose here to use the rubber band in part because it is readily available and cheap, and in part for the very reason that it is nonlinear, and is nonlinear to a degree that forces us to account for it.

We begin by using the rubber band to displace a simple pendulum of known mass and length through a variety of displacements.

We sketch a graph of force vs. rubber band stretch.

Repeat the experiment for two rubber bands hooked 'in parallel' (i.e., both stretched between the same two hooks).  Repeat all steps except the parts using the parallel and series combinations.

Repeat the experiment for two rubber bands hooked 'in series' (i.e., one attached to the end of the other, like a chain; you might make a second hook for this purpose).  Repeat all steps except the parts using the parallel and series combinations.

We proceed to calibrate the single rubber band.

We calibrate another rubber band by hanging weights.

Using the same procedure, calibrate this rubber band.  Be sure to mark the rubber bands for future use. 

The CALIBRT program also reads your previos calibration file and converts new data to the appropriate units. 

Answer the following questions:

Analyze the errors in this experiment.

Calibrating Rubber Bands:  Physics 121 Short Version

If a rubber band is not stretched to a length more than 30% greater than its unstretched length, and if it is not left in a stretched position for a long time, it will usually not experience any sort of permanent stretch. We can thus calibrate a rubber band by using it to suspend known mass, and plotting the mass or weight of the supported mass vs. the length of the rubber band.

Calibrate the thinnest rubber band:

rubber_band_calibration_graph.jpg (30512 bytes)

Calibrate two of the thin rubber bands connected in series (i.e., connected to form a chain).

  • The paper clip will not stretch during the experiment, so the stretch you measure will be just the total stretch of the two rubber bands.

Calibrate two of the thin rubber bands connected in parallel (i.e., both stretched between the same two hooks).

Predict the calibration graph for three rubber bands in series, then test your results.

Calibrate two of the thicker rubber bands connected in series.

Based on the graphs you have, construct the graphs you would predict for each of the following:

How accurate do you think your predictions are?

Experiment 11. For any given angle, the weight of an object is completely equivalent to the resultant of two mutually perpendicular forces with one at the given angle from vertical.

By suspending various masses from two perpendicular strings with inserted rubber bands, we can determine the force exerted by each string. By changing the angles of the two strings while maintaining the right angle between them, we infer at different angles the components of the weight vector for the suspended mass, and compare our results with the predictions of vector analysis.  (see video clip on CD EPS01).

In this experiment we suspend a weight from two mutually perpendicular strings, neither in the vertical or the horizontal direction. We measure the tension forces in the strings by means of force balances with calibrated rubber bands, and infer the components of the weight in a coordinate system defined by the strings.

First set up the experiment and obtain data.

Determine the actual tensions, and the angles of the tensions with horizontal.

For each trial, determine the angles and magnitudes of the weight components, and show that the vector sum of the weight components is equal in magnitude and direction to the weight of the suspended mass.

Answer the following questions:

Analyze the errors inherent in this experiment.

Experiment 11b:  The Mass or Weight of a Suspended Object can be Inferred from the Tensions in and Angles Of the Supporting Rubber Bands

When an object is suspended from two calibrated rubber bands, with the tops of the rubber bands attached to two pencils protruding over the edge of a tabletop, the magnitudes of the supporting forces are inferred from the calibration graph(s), and the directions of the supporting forces from the length of the rubber bands and the separation of the pencils. From the magnitudes and angles of the two forces we determine the horizontal and vertical components of these forces and compare the sum of the vertical components with the weight or mass of the suspended object; we compare also the magnitudes of the horizontal components of the forces.

We first suspend an appropriate mass vertically from two identical rubber-band supports.

Obtain data for support length vs. pencil separation

The first figure below shows the configuration of the system with lengths L of the rubber-band supports and the separation S of the pencil ends.

hanging_wt_supported+by_rubber_bands.jpg (16686 bytes)    hanging_wt_tension_forces.jpg (7987 bytes)

Determine tension forces and angles for the rubber-band supports

The second figure above depicts the tension forces which support the hanging mass or weight.

rubber_band_calibration_graph.jpg (30512 bytes)

Sketch and Analyze Force Vectors

components_of_a_vector.jpg (33342 bytes)

hanging_wt_components_of_tension_forces.jpg (9012 bytes)    hanging_wt_by_components_of_tension_forces.jpg (9195 bytes)    hanging_wt_resultant_of_tension_forces.jpg (9759 bytes)

Answer questions:

Experiment 12. The net force on a friction car released on a ramp is proportional to the 'effective' slope of the ramp, for small slopes.

For various slopes we determine the force required to prevent the friction car from rolling down a straight, slightly vibrating incline. We also determine the slope at which the car rolls down the incline at a constant velocity. A graph of acceleration vs. effective slope (effective slope is slope in excess of the constant-velocity slope) tests whether the relationship is nearly a proportionality for small slopes.  See video clip on CD EPS01.

The 'effective' slope of a ramp is the slope in excess of the (small) slope necessary to overcome friction -- the slope at which the friction car moves down the ramp at a constant velocity.  

By observing the displacement of a pendulum by the net force accelerating the friction car down a ramp, we conclude that for small slopes the net force exerted on a car coasting down a ramp is proportional to the 'effective' slope of the ramp.

We begin by determining the slope at which the car moves down the ramp at constant velocity.

We next determine the forces required to prevent the car from accelerating down the ramp for various slopes in excess of the constant-velocity slope.

We convert our data to force vs. slope information.

We now plot force vs. effective slope and interpret the results.

Compare the slope of the graph with the weight of the car, and draw conclusions about accelerating forces and accelerations.

Experiment 13. The force of air resistance on a falling coffee filter is proportional to the square of the velocity of the filter (?).

Under the assumption that a coffee filter dropped from a height on the order of one meter reaches its terminal velocity in a negligibly short time after covering a negligibly short distance, we compare terminal velocities of single, doubled, tripled and quadrupled coffee filters by dropping them simultaneously from various heights and adjusting the heights until all the filters reach the floor at the same time. We investigate the power-function relationship between weight and terminal velocity, and the relationship between velocity and the force of air resistance.

If it is assumed that terminal velocity is an all cases reached in a negligibly short time, then by simultaneously dropping a number of nested coffee filters and a single filter from different heights so that both objects strike the floor simultaneously, we can determine the ratio of terminal velocities. A graph of number of filters vs. velocity is easily converted to a graph of force vs. velocity, and the nature of the proportionality between force and velocity can be determined.

We begin by dropping a single filter and doubled filter, as shown on the videotape.

We next drop the single filter and a tripled filter, then the single filter and a quadrupled filter.

We make a table and graph for force vs. terminal velocity.

Attempt to linearize the data using a power-function transformation of the velocity.

Determine the power-function relationship between terminal velocity and force.

Answer the following:

Experiment 14. When an object is immersed in water the water exerts a buoyant force equal to the weight of the water displaced.

Using the shelf standard balance with the damping cylinder partially immersed, we compare the force required to offset a specific change in the water level on the cylinder. We determine the change in the immersed volume of the cylinder and compare the mass of an equivalent amount of water with the offsetting force.

Here we test Archimedes' Principle, which tells us that the buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to the weight of water displaced by the object.  We then use this principle to determine the mass densities of a variety of objects.

Set up the shelf-standard balance in a horizontal configuration with water reaching a marked point on the damping cylinder.

Add weights and add water to achieve a horizontal configuration with water reaching a higher marked point on the damping cylinder.

Determine the weight of the displaced water and compare with the weight added at the position of the cylinder.

Answer the following questions:

We now determine the weight of a bolt and its apparent weight when immersed in water, from which we infer the buoyant force on the bolt and the density of the bolt.

Repeat this experiment with various household objects, determining the mass density of each.

Devise an experiment of your own, using the same apparatus with procedures similar to those used above, to show that when an object floats, the buoyant force on the object is equal to the weight of the object.