Physics 121 Course of Study class section

Physics 121 Course of Study/Syllaus

It is assumed that you have either completed the tasks specified in the Initial Activities (these are specified, in large red letters, in the menu in the left-hand frame of your Homepage), or are in the process of reviewing this document according to instructions in those activities.

You will not understand how to complete or submit assignments until you previously completed the tasks in the Initial Activities.

For convenient reference, links to the Assignments Table and Due Dates pages are provided below.  These links also occur on your main menu.  If you are in the process of completing the Initial Activities phase of the course, you should delay viewing these pages until you encounter instructions to do so.

Course Title, Number and Description

Course title and description: Principles of Physics I-II (4 credits each semester). Covers fundamental principles of Physics. Includes mechanics, thermodynamics, wave phenomena, electricity and magnetism, and selected topics in modern Physics.

Prerequisites are one year of high school algebra and one unit of high school geometry or equivalent.   A concurrent course in college algebra and trigonometry is recommended.   Lecture 3 hours per week, laboratory 3 hours per week. Total 6 hours per week.

Prerequisite knowledge required:

The nature of the course

This course is offered via the Internet, distributed DVD's and lab materials in an asynchronous mode. The student will receive instructional information and assignments via these modes and will respond to assignments by submitting work through web forms.

The student must have standard access to the Internet and must have the ability to access the content on the DVD's.  The material on the DVD's is accessible using a variety of media players (e.g., Windows Media Player). 

The instructor is available via web forms (to which students will be introduced at the very beginning of the course), and will normally respond by the end of the day following your submission (and more typically on the same day) with answers to properly posed questions, feedback on your efforts, and other information. Exceptions may occur in the event of Internet problems or other technical events. 

Students with Disabilities

Students with documented disabilities may be eligible for assistance and various accommodations.  Please check the Student Support Services link on your Blackboard page.

Note that the course videos as distributed on DVD's do not currently have transcripts, though a version can be provided in which videos are embedded within screen-readable documents.  If you require this version of the videos, or transcripts, due to a documented disability, please notify the instructor immediately.

Student Interaction

Students have the opportunity to develop a dialog with the instructor, in the process of submitting assignments.

Students will participate in two series of collaborative lab investigations, serving different functions in various four-member teams.

Other means of student interaction, such as discussion boards, wikis and other standard techniques are not currently a fixed part of the course design, but will be implemented as the need arises.

Broad Goals

The broad goals to be achieved by students in the course include the following:

1.  Understanding through direct experience, experiment, syntax and mathematical formulation

2.  Understanding what it means to validate a hypothesis by an experiment, and specify the precision to which the hypothesis is validated

3.  Development of the ability to analyze and solve complex problems

4.  In addition to these course-specific goals, the following General Education Goals will be accomplished:

Students will develop and demonstrate proficiency with cooperative investigations, written communication of scientific concepts and procedures, and the practice of the scientific method.

The course-level objectives are summarized in terms of these goals.  The most general verb used in specifying objectives is the verb "Relate", as it is defined at the link Relate.  This link is repeated frequently in the definition of goals and objectives, and in order to understand the broad and specific objectives of this course it is necessary to review the meaning of the word as used in this course.

Achievement of these goals will be evaluated by the student's performance of the following tasks:

1.  Explain, conduct and design experiments to test the consistency of standard formulations of, solve problems related to, and in general Relate the details of the theory pertaining to and connecting the definitions and formulations of:

2.  Explain what it means to validate a hypothesis by an experiment, and specify the precision to which the hypothesis of a given experiment is validated by the design of the experiment and the data obtained.

3.  Demonstrate, by constructing and presenting solutions, the ability to analyze and solve given problems.

4.  Participate in the design, implementation, analysis and interpretation of four different cooperative experiments.  Specifically:

Specific, assignment-level objectives are found in the  Assignments Table and on the Due Dates Page Due Dates .

Outline of Content

Specific objectives for each assignment are included in the Assignments Table, accessed through the homepage for the course. 

The current section describes the goals and content of the course, and does not constitute a listing of objectives.

To achieve the goals of the course, the primary method of learning is to

In addition to the above, the following content will be mastered in relation to the specified activities, or to equivalent activities.  This content comprises approximately 80% of the course.

A.  Mathematical Operations

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

A.1. The proportionalities governing linear dimensions, areas and volumes of geometrically similar objects, and fixed quantities distributed over areas and/or volumes.

A.2. The behavior of sine and cosine functions as dictated by the motion of a point moving with constant angular velocity around a reference circle.

A.3. Relate approximate flow rates to volume or mass quantities observed with respect to time.

A.4. The process of obtaining approximate changes in volume or mass quantities from flow rates observed with respect to time.

A.5. The processes of determining approximate rates from amount vs. time data and approximate changes in amount from rate vs. time data.

B.  Measurement and analysis of Uniformly Accelerated Motion; Measurement and analysis of Nonuniformly Accelerated Motion 

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

B.1. From time and position measurements infer linear and angular velocities and accelerations.

B.2. Situations involving the relationships among initial, average and final linear and angular velocities for situations involving uniform and nonuniform acceleration.

B.3. Situations involving the relationships among initial and final linear and angular velocities, acceleration, time intervals and displacements.

C. Measurement of Restoring Forces on and Motion of a Pendulum

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

C.1. Force vs. displacement for a pendulum, as related to pendulum length and mass.

C.2. Work done in displacing a pendulum from equilibrium to a known position (after Activity 8).

C.3. Velocity vs. time and acceleration vs. time of a pendulum as inferred from position vs. time data.

C.4. The proportionalities relating frequency to pendulum length and period to pendulum length.

D. Relationship between Force and Acceleration

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

D.1. The effects of what we call forces.

D.2. Inference of force vs. acceleration from data for force vs. incline and acceleration vs. incline.

D.3. The process of establishing the relationship among force, mass and acceleration for an object on an incline and for a system accelerated by an unbalanced gravitational force.

D.4. Inference of gravitational acceleration at infinite slope.

D.5. Measurement of gravitational acceleration.

E. Vectors

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

E.1. Replacement of a vector by its components in any given rectangular coordinate system.

E.2. Computation of vector components from magnitude and angle and computation of vector magnitude and angle from components.

E.3. The vector nature of forces, displacements, velocities and accelerations.

F.  Forces

F.1. Given a situation involving known and unknown forces and constraints, determine the unknown individual forces acting within the system and/or the net force on a given object.

G. Potential and kinetic energies; energy conservation

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

G.1. Systems involving work and the exchange of kinetic and gravitational or elastic potential energies, and dissipation of energy.

G.2. The specific relationship between work and kinetic energy change in the absence of potential energy changes or dissipation of energy.

G.3. The specific relationship between work and elastic or gravitational potential energy in the absence of kinetic energy changes or dissipation of energy. Complete Objective C.2.

H. Impulse, Momentum, Conservation of Momentum

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

H.1. The difference between the effects of impulse F dt and work F ds on the motion of an object.

H.2. Relationships among average force, momentum changes and time intervals.

H.3. The relationship between Newton's Third Law and conservation of momentum.

H.4. Situations involving elastic and inelastic collisions in one or more dimensions.

I.  Projectiles and circular motion

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

I.1. Independence of the vertical and horizontal motion of projectiles.

2I.. Motion of a projectile given initial velocity and vertical position relative to landing point.

I.3. Initial velocity inferred from range and other variables.

I.4. Centripetal acceleration

J. Torques and rotation; Momentum and Energy in Rotation

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

J.1. Torques and the condition of rotational equilibrium.

J.2. Find the center of mass of a given collection of masses

J.3. Conversion of gravitational potential energy to rotational kinetic energy.

J.4. Calculate the moment of inertia of a given collection of masses constrained to rotate about a given point

J.5. Establish the connection between Newton's Second Law and its angular form, and particularly the connection between mass and moment of inertia.

J.6. Explain the connection between Newton's Third Law and conservation of angular momentum, and how conservation of angular momentum is not equivalent to conservation of momentum.

K. Gravitation

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

K.1. The idea of gravitational flux, analogous to luminous flux, and the analogical connection to Newton's inverse square law of universal gravitation.

K.2. The mechanics of circular orbits; especially the derivation of the relation between orbital radius and velocity.

K.3. Conservation of angular momentum and Kepler's Laws.

K.4. Potential energy in changing gravitational fields, terminal velocity, total energy of an orbit.

L.  Simple Harmonic Motion

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

L.1. The conditions required for simple harmonic motion.

L.2. Relationships among mass, restoring force constant and angular frequency.

L.3. Graphical and circular models of simple harmonic motion and their relationship.

L.4. Energy relationships in simple harmonic motion; derivation of velocity vs. position relation.

L.5. The position, velocity and acceleration functions of time, and their relation to the graphical and circular models.

M. Waves I (Waves II 2d semester)

Conceptualize and analyze numerically, graphically and symbolically the behavior of the following, generalize your understanding and analysis as much as possible, and solve problems utilizing this knowledge, within the context of the following situations, relations, problems and tasks:

M.1. Relationships among wave velocity, frequency, wavelength, density of medium, tension of medium, amplitude, energy and period.

M.2. Nature of reflection at boundaries of various types and the formation of standing waves between two points.

M.3. Determining wavelengths of the harmonics of a standing wave given boundary conditions.

M.4. Determining frequencies of harmonics from wavelengths and propagation velocity.

Text and Other Instructional Materials

The text for the course is Giancoli's Physics. 

The alternative text, available free in electronic version and a production cost in print version, is College Physics, ISBN-10 1938168003, ISBN-13 978-1-938168-00-0, available at

Specifics about the text and DVD's for the course are specified at Course Materials, to which a link is also provided at the course homepage.

The student will be required to purchase the DVD's, which are sold at low cost through the VHCC bookstore.

Text material will be supplemented by problem sets, directions for experiments and other information through the course homepage.

Lab materials will be purchased through the VHCC Bookstore. Students will, according to previous instructions, have submitted the Lab Materials Form prior to accessing this page.

Areas to be Covered

The course will include an in-depth coverage of text Chapters 1-12, with supplementary experiments, problem sets and other materials.

Topics will include:

Experiments and computerized problem sets will be integrated with the problem sets.

Students will learn to do the problems in the introductory problem sets, work assigned text problems and complete the experiments.

The level at which the course is taught is consistent with the level of the Level I problems in the text.

Instructional methods

Students will complete and submit the assignments specified on the homepage.

The instructor will respond in a timely fashion to any work submitted, making suggestions where improvement is needed and posing questions designed to enhance the student's learning experience. The student will be required to respond to all critiques, except those designated otherwise.

Questions posed by students and the instructor's responses will be posted to a site, specified in at the beginning of the course, for the student's review.

Students may on occasion be asked to critique work done by other students.  Full student anonymity will be preserved, with no reference  to the identity of any party in this exchange.

The instructor is available via web forms (to which you will be introduced at the very beginning of the course), and will normally respond by the end of the day following your submission (and more typically on the same day) with answers to properly posed questions, feedback on your efforts, and other information. Exceptions may occur in the event of Internet problems or other technical events. 

Use of email:  Prior to registration and receipt of initial instructions students my use Email to communicate with the instructor.  However email is much less reliable than web forms, and after registration and receipt of initial instructions anything sent through email should first be sent using the appropriate form. 

Finding Assignments

Assignments are listed in the Assignments Table.  However you are advised to delay viewing the Assignments Table until you have completed the Initial Activities. 

Due dates for the various assignments are posted a the Due Dates Page.

Grading policy

A Major Quiz, two regular tests and a final exam will be administered, each receiving a score between 0 and 100%.  The lab portion of the course will be graded, and the student's portfolio will be graded, each receiving a score between 0 and 100%.  The final grade will be determined by a weighted average of these scores.

Weighting of grades will be spelled out in more detail below, but the algorithm can be stated as follows:

Portfolio and Portfolio Grade

A student's portfolio, consisting of instructor responses to assigned work (consisting of all assigned documents which request student responses with the exception of labs, which are graded in a different category) will at the end of the term be assigned a grade on a 100-point scale.  Each portfolio document is worth 1 point toward the portfolio grade, which will be awarded if the document meets acceptable standards.  If the document does not meet acceptable standards, the instructor will request a revision.  The total score on the 100-point scale will be equal to the number of points awarded as a percent of the total number of documents assigned.  Documents counted toward the portfolio grade include qa's, queries and randomized problems.  If this score is higher than the average on the other contributions to the final grade, it will be counted as 1/2 of a test grade (typically around 10% of the final grade); if not it will be counted as 1/4 of a test grade (typically around 5% of the final grade). The actual proportion of the final grade determined by the portfolio depends on weighting contingencies as defined previously and a further explained below.

Grading of Tests

Tests are graded as follows:  Each test problem will be graded on a 10-point scale, where 10 points is awarded for a completely correct solution.  Partial credit is given for partial solutions.  Raw test scores will be normalized to the following scale, according to the difficulty of the test, as specified in advance of each test by the instructor:

A: 90 - 100

B: 80 - 90

C: 70 - 80

D: 60 - 70

F: Less than 60.

Grading of Labs

The body of each student's lab work will be graded and will be assigned a grade on a 100-point scale.  This grade will be given a weight equal to 1 test grade.  Every lab counts toward the final grade. 

Each lab activity is worth a certain number of points, with point values specified in the Assignments Table. 

A typical lab activity includes setup, obtaining and reporting data, analysis of data and interpretation of results.  Some activities include only some of these aspects.  In any case results are to be reported in a valid format, often a format specified by lab instructions.  The weighting of the various aspects of a lab report will include only those aspects relevant to the activity, and those present are weighted as follows:

Each aspect will typically be awarded a value of 0, 1 or 2, with 2 representing acceptable work, 1 representing marginal work and 0 representing unacceptable work.  For exceptional work a value of 3 might be awarded. 

To determine full-credit score for a lab the 'acceptable' value 2 will be multiplied by the weight of each aspect present, and the products added to obtain the full-credit score.

Earned credit is obtained multiplying the value awarded for each aspect present by the weight of that aspect, and the products added to obtain the earned-credit value.

The score on the lab will be the earned credit as a percent of full credit.

The contribution to the total lab grade will be the resulting percent of the point value of the lab.

The lab grade for the course will be the sum of the contributions of the labs as a percent of the total point value of all labs.

Ungraded Assignments

Assignments not included in the above categories are not graded.  However information obtained from those assignments is often necessary in order to understand various lab situations and assigned problems, and to prepare for tests.  Information in ungraded assignments may necessary to answer questions in Query documents.

Requirement of Passing Lab Average

Furthermore, in order to earn at least a C in the course a student must have a passing lab grade (i.e., a lab grade greater than 60 on the 100-point scale).  A student whose lab grade is not passing will receive no higher than a grade of D for the course.

Final Grade

The final grade will be a weighted average according to the above guidelines. An alternative summary of the weighting is as follows:

Major Quiz:  Weight .5 or 1.0, to the advantage of the student

Test #1: Weight 1.0

Test #2: Weight 1.0

Comprehensive Final Exam: Weight 1.0 or 2.0, to the advantage of the student

Portfolio Average: Weight .25 or .50, to the advantage of the student.

Lab grade:  weight 1.0 or 20% of final grade, to the advantage of the student, and lab grade must be passing to earn a grade of C or better.

The table below summarized the calculation of course grades:

assessment weighting contribution to total score
major quiz 1/2 <= m_weigh <= 1 test score * m_weight
test 2 1 test score * 1
test 3 1 test score * 1
final exam 1 <= f_weight <= 2 final exam score * f_weight
lab grade L_weight = 1 lab grade * L_weight
portfolio 1/4 <= p_weight <= 1/2 portfolio score * p_weight
  total of weightings total of contributions

Final average = total of contributions / total of weightings

Final grade will be determined by final average, subject to the condition that the lab grade must be passing in order to receive a grade of C or better.  A failing lab grade will result in a grade not better than D for the course.

Expanded Explanation of Weighting

The above is the simplest way to specify the grading scale for this course.  However some students are uncomfortable with fractions, proportional representations and weighted averages and prefer to see the contributions of various components of the course expressed in terms of point values.  Given the contingencies defined above, in which the major quiz, portfolio and final exam grades can each have two separate weightings, there are eight possible ways the algorithm defined above could be applied.

 Each column under 'points' defines a possible way of calculating the student's final grade.  The number of points for a given assessment will be multiplied by the student's percent score on that assessment to get the points earned on that assessment.  These points will be added to get the student's final percent score for the course.

The student's final grade will be based on the weighting is most advantageous to the student.  The student does not need to select one weighting or another.  The instructor will examine all possible weightings to determine the highest possible final grade for each individual student, and this will be the course grade given to that student.

Assessment wt wt wt wt wt wt wt wt
major quiz 1 1 1 1 .5 .5 .5 .5
portfolio .5 .5 .25 .25 .5 .5 .25 .25
final exam 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
  pts pts pts pts pts pts pts pts
major quiz 18.18182 15.38462 19.04762 16 10 8.333333 10.52632 8.695652
test 2 18.18182 15.38462 19.04762 16 20 16.66667 21.05263 17.3913
test 3 18.18182 15.38462 19.04762 16 20 16.66667 21.05263 17.3913
final exam 18.18182 30.76923 19.04762 32 20 33.33333 21.05263 34.78261
portfolio 9.090909 7.692308 4.761905 4 10 8.333333 5.263158 4.347826
lab 18.18182 15.38462 19.04762 16 20 16.66667 21.05263 17.3913
total points 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Final average = total of contributions / total of weightings

Final grade will be determined by final average, subject to the condition that the lab grade must be passing in order to receive a grade of C or better.  A failing lab grade will result in a grade not better than D for the course.

Some students will undoubtedly object that the lab average should not vary with other choices.  A final option would be to count the lab average as 20% in all cases, in which event the weightings would be as follows: 

Assessment wt wt wt wt wt wt wt wt
major quiz 1 1 1 1 .5 .5 .5 .5
portfolio .5 .5 .25 .25 .5 .5 .25 .25
final exam 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
  pts pts pts pts pts pts pts pts
major quiz 14.54545 12.30769 15.2381 12.8 10 6.666667 8.421053 6.956522
test 2 14.54545 12.30769 15.2381 12.8 20 13.33333 16.84211 13.91304
test 3 14.54545 12.30769 15.2381 12.8 20 13.33333 16.84211 13.91304
final exam 14.54545 24.61538 15.2381 25.6 20 26.66667 16.84211 27.82609
portfolio 7.272727 6.153846 3.809524 3.2 10 6.666667 4.210526 3.478261
lab 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
total points 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Final average = total of contributions / total of weightings

Final grade will be determined by final average, subject to the condition that the lab grade must be passing in order to receive a grade of C or better.  A failing lab grade will result in a grade not better than D for the course.


In the event of a college-wide emergency 

In the event of a College-wide emergency, course requirements, classes, deadlines, and grading schemes are subject to changes that may include alternative delivery methods, alternative methods of interaction with the instructor, class materials, and/or classmates, a revised attendance policy, and a revised semester calendar and/or grading scheme.


In the case of a College-wide emergency, please refer to the following about changes in this course:


·      Course web page (click on your course)

·      Instructor’s email (however, you should use your access page for the most reliable responses)


For more general information about the emergency situation, please refer to:


·      Web site  -

·      Telephone Number - 276-739-2400

·         Emergency Text Messaging or Phone System- Virginia Highlands Community College uses VHCC Alert to immediately contact you during a major crisis or emergency. VHCC Alert delivers important emergency alerts, notifications and updates to you on your E-mail account (work, home, other), cell phone, pager or smartphone/PDA (BlackBerry, Treo & other handhelds). VHCC Alert is a free service offered by VHCC. Your wireless carrier may charge you a fee to receive messages on your wireless device. VHCC will test the alert system each semester. Register online at or by sending a text message to 411911 keyword: VHCC 

In the event of an emergency just regarding this class, the instructor will contact all students via email, and may post information to your access site.  You should check both email and your access site.