Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
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Section 3 Title

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information


DHRM Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct

Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct, provides guidance to employees and supervisors by outlining 1) standards of appropriate conduct; 2) behavior that is unacceptable; and 3) corrective actions that agencies may take to address behavior and employment problems. The standards apply to full-time and part-time classified and non-probationary employees (generally, those covered by the Personnel Act). In addition, agencies may refer to the Standards of Conduct in evaluating the behavior of employees not covered by the Personnel Act. The Standards of Conduct also explain procedures for imposing suspensions either during investigation of employee behavior or as part of the discipline.

The Standards of Conduct policy addresses workplace conduct or behavior and outlines a three-tier system based on the seriousness of the behavior and the corresponding agency response. While discipline or even termination may be required, the goal of the Commonwealth is always for the employee to be a constructive, contributing member of the work force. Therefore, progressive discipline is recommended, so that minor and/or first offenses generally receive such corrective actions as counseling or low-level disciplinary action. Major and/or repeated offenses generally should result in more severe consequences, including an official Written Notice and, in the most serious cases, termination. The policy explains the importance of due process and how it is applied, especially when suspension, termination, disciplinary demotion, or disciplinary transfer may result. Due process gives the employee an opportunity to respond to the allegations before discipline is imposed.

Note that although Policy 1.60 describes a variety of actions that may be addressed through the disciplinary process, the list of actions in the policy is not all-inclusive. Listed actions are intended as examples of the levels of severity of possible infractions.

Supervisors and managers should become familiar with the Standards of Conduct, and should review them carefully when applying any disciplinary action. As with all workplace issues, classified employees and supervisors are encouraged to consult with the Human Resource Office in these matters.

Non-probationary employees may challenge disciplinary actions through the Employee Grievance Procedure, which is administered by the Department of Employment Dispute Resolution (EDR). The Department of Employment Dispute Resolution may be accessed at . Information regarding the Employee Grievance Procedure process is also available from the VHCC Human Resource Office.