Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
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Section 7 Title

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information

Acceptance of Gifts, Grants, and Contracts Policy

7.4.0  Purpose

In accordance with VCCS Policy 4.5 - “Acceptance of Gifts, Grants, and Contracts”, it is the policy of Virginia Highlands Community College to seek, accept, and administer gifts, grants, and contracts insofar as they enhance the accomplishment of the mission of the College. Gifts, grants, and contracts may encompass amounts accepted from public and private sources, including other governmental agencies, individuals, foundations, organizations, corporations, and businesses. This includes resources solicited for the College by the Virginia Highlands Educational Foundation, Inc., an independent, non-profit, tax-exempt [501(c)(3)] organization established for the purpose of obtaining such gifts in support of the College’s goals and objectives.

Gifts, grants, and contracts are further defined as follows:

  1. Unrestricted gifts, grants, and donations include all resources received for which no stipulation was made by the grantor or donor as to the purpose for which they should be expended or used.
  2. Restricted gifts, grants, and contracts include all those resources received for which the grantor or donor has stipulated a specific use or disposition or requires the College to furnish goods and/or services of an instructional or public service nature, this latter type being generally referred to as Sponsored Programs.

The College ensures that all gifts, grants, and contracts are administered in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, donor restrictions, and other requirements. Guidelines and procedures governing the acceptance and administration of such external resources have been developed using standards mandated and/or recommended in the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) College and University Business Administration and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Criteria for Accreditation. Guidelines for contract administration are further delineated in Section 4.2.6. of the VHCC Faculty and Staff Manual.

As stated in VCCS provision 4.5.4, the VHCC president assumes the authority to approve and accept the following on behalf of the College:

  1. Unrestricted gifts or grants of cash, or in-kind provision of services, or tangible personal property, the use of which has value to the College in the accomplishment of its mission;
  2. Restricted gifts of grants of cash or tangible personal property if the donor’s or grantor’s restriction is limited to requiring the College to furnish goods and/or services of an instructional or public service nature. The president, or his or her designee, shall review such agreements for acceptance of terms requiring the provision of matching funds or in-kind services and shall ensure that the terms and conditions of the gift instrument or contract are adhered to within the resources of the College.

The approval of the Chancellor or VCCS State Board shall be obtained per VCCS provision 4.5.3 for the College to accept the following:

  1. Offers of gifts of data processing, word processing and telecommunications products, software, or services, with a total value of $25,000 or more. (Note: the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA); requires prior approval of all gifts of hardware, software, and/or services regardless of source and monetary value which is accomplished by the normal agency procurement request (APR) process.)
  2. Gifts of real estate.
  3. Gifts of tangible personal property with a value of $10,000 or more.

7.4.1 Fund-Raising Priorities Procedure

The College’s fund-raising priorities are established in concert with the institutional planning process. Fund-raising priorities are first established through an examination of the College’s long-range goals and objectives. The President’s Advisory Cabinet examines the goals and objectives biennially to identify fund-raising needs and translates those needs into priorities, which are recommended to the President.

The fund-raising priorities recommended by the President’s Advisory Cabinet and approved by the President become the basis for the solicitation of gifts and grants by the College. These fund raising priorities shall be forwarded to the Foundation Board of Directors biennially for consideration in developing the Foundation’s fund raising goals and objectives.

7.4.2 Solicitation, Acceptance, and Acknowledgment of Gifts Procedure

Solicitation of Gifts: The solicitation of all gifts – cash and non-cash - undertaken by anyone from within VHCC must be coordinated through the President’s Office. This encompasses all forms of solicitation including written grant applications, direct-mail campaigns and verbal requests undertaken by faculty, staff, students, and student organizations.

The purpose of coordinating all College fund-raising activities is three-fold:

  1. To provide a continuity of message in building understanding and support for College funding needs.
  2. To avoid conflict and duplication of effort in the fund raising program.
  3. To maximize the contribution from each potential donor.

Faculty or staff desiring to solicit cash or non-cash gifts from potential donors for programs or for College organizations with which they are working should first seek the support and approval of their immediate supervisor. The request will then be forwarded to the appropriate dean for recommendation and then to the president for final approval. Student organizations must have the approval of the Dean of Instruction and Student Services. The Dean will then be responsible for coordinating the request with the president.

Acceptance of Gifts: Cash Gifts - When a donor approaches any division within the College with a cash contribution, the unit should assist the donor in contacting the VHCC Educational Foundation, Inc. to aid in coordinating the gift process in accordance with the Foundation’s guidelines.

Non-Cash Gifts - Non-cash gifts may be accepted directly by the College with such acceptance adhering to the guidelines of VCCS policy provision 4.5.3. It is encouraged that the donation of non-cash gifts to the College be processed through the VHCC Educational Foundation, Inc., in accordance with the Foundation’s guidelines.

The purpose of coordinating cash and non-cash gifts through the Foundation includes the following:

  1. To maximize the charitable contribution advantages for the potential donor.
  2. To ensure that the wishes/restrictions of the donor are documented.
  3. To provide support to the division in obtaining needed goods and services.
  4. To provide separate accountability for donated funds and their expenditure.

The donation of all non-cash gifts shall be carefully evaluated to avoid placing the College or Foundation in an undesirable position. A prospective gift that could subject the College or Foundation to criticism and controversy must be weighed in the light of its ultimate student value and contribution to the community. The purpose for which the gift is given must be consistent with the stated goals, objectives and educational philosophy of Virginia Highlands Community College. No gift, processed directly through the College, shall be accepted with restrictions that make its use unnecessarily difficult or that place undue financial or other demands on the College.

Acknowledgment and Reporting of Gifts: The President’s Office serves as the central unit for acknowledging, recording, and reporting all gifts (cash and non-cash) made directly to the College. The donation of cash and non-cash gifts processed through the VHCC Educational Foundation, Inc. are acknowledged, recorded, and reported separately according to Foundation policy and guidelines as a 501(c)(3) organization. It is the College’s policy to acknowledge all gifts in accordance with IRS regulations. All cash gifts will be acknowledged immediately upon receipt. To ensure acknowledgment of non-cash gifts made directly to the College, the department receiving the gift should send a copy of the College’s Non-Cash Gift Report to the President’s Office once all approvals have been obtained. All gifts should be reported to the President’s Office within a reasonable time to ensure appropriate record-keeping and acknowledgment. Acknowledgments normally will be sent to the donor within two working days of receipt of the College Non-Cash Gift Report.

The President’s Office shall work in collaboration with the Foundation Office to document and acknowledge the transfer of donated gifts from the Foundation to the College. All non-cash donated to the College with a value of over $2,000 shall be placed on the College’s inventory. Gifts of such value that are in use by the College but owned by the Foundation will be placed on the College’s inventory tracking system.

7.4.3 Sponsored Programs Procedure.

Virginia Highlands Community College adheres to VCCS Policy Manual Section 11 - “Sponsored Programs” in seeking, administering, and conducting federal, state, or private sector grants to further the goals of the College and the VCCS. The cost-effectiveness and compatibility of the specific project to the College mission and goals is considered before making application through a Preliminary Proposal Review process.

The College ensures that all sponsored programs are in compliance with the current Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges' Criteria for Accreditation requirements for externally funded grants and contracts and adhere to relevant state policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, those of VCCS and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

In making application for a project, the College follows the guidelines of the sponsoring entity explicitly save where they conflict with the Code of Virginia or run counter to VCCS policies. The use of College M&O funds for matching funds is approved by the President's Advisory Cabinet and authorized by the President.

The specific responsibilities and processes for making application, administering and conducting, and terminating Sponsored Programs are spelled out in the VHCC Sponsored Programs Procedures Manual which can be obtained through the Grants Office.