Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
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Section 5

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information

5.3 Development of Programs and Courses

5.3 Contents

Curricula generally are originated by the College. There must be ample justification for the creation of new curricula based upon the needs and opportunities of the state or region served by the College. In determining the curricula to be offered, the State Board takes cognizance of the varying needs of the communities served throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia and the substantiated requests of interested local governing bodies, employers, and individuals.

5.3.0 Review and Approval Procedures

A new or modified degree program that includes the content in a discipline or field not currently offered by the institution requires approval as a new degree program with a separate CIP code.  Curriculum changes that result in a degree program that shares fewer than 25% of its courses (excluding the general education core) with an existing program require approval of a new major.  VCCS approval is not required for new or modified specializations.

Procedures for the review and approval of degrees, majors, specializations, diplomas, certificates, career studies certificates, and courses are outlined in Table 5-3. These procedures are to be followed by all colleges in the VCCS and information on their implementation is available from the Academic Services and Research Division, VCCS System Office.

At VHCC, a faculty or staff member, student, college committee, citizen, or representative of a business, industry, or agency may initiate a request for a new or revised course or curriculum, catalog addition, or revision. The proposal should be submitted in writing to the appropriate supervisor. The supervisor then shall submit the proposed change or addition to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services.

A specific timetable for the approval/revision process is published annually. The following chart details the flow of the process:


Course, Curricula, and Catalog Review Process

Mid-August VP of Instruction & Student Services and Division Deans initiate course and curricular review.
Early September Recommended deadline for scheduling first meeting of Academic Programs Committee and advisory committee meetings.
Mid-September Distribution of memo alerting faculty to catalog revision dates.
Mid-October Submission of catalog revisions to the VP of Instruction & Student Services office (deadline for all catalog revisions except new curricula needing approvals of the Academic Programs Committee and College Board).
Early November Recommended deadline for submitting final curricular proposals and changes to Academic Programs Committee and advisory committees.
First Tuesday
Deadline for submitting curricular proposals and changes to the College Board.
Third Week November Final deadline for catalog revisions to Vice President of Instruction & Student Services office of new curricula approved by the Academic Programs Committee and College Board.
Mid-January Administrative staff and faculty proofread/review catalog changes.
February Final catalog goes to printer.
Mid-April 15 Receipt of new catalog.
Late April Completion of initial review of new catalog to identify errors or omissions.

 5.3.1 Procedures for Discontinuance of Programs page top

Procedures for the discontinuance of degrees, majors, specializations, diplomas, certificates, career studies certificates, and courses are outlined in Table 5-3. These procedures are followed by the College and information on their implementation is available from the Academic Services and Research Division, VCCS, System Office.

VCCS Table 5-3 Program Review & Approval Process

5.3.2 Review of Programs

The College reviews academic programs on a regular basis, as mandated in Section of the VCCS Policy Manual. Student learning outcomes in all degree programs are assessed annually. All academic programs also undergo a formal program review every five years.

5.3.3 Course Listing in Master Course File

All courses approved for the VCCS are listed in the Master Course File. The College uses the approved course title, credits, and description listed in the Master Course File. Courses are inactivated when they have not been offered in the System for a three year period, or for other justifiable causes. The System Office generates a list of potential course in-activations every two years during the summer, and notifies colleges of intended in-activations to occur one year thereafter.

5.3.4 Local Curriculum Advisory Committees

Local advisory committees are consulted for the establishment and review of all career/technical degree and stand-alone certificate programs. These committees are appointed by the College president with the approval of the local College Board. (See Section

5.3.5 Curricular Offerings page top

Approved curricular offerings are included in the College Catalog and contain, as a minimum, the following elements of information:

Curriculum Description

  1. Curriculum title (as approved by VCCS);
  2. Type of award (degree, diploma, certificate, career studies certificates);
  3. Normal length of the curriculum (number of semesters/terms);
  4. Purpose and curricular objectives;
  5. Admission requirements;
  6. Special program or graduation requirements;
  7. Listing of required courses; and
  8. Total minimum credits.