Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
HomeTable of ContentsVHCC Home

Section 2 Title

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information

2.2 Virginia Highlands Community College - VHCC

2.2 Contents

VCCS policy requires that each community college have an organizational structure which provides for the effective operation of the college as specified by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. All organizational plans must adhere to the guidelines on staffing set forth in the Budget Manual published by the State Department of Planning and Budget and all other directives of the Executive Branch and the State Board as may be applicable.

VHCC's detailed organizational chart is on file with the VCCS office. A copy of this chart is available on the Human Resources website. Changes to this organizational plan are forwarded to the VCCS annually by January 15. Significant organizational changes such as changing from single to multi-campus or vice versa, adding or deleting a campus or branch must be approved by the Local College Board and the State Board. Organizational structure changes involving provost, dean, or director/division chairman, which add or delete positions or reassign functions, must be approved by the Chancellor.

VHCC organizational chart

click image to enlarge

2.2.1 Virginia Highlands Community College Board [Reference: Section 2A - 2.9 D Administrative Relationships and Responsibilities, Community College Board, General Statement - VCCS Policy Manual]   page top

The Virginia Highlands Community College Board acts in an advisory capacity to the State Board and shall perform such duties with respect to the operation of Virginia Highlands Community College as may be delegated to it by the State Board. The Board is known as the Virginia Highlands Community College Board and may be called the College Board.

In general, the College Board is responsible for assuring that the College is responsive to the needs existing within its service region within the statewide policies, procedures, and regulations of the State Board for Community Colleges. The specific duties of the College Board include the following:

  1. The College Board shall elect a chairman and other such officers from its membership as it deems necessary and shall adopt such rules and regulations as are considered necessary to conduct its business in an orderly manner.
  2. The College Board and the members thereof shall serve as channels of communication between the State Board and the governing bodies of the local political subdivisions.
  3. The College Board shall submit its recommendations to the State Board for a name for the community college and each campus of a multi-campus college. In the name of each community college shall be included the phrase "community college." The College Board shall be authorized to provide names for any facilities on the College campus.
  4. The College Board shall provide recommendations to the State Board on the development of the site plan and on the design and construction of facilities for the community college.
  5. The College Board shall participate with the Chancellor and the State Board in the selection, evaluation and removal of the President of the community college in accordance with procedures adopted by the State Board.
  6. The College Board shall participate, with the College President, the Chancellor and the State Board, in the development and evaluation of a program of community college education of high quality in accordance with procedures adopted by the State Board. In that context, a college mission statement shall be developed by the college community. It shall be approved by the College Board and reviewed and approved by the Chancellor on behalf of the State Board. This mission statement shall tailor the VCCS Mission Statement to the particular needs and circumstances of the college.
  7. The College Board shall be responsible for eliciting community participation in program planning and development, establishing local citizens’ advisory committees for specialized programs and curricula, and approving the appointments of all members of these committees.
  8. The College Board shall review all new curricular proposals for the community college and shall recommend those proposals that it supports to the State Board. It shall also review proposals for the discontinuation of programs and shall communicate its recommendations on such proposals to the State Board.
  9. The College Board shall oversee the development and evaluation of the community service program for the community college, and may authorize the President to grant an "award of completion" to a person successfully completing an approved non-credit program.
  10. The College Board shall be kept informed of the fiscal status of the College by the College President and shall receive summaries of the biennial financial plan and the annual spending plans.
  11. The College Board shall review and approve a detailed local funds budget for the community college as prepared by the College President within State Board guidelines, and shall submit this proposed budget to the State Board for review at the time of its submission to the local political subdivisions. In addition, the College Board shall submit a financial statement showing detailed expenditures of such local funds to the local political subdivisions and the State Board at the end of the fiscal year.
  12. The College Board shall be responsible for reviewing and approving local regulations on student conduct developed by the College President within the guidelines of the State Board.
  13. The College Board shall be responsible for the review and approval of a budget prepared by the College President for the expenditure of revenues from vending commissions and auxiliary enterprises, including the student activity fund, within the guidelines established by the State Board. The College Board shall be responsible for reviewing and approving periodic reports of revenues and expenditures within these funds.
  14. The College Board shall be responsible both for reviewing reports of audit and for reviewing the College President's response to those reports of audit.
  15. The College Board shall be informed of personnel matters by the College President.
  16. The College Board shall be responsible for reviewing and approving a written annual report regarding the operation of the College as prepared by the College President. Building Naming Policy 

The VHCC Board may provide for building naming on the basis of significant service and/or private sector giving to  support the college.  Recognition for private sector giving should typically occur after the gift has been received rather than on a prospective basis.  Individuals are not eligible for this award if currently employed at the college or elsewhere within the Virginia Community College System, serving on the local College Board, or serving on the State Board for Community Colleges.  A separation from such employment or service of at least one month is a prerequisite for eligibility.

For more information see:

Bylaws of the Virginia Highlands Community College Board
Current Board Membership

2.2.2 VHCC Administrative Structure    page top Administrative Organizational Chart 
(see Section for position descriptions)

VHCC Organizational Chart

click image to enlarge President's Administrative Staff    page top
The following positions report directly to the president and, as such, comprise the president ' s administrative staff:
  • Vice President of Instruction and Student Services
  • Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services
  • Vice President of  Institutional Advancement
  • Vice President of Workforce Training and Continuing Education President's Advisory Cabinet (PAC)    page top
In addition to the president's administrative staff, a number of key positions have been designated as members of the President's Advisory Council (PAC). PAC, which is chaired by the president, meets as necessary to advise the president on issues related to all areas of the College including, but not limited to, the College mission, academic affairs, student services, budget and financial concerns, administrative services, institutional effectiveness, institutional advancement, outreach to the community, and other areas as deemed appropriate. The following positions complete the President's Advisory Cabinet:
  • Academic Deans
  • Dean of Student Services and Enrollment Management
  • President of Faculty Senate
  • President of the Classified Support Staff Association
  • President of Student Government Association

The Executive Director of the VHCC Educational Foundation, Inc. is designated a permanent guest of PAC.

2.2.3 Other Key Positions   page top Instruction and Student Services Financial and Administrative Services Institutional Advancement Workforce Training and Continuing Education

2.2.4 VHCC Committee Structure  page top

VHCC’s committee structure includes the President’s Advisory Council which serves to advise the President on issues related to all areas of the College. The committee structure also includes three constituent group organizations: Faculty Senate, Classified Support Staff Association, and Student Association. The College also has a number of standing committees representing key program/service areas. In addition, VHCC supports a variety of citizens’ advisory committees including curriculum advisory committees and special interest committees.  Faculty Senate   page top

Purpose: The Faculty Senate:

  1. Serves as a medium through which the faculty can make policy recommendations to the President of the College and the College Board.
  2. Promotes social and cultural activities among the faculty and their families and guests.
  3. Establishes procedures through which the College community may be informed of the problems of individual members.

Membership: Membership consists of individuals employed full-time by VHCC as Teaching or Professional Faculty who hold the rank of Assistant Instructor, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor.

Meeting Schedule: Regular meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month of the academic year with the exception of vacation and examination periods at which time meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month.

Faculty Senate Officers for 2014-15:

President   Joe Mitchell
Vice-President   Jim Kroll
Secretary   Joel Rudy
Treasurer   Winona Fleenor

For More Information: See VHCC Faculty Senate Constitution. Classified Support Staff Association   page top

Purpose: The purpose of the Classified Support Staff Association is to provide a communication link between administration, faculty, and staff, and a forum whereby staff members have a voice in working conditions, college policies, professional development and other matters affecting the staff at VHCC.

Membership: The voting membership consists of classified support staff members who are employed full-time at the College.

Meeting Schedule: Regular meetings are held once per month at a time and date set by the officers.

Officers for 2014-15:

President   Candace McClure
Vice-President   Criss Golden
Secretary   Dawn Jessee
Treasurer   Jessie O’Quinn

For more information, see the VHCC Classified Support Staff By-Laws. Student Association   page top

Purpose: The Student Association of Virginia Highlands Community College serves to: 1) promote open communications among students and between students and other groups in the College community; 2) form an effective student government; 3) encourage the development of a spirit of community within and around the College; and 4) strive for the attainment of educational excellence throughout the College community.

Membership: The Association consists of all students enrolled at VHCC; power to represent the Student Association is vested in four elected officers, who form the Student Government. Broad-based representation is sought through the organization of the Student Forum and the Student Cabinet.

Meeting Schedule: The Student Government will meet on a monthly basis of each semester for regular business.

Officers for 2014-15:
President   Tony Mitchell
Vice-President   Eddie Blevins
Secretary   Brittany Howell
Historian   John Belisle
Publicity   (pending fall election)
Student Activities   Zach Bird
Senator   Emma Buchanan
Senator   Tim Lane
Senator   Tiffany Newton
Senator   Gabrielle Rivers

For More Information: See The Constitution of the Student Association of VHCC. College Standing Committees page top

Appointments to Standing Committees: Appointments to standing committees are made annually by the President of the College. Based on the designated membership of each standing committee, the Faculty Senate, Classified Support Staff Association, and Student Government Association presidents submit nominations from their respective organizations. The Vice President of Instruction and Student Services submits nominations from the administrative faculty.

The Faculty Senate makes its nominations through the Faculty Affairs Committee which submits recommendations to the President annually prior to July 1. Faculty serve on a standing committee for a period not to exceed three consecutive years. After rotating from a committee, three years must lapse before faculty is eligible for reappointment to that committee. Faculty who serve as chairman of a standing committee rotate into the ad hoc pool for the next year.

The Classified Support Staff Association selects its nominees for standing committee membership at its end-of-the-year meeting on the fourth Tuesday in June.

The Student Government Association makes its recommendations for standing committee membership at the beginning of Fall Semester.

Administrative faculty members include, but are not limited to, the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services, The Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services, the Director of Institutional Advancement, the Dean of the Center for Business and Industry, and the staff of the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. Non-teaching faculty personnel shall be considered as faculty representatives.

Standing Committee Meetings: Every standing committee shall meet at least once per semester or at the call of the chair.

Additional Ad Hoc Committees: Additional ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President for special studies or for special occasions. Faculty not appointed to a standing committee form a pool from which ad hoc committee appointments may be made.

Minutes of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees: Minutes of all standing and ad hoc committees are recorded, posted on the Web, and a copy forwarded to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. These minutes reflect committee members who are present, who are absent, and those who are absent with reason.

For more information and a list of current members see individual committee descriptions:

Meeting Schedule of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees:

Committee Monthly Meeting Email Distribution List
Human Resources First Tuesday VHHRA_Committee
Student Affairs First Thursday VHSA_Committee
Academic Programs Second Tuesday VHAP_Committee
Violence Prevention and Threat Assessment As needed VHTAT_Committee
Administrative Services Committee Once per semester VHAdmSerCommittee
Library and Information Literacy Fourth Thursday VHLIT_Committee
Admissions and Financial Aid Once per semester VHAdmFinAid Committee
Energy Committee Once per semester VHEnergyCommittee Local Lay Advisory Committees  page top

Local citizens advisory committees serve to ensure communication between VHCC and the various communities it serves. Curricular advisory committees are involved in the development and evaluation of the College's career/technical and college transfer curricula and courses.  Special Advisory Committees have been organized to advise College representatives in several areas of interest. Generally, they represent non-curricular areas of the College, and are especially concerned with the ways in which these areas serve the total community.

Members of local advisory committees are recommended by the President of the College to the VHCC Board for approval and appointment.

Current advisory committees are listed below: