Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
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Home of VHCC Faculty & Staff Manual

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information

Virginia Highlands Community College
Welcomes You to the VHCC Faculty & Staff Manual

The VHCC Faculty & Staff Manual (VHCC F&S Manual) contains information regarding the structure, organization, policies, and procedures of the College based on applicable state laws, and regulations emanating from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) and the State Board for Community Colleges as defined in the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) Policy Manual. In addition, the VHCC F&S Manual contains locally developed policies and procedures.

The VHCC F&S Manual is organized in a fashion similar to the VCCS Policy Manual and contains numerous references and links to pertinent information in the VCCS Policy Manual and other applicable documents. SCHEV, VCCS, our College Board, our leadership team (President’s Advisory Council-PAC), and College committees all have the opportunity to recommend revisions and updates to the Manual, but all changes must be first approved by the President before implementation. The document itself is maintained by the Office of the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services. Notification of revisions and updates to the VHCC F&S Manual will be sent to all current VHCC faculty, staff, and administrators via e-mail and will be posted on the home page of the VHCC F&S Manual during the academic year in which the change occurs.

VHCC faculty, staff, and administrators are responsible for knowing and following the policies and procedures contained in the VHCC F&S Manual. If a conflict exists between a policy stated in the VCCS Policy Manual and the VHCC F&S Manual, the VCCS policy will have precedence. Nothing in the VHCC F&S Manual should be interpreted as creating any right or benefit not duly authorized as provided by law, or which is contrary to any law, policy, rule, or regulation of the Commonwealth of Virginia or of the State Board for Community Colleges. Nor should anything contained in the VHCC F&S Manual be interpreted as restricting the authority of the State Board for Community Colleges as conferred by the Virginia General Assembly.

In order to ensure that our Faculty and Staff Manual is kept current, certain offices are assigned responsibility for each Section as follows:

Section Responsibility
Section 1 - Introduction President
Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility President
Section 3 - Personnel VP of Financial and Administrative Services
Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations VP of Financial and Administrative Services
Section 5 - Educational Programs VP of Instruction and Student Services
Section 6 - Student Development Services VP of Instruction and Student Services
Section 7 - Miscellaneous President

Please contact the Secretary of the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services or the Webmaster (Nikelle Hagy) to report any difficulties accessing the VHCC F&S Manual.

Useful Links:
Virginia Community College System (VCCS) Policy Manual
Virginia Community College System (VCCS) Website
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) Website
Enabling Legislation

Updates to VHCC F&S Manual since posted on-line since January 2015:

VHCC Faculty and Staff Manual updates made prior to January 2015 are listed on the Update Archives.

- Section 3.4 Faculty Qualifications - Updated links to VCCS-29 using the new VCCS Policy Manual urls on BoardDocs.  Edited 3.4.1 and deleted sections 3.4.3 and 3.4.4. (1/15/2015 - Requested by HC - Edited by NKH)