Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility
Section 3 - Personnel
Section 4 - Administrative Rules and
Section 5 - Educational Programs
Section 6 - Student Development Services
Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information
Administrative Rules and Regulations
The purpose of this section is to record
various policies, procedures, and regulations of the
Virginia Community College System (VCCS) and Virginia
Highlands Community College that relate to
administrative services and general fiscal affairs. The
College's administrative support services are also
described and information is provided concerning campus
security and safety, facilities and equipment, and
budget development and management.
Please refer to the VCCS Policy Manual Section 4 (http://www.vccs.edu/Portals/0/ContentAreas/PolicyManual/SEC4.pdf),
or contact the office of the Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services for additional information
on administrative services or fiscal matters.
Section 4 Contents
Expenditures of Funds
- Requisition of Supplies and Equipment
- Receipt of Money
- College Insurance
- Travel
- Establishment of Contract Administration
Campus Police
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- Mail
- Maintenance and Custodial Services
(Buildings & Grounds)
- Motor Vehicles
- Secretarial Assistance
- Student Center
- Copy Center
- Telephones
Campus Conduct
- Disruptive Student(s)
- Violent Attacks
- Responsibility for Campus Safety
- Emergencies
- Emergency Exit Drills
- Building Wardens
- Parking and Traffic Regulations
- County Ordinance on Parking
- Safety
Use of Facilities
Audio Visual Equipment and Materials
- Fixed Assets
- Office Furnishings
- Keys
- Facilities Maintenance Policy
4.5 Budget Development and Management
- Budget Policy
- State Funds Budgets
- Local Funds Budgets
- Grant Funds Budgets
Bulletins and Bulletin Boards
- Sales and Services
- Selling on Campus
- Solicitation of Funds
- Vendors
- Emergency Closing
- Tobacco Regulations
Intellectual Property Guidelines
(SCHEV) Intellectual Property Definitions
- Applicability of Intellectual Property
- Ownership of Intellectual Property
- Administration of Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property Interest
- Protection and Commercialization of
Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property Royalty Provisions
- Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution
- Transfers of Intellectual Property