Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility
Section 3 - Personnel
Section 4 - Administrative Rules and
Section 5 - Educational Programs
Section 6 - Student Development Services
Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information
Miscellaneous Information
7.0 Purpose
The purpose of this section is to record
various policies, procedures, and regulations of
the Virginia Community College System and
Virginia Highlands Community College dealing
with miscellaneous areas not covered elsewhere
in this Manual.
In content, this section covers the general
topics included in sections 7 through 11 of the
VCCS Policy Manual. Please refer to these
sections or to the appropriate administrative
office for additional information on these
Since many areas covered in this section deal
with VCCS policy matters and are not of direct
concern to individual faculty and staff members,
only those topics having direct applicability to
college operations and procedures are included
in this Manual.
Section 7 Contents
7.1 Public Relations and Information
- Purpose
- Functions
- Services to the College
- Responsibilities of the Colleges
- College Information
- Distribution of Publications/Public
- College Graphics and System
- Publication Policies and Procedures
- College Publications
- College Advertising
- Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates
- College Newspapers
7.2 Planning, Accreditation,
Institutional Effectiveness, Research and
- Accreditation
- Planning
- Institutional Effectiveness,
Research, and Reporting
- Enrollment Reporting and Excluded
- Statistical Reports (U.S. Department of
Education (USDOE); SCHEV
7.3 Planning and Construction of Physical
- Purpose
- General Codes and Standards
- Responsibilities
- Actions Requiring State Board Approval
- Capital Outlay Planning
- Development of Capital Outlay Requests
- Priorities for Types of Facilities
- Master Site Planning
- Maintenance Standards
7.4 Acceptance of Gifts, Grants,
and Contracts Policy
- Fund-Raising Priorities Procedure
- Solicitation, Acceptance, and
Acknowledgment of Gifts Procedure
- Sponsored Programs Procedure
7.5 VHCC Educational Foundation, Inc.
7.6 Response to Personal Tragedies
Affecting Members of the VHCC Community
7.7 Flower Fund Guidelines |