Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
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Section 3 Title

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information

3.12 Organization Changes

3.12.0 Faculty Members Transferring within the VCCS

  1. A lateral transfer is a permanent faculty assignment from one community college to another community college or the System Office under the following circumstances:

    1. There has been no open competition for the position,
    2. The positions are the same level, i.e., director level to director level,
    3. The action has the consent of either presidents, or the Chancellor in the case of the System Office.
  2. No change in faculty rank or salary shall be approved other than adjustments to reflect across-the-board increases or decreases. An exception to this is a lateral transfer to or from Northern Virginia Community College. The salary should be adjusted up or down by 8% in direct relationship to the VCCS-18.
  3. If a lateral transfer results from the discontinuation of a program, a letter must be submitted to the Chancellor for approval prior to any final action. In all cases, the receiving president shall submit all forms and correspondence pertaining to the transfer.
  4. A faculty move from one community college to another shall not be considered a transfer if it is the result of an open recruitment. For rank and salary purposes, the faculty member will be considered a new hire. In such cases, years of service in the VCCS are transferable for purposes of promotion, but not for reduction-in-staff decisions.

3.12.1. Reduction in Staff for Faculty - See VCCS Policy Manual Section 3.11.1

3.12.2. Reassignment of Administrative and Professional Faculty - See VCCS Policy Manual Section