Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
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Section 3 Title

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information

3.26 Classified Staff Emeritus Appointments (VHCC)

3.26.0 Purpose

The establishment of the status of Staff Emeritus is recommended as a method of honoring members of the classified staff for meritorious service and supporting their future contributions to the College.

A. Eligibility

  1. Retired employees of the Virginia Community College System who served as full-time classified employees.
  2. Persons with a minimum of ten years of service in the Virginia Community College System.
  3. Persons who have made meritorious and significant contributions to the College.
  4. Persons who have given their consent prior to nomination.

B. Selection

  1. The President of the College shall appoint an ad hoc committee of five to seven persons representing various segments of the campus community each academic year to review nominations for Staff Emeritus.
  2. Retired Classified Staff members eligible for Staff Emeritus shall be nominated to the President in January of each academic year.  The President shall submit the nominations to the Chairman of the ad hoc Committee.
  3. The Staff Emeritus Ad Hoc Committee shall submit its recommendations on nominations to the President in February of each academic year.
  4. The President, after reviewing the report submitted by the ad hoc committee chairman, shall recommend nominations for approval to the Local College Board at the March Board meeting. The College Board will take final action on the President's nomination (s) for Staff Emeritus.

C. Benefits

All persons granted the status of Staff Emeritus will be accorded the following considerations:

  1. Staff Emeriti will continue to be listed in the classified staff section of the College catalog and identified as Staff Emeriti.
  2. Staff Emeriti are encouraged to make professional contributions in areas related to their fields. To support these objectives, the College will provide Staff Emeriti the following additional benefits on a space available/resource available basis:

    1. Use of college facilities and resources deemed appropriate by the College to support continued contributions;
    2. Faculty/staff parking privileges, a College email account, a College photo ID, and the same library privileges as regular staff members, including the waiver of library fines, etc.
    3. Professional Growth and Development Assistance.
  4. Staff Emeriti will have a standing invitation to attend Arts Array events, and other special events, concerts, presentations, or lectures sponsored by the College.
  5. Staff Emeriti shall also receive appropriate communications and such other courtesies as deemed appropriate by the College.
  6. Staff Emeriti may request additional support and other considerations as specific needs arise.