Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
HomeTable of ContentsVHCC Home

Section 4 Title

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information

4.3 Campus Security and Safety

4.3  Contents

4.3.1 Campus Conduct

Campus and college activities by students or college employees are under the jurisdiction of each community college and must conform to College rules and regulations. See Section 6 for additional information regarding campus conduct.

4.3.2 Disruptive Student(s)

In the event of a classroom emergency involving disruptive student(s) and requiring outside intervention, the instructor should first notify the supervisor, or should that person be unavailable, the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services (2428) or another administrator. (During the evenings, the instructor should notify the Evening Coordinator whose office is located in Room 207 in the ISC building.) The supervisor or other administrator should immediately come to the assistance of the instructor to attempt to resolve the difficulties or make a judgment about further action. The supervisor should also notify the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services (2428) who is responsible for maintaining student discipline. The Coordinator of the Student Success Center may also be asked to investigate the incident. Normally, most incidents can be resolved informally without the intervention of third parties. However, the safety and security of the students and the employees of the institution are always the first priority. Therefore, should the instructor or the supervisor determine that the circumstances or disruption might place one’s personal security/safety or that of other parties in jeopardy then the instructor or the supervisor immediately should notify the campus police 9-614-8282 (or the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services (2426, 2427) or the person acting in that capacity should the campus police be unavailable).

4.3.3 Violent Attacks

In the event of an armed intruder/violent attack, the following actions will be initiated immediately.
  1. Contact Emergency at - 9-911 from office phones (or simply 911 from cell phone or pay phone).
  2. Immediately notify Campus Police - 9-614-8282.
  3. Notify switchboard operator (0).
  4. The Switchboard Operator will notify the Vice Presidents’ offices and the President’s office.
  5. Switchboard operator will notify the Maintenance personnel by two-way radio or phone.
  6. All those who are confronted by the intruder should take every effort to remain calm and not make any sudden moves or gestures. Try not to raise your voice. Your tone and demeanor could strongly influence the outcome of the crisis.
  7. Everyone in the area should make every effort to barricade themselves behind closed doors and in a corner away from any door or window.
  8. After police arrive, if the danger is confined, orderly evacuation away from the building can begin. No one other than authorized personnel should enter the building where the intruder is located.

This section is covered on pages 27, 28, and 29 in the VHCC Emergency Response Plan and can be accessed via the following link: Violence Prevention Policy

It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia and Virginia Highlands Community College to promote a safe environment for its employees, students and visitors. VHCC is committed to working with employees and students to maintain a campus environment free from violence, threats of violence, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior; however, no workplace is immune.

Therefore, Virginia Highlands Community College (VHCC) prohibits threats and acts of violence on college property, within VHCC facilities, at any VHCC-sponsored event; while engaged in College office business, educational, or athletic activities; and while traveling in state vehicles. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to:

  •  injuring another person physically;
  • engaging in behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to self or another person;
  •  engaging in behavior that would subject a reasonable person to, and does subject another individual to, extreme emotional distress;
  •  intentionally damaging property;
  •  threatening to injure an individual (including oneself) or to damage property;
  •  committing injurious acts motivated by, or related to, domestic violence or sexual harassment; and
  •  retaliating against any employee or student who, in good faith, reports a violation of this policy.
  •  oral or written statements, gestures, or expressions that communicate a direct or indirect threat of physical harm.
  •  violating the Weapons Regulation.

All reports of incidents will be taken seriously and will be dealt with appropriately. Such behavior can include Individuals who commit such acts may be removed from the premises and may be subject to disciplinary actions and/or criminal penalty.

Everyone’s cooperation is needed to implement this policy effectively and maintain a safe campus and working environment. Do not ignore violent, threatening, harassing, intimidating or other disruptive behavior. If you observe or experience such behavior by anyone on campus, whether he or she is an employee, student or visitor, report it immediately to a supervisor or to Campus Police. Supervisors who receive such reports should seek advice from the Human Resource Office regarding investigating the incident and initiating appropriate action. PLEASE NOTE: Threats or assaults that require immediate attention by police should be reported immediately to Campus Police at office phone 276-739-2448 or cell phone 276-614-8282 or local police at 9-911. Weapons Regulation

Weapons Regulations


8VAC95-10-10. Definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Police officer" means law-enforcement officials appointed pursuant to Article 3 (§ 15.2-1609 et seq.) of Chapter 16 and Chapter 17 (§ 15.2-1700 et seq.) of Title 15.2, Chapter 17 (§ 23-232 et seq.) of Title 23, Chapter 2 (§ 29.1-200 et seq.) of Title 29.1, or Chapter 1 (§ 52-1 et seq.) of Title 52 of the Code of Virginia or sworn federal law-enforcement officers.

"College property" means any property owned, leased, or controlled by a member college of the Virginia Community College System and the administrative office of the Virginia Community College System.

"Weapon" means (i) any pistol, revolver, or other weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind by action of an explosion of any combustible material; (ii) any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, machete, razor, slingshot, spring stick, metal knucks, or blackjack; (iii) any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as a nun chahka, nun chuck, nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain; (iv) any disc, of whatever configuration, having at least two points or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or oriental dart; or (v) any weapon of like kind, to include but not limited to, tasers.

"Weapon" does not mean knives or razors used for domestic purposes, pen or folding knives with blades less than three inches in length, or knives of like kind carried for use in accordance with the purpose intended by the original seller.

8VAC95-10-20. Possession of weapons prohibited.

  1.  Possession or carrying of any weapon by any person, except a police officer, is prohibited on college property in academic buildings, administrative office buildings, student centers, child care centers, dining facilities and places of like kind where people congregate, or while attending any sporting, entertainment, or educational events. Entry upon the aforementioned college property in violation of this prohibition is expressly forbidden.
  2.  Any individual in violation of this prohibition will be asked to remove the weapon immediately. Failure to comply may result in a student conduct referral, an employee disciplinary action, or arrest.

8VAC95-10-30. Exceptions to prohibition.

  1. The prohibition in 8VAC95-10-20 shall not apply to current sworn and certified local, state, and federal law enforcement officers with proper identification, nor shall it apply to possession of a weapon when stored securely inside the vehicle of properly permitted students and employees.
  2.  The chief of the college police department or head of security department, or his designee, may authorize in writing a person to possess, store, or use a weapon: (i) when used for educational or artistic instruction, display, parade, or ceremony sponsored or approved by the college (unloaded or disabled only and with other specified safeguards, if appropriate); or (ii) for any college-approved training, course, or class.

8VAC95-10-40. Person lawfully in charge.

Campus police officers or security, and other police officers acting pursuant to a mutual aid agreement or by concurrent jurisdiction, are lawfully in charge for the purposes of forbidding entry upon or remaining upon college property while possessing or carrying weapons in violation of this chapter.

4.3.4 Responsibility for Campus Safety

The Campus Police Chief shall be primarily responsible for campus security and safety. The Campus Police Office is located in Room 212 of the Instruction/Student (ISC) building.

If the campus police staff cannot be reached, individuals in need of assistance should contact the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services during normal business hours and the Coordinator of Evening Services during the evening hours.

4.3.5 Emergencies

Procedures for handling emergencies have been developed. It is imperative that all students, faculty, and staff cooperate fully in the implementation of these procedures in order to prevent possible harm to individuals on our campus.

Sections through are covered in VHCC Procedures for Handling Emergency Situations and can be access via the following link:

VHCC is currently installing a campus-wide intercom system which allows broadcasting of emergency alerts to external speakers via a desk telephone.  Most buildings now have loud speakers mounted on the exterior as well as interior; the remaining buildings will have loud speakers installed shortly.  To access this system:

  1. Dial 2911
  2. You will hear two beeps
  3. Dial VH296 (84296) - the intercom is now open
  4. Speak calmly into the phone and describe the emergency
  5. When finished, hang up the telephone and call campus police. Evacuation Plan

This Evacuation Plan shall be revised/updated annually as appropriate. Further, the Administrative Services Committee will have it reviewed annually with all employees.

Each instructor, for both day and evening classes, shall review the evacuation plan at the first meeting of every class each new semester or term class.

Since VHCC has no “bell system” or public address system, the internal FIRE ALARM SYSTEM will be used to sound evacuation alarms. Procedures are identical for fire, bomb threat, or other emergencies requiring immediate and complete evacuation of buildings.

Do not try to guess whether the alarm has been accidentally set off or whether it is a “false” alarm, a minor disturbance, or a “crackpot” telephone call. Each time the building alarm sounds, react immediately to evacuate the building according to the following plan:
  1. When alarm sounds, everyone should immediately proceed from buildings by nearest EXIT. Use STAIRS! Do not use elevator.
  2. Instructors should check their respective classrooms before leaving buildings to assure that everyone is out.

    Instructors shall have primary responsibility to see that handicapped students in their classes are given appropriate assistance. Lights should be left on in the classroom, and classroom doors closed as they exit. Remember Lights on! Doors Closed!
  3. Building wardens, designated by the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services, will immediately proceed to their respective assigned areas to assure that the areas are evacuated. Building wardens shall have primary responsibilities to see that handicapped persons are given appropriate assistance.
  4. Students, faculty, and staff (other than administrators, Buildings and Grounds staff, and building wardens) should proceed to the areas as outlined below and as indicated on the evacuation charts posted at various points within the buildings. Sidewalks and driveways should remain clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.

    1. Administration Building the lawn in front of the building.
    2. Instruction/Student Center Building by nearest exit either to Parking Lot #2 or the courtyard to the west of the building.
    3. Learning Resources Center/Business Technologies Building by the nearest exit to Parking Lot #5, the courtyard in front of the building, or Parking Lot #4.
    4. Mechanical Technologies Building Parking Lot #2.
    5. Nursing Education Building Parking Lot #4.
    6. Occupational/Technical Education Center - Parking Lot #2.
  6. Administrators, Buildings and Grounds staff, and building/floor wardens should gather in the parking lot in front of the Administration Building to assure that buildings are all clear and to receive further instructions. Fire

Fire alarm boxes and fire extinguishers are installed in all buildings, with the exception of the Greenhouse (GRN) and the Buildings and Grounds Facility (BGF). All faculty and staff are expected to become familiar with the location of these items in the vicinity of their offices, classrooms, laboratories and shops. Should a fire occur in either the GRN or BGF, dial 9-911 from an office phone immediately.

In case of a localized fire (fire in trash can, laboratory area, etc.), faculty or staff personnel will:

  1. Use fire extinguishers to attempt to extinguish the fire.
  2. Immediately notify the Campus Police - 9-614-8282.
  3. Notify the switchboard operator (0).
  4. Switchboard operator will notify maintenance personnel by two-way radio or phone.
  5. Switchboard operator will notify the Vice Presidents’ offices and the President’s office.

In case of a more widespread fire (Fire Department needed), the following procedures should be followed:

  1. Sound fire alarm system.
  2. Evacuate building according to the evacuation plan.
  3. Dial 9-911 from office phone, or simply 911 from a cell phone or pay phone.
  4. Immediately notify Campus Police - 9-614-8282.
  5. Notify the switchboard operator (0).
  6. Switchboard operator will notify maintenance personnel by two-way radio or phone.
  7. Switchboard operator will notify the Vice Presidents’ offices and the President’s office.


Bomb and other threats may originate in writing, through e-mail, fax, in person, over the phone or relayed by a second source.

  1. If you take the call, be calm, be courteous and listen closely to what the caller is saying. Do not interrupt the caller. Try to find out where the bomb is located what time is it supposed to detonate. DO NOT HANG UP THE TELEPHONE. Keep the line open so that the call can be traced. NOTE: Most campus telephones have caller ID and the number could be identified in this manner.
  2. Immediately notify the Campus Police - 9-614-8282.
  3. Notify the switchboard operator (0).
  4. Switchboard operator will notify the Vice Presidents’ offices and the President’s office.
  5. Switchboard operator will notify the maintenance personnel (2410, 2510).
  6. Campus Police or Buildings & Grounds Supervisor, after discussion with the President and Vice Presidents’ offices, will go immediately to pull the fire alarm in the building where the bomb is supposed to be and that building will be evacuated according to the evacuation plan. If the threat does not designate a building. ALL buildings will be evacuated according to the evacuation plan.
  7. Switchboard operator, when told to do so, will call Emergency 911.


The VHCC campus is in the takeoff and landing path of Virginia Highlands Airport. If an aircraft should crash on campus, the following procedures should be followed:

  1. Dial emergency 9-911 from office phone (or simply 911 from a cell phone or pay phone).
  2. Immediately notify Campus Police 9-614-8282.
  3. Notify switchboard operator (0).
  4. Switchboard operator will notify the Maintenance personnel by two-way radio.
  5. Switchboard operator will notify the Vice Presidents’ offices and President’s office.

When the crash involves a building(s) or is in close proximity to a building, the VHCC building evacuation plan will be initiated. All occupants of the evacuated building(s) should be assembled in an area as far from the crash scene as possible and should be up-hill and up-wind from the crash. First Aid should be given to those in need as soon as possible.

When the crash is on campus, but away from all buildings, all occupants should remain in the buildings. Anyone outside should immediately go inside until further instructions are given. Tornado/Severe Weather

We have severe weather alert radios located at the switchboard in the Administration Building and in the Evening Services Office in the ISC Building. When an alert is initiated, the following actions will begin immediately.

Day Time Hours:

  1. Switchboard operator will immediately notify:

    • Campus Police - 9-614-8282
    • Buildings & Grounds - Two-way radio, 2410, 2510
    • Vice Presidents’ Offices - 2426, 2427, 2428
    • President’s Office - 2420, 2421
  3. The President and Vice Presidents or their designees will make the final decision on initiating the movement of Faculty, Staff and students to the designated areas in each building.
  4. Offices that should be contacted to assist in the movement of occupants to designated areas are:
  • OTC Building first floor hallway – Copy Center personnel, ext. 2450
  • NEB Building - Nursing Division Office personnel, ext. 2439
  • ISC Building east hallway - Admissions Office personnel, ext. 2460, 2461, 2490
  • ISC Building west hallway - Financial Aid, ext. 2411, 2463
  • LRC Building second floor - Business, Humanities & SS Office personnel, ext. 2437, 2436
  • LRC Building first floor - Library & Learning Lab personnel, ext. 2542, 2475
  • ADM Building - Business Office personnel, ext. 2407, 2501
  • MEC Building - Science & Engineering Technologies personnel, ext. 2433

When instruction is given to move occupants to a safe area, the move should be done safely and quickly. Necessary assistance will be made available for the handicapped. The safest areas are interior hallways on the first or basement floors away from windows. North and east walls are preferable to south and west walls. Sit in fetal position with face and head protected. (Locations are listed below).

  • ADM Building: Hallways near the Vice Presidents’ offices.
  • MEC Building: Hallway near the Machine Shop.
  • OTC Building: First floor hallway.
  • ISC Building: East hallway and east side classrooms.
  • NEB Building: Hallways
  • LRC Building: Learning Lab area and that section of the Library near the Learning Lab.

Evening Hours:

When the alert is received, the switchboard operator will notify the Evening Coordinator, Campus Police, and Maintenance personnel. The Evening Coordinator will coordinate the process of moving Faculty, Staff and Students to the locations previously listed.

  • ADM Building: Campus Police
  • MEC Building: Campus Police
  • OTC Building: Maintenance Staff
  • LRC Building: Maintenance Staff
  • NEB Building: Evening Coordinator
  • ISC Building: Evening Coordinator Suspicious Envelope or Package

  1. Do not shake or empty the contents of any suspicious envelope or package.
  2. PLACE the envelope or package in a plastic bag or some other type of container to prevent leakage of contents.
  3. If you do not have any container, then COVER the envelope or package with anything (e.g., clothing, paper, trash can, etc.) and do not remove this cover.
  4. Then LEAVE the room and CLOSE door, or section off the area to prevent others from entering (i.e., keep others away.)
  5. WASH your hands with soap and water to prevent spreading any powder to your face.
  6. What to do next...
    • If you are at HOME, then report the incident to local police.
    • If you are at WORK, then report the incident to local police (9-911), and notify your building security official or an available supervisor.
  7. Turn off local fans or ventilation units in the area.
  8. LIST all people who were in the room or area when this suspicious letter or package was recognized. Given this list to both the local public health authorities and law enforcement officials for follow-up investigations and advice. Accident or Sickness

First aid kits are located in the several laboratories and shops. Faculty and staff personnel are expected to become familiar with locations of such kits near their offices, shops, laboratories and classrooms, and to make them available in case of minor injuries.

The following procedures apply in all cases of serious accident or sickness:

  1. Notify Campus Police immediately - 9-614-8282. The Campus Police Office - ISC 212, Instructional/ Student Center building, is designated as official emergency first aid station. All serious accidents and/or illnesses should be reported to the Campus Police Office. If the Campus Police cannot be reached, then report to the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services or the Coordinator of Evening Services (The Nursing Department should not be used for this purpose.)
  2. Notify the Vice Presidents’ offices - 2426, 2427, or 2428. During the evening hours contact the Evening Services Office - 2414 or 2401. From a cell phone dial 276-739-2414.
  3. Faculty and Staff who have a valid certificate in Standard First Aid, CPR, or First Responder may administer aid as required. No medicine of any type if to be administered unless the individual is conscious and has his/her required medication on his/her person.
  4. If the illness or injury appears to be serious enough for Emergency Medical help - dial 9-911 from an office phone or simply 911 from a cell or pay phone.
  5. An injured or seriously ill person should not be left unattended. Where back injuries are suspected, the individual should not be moved unless absolutely necessary. Emergency Health Information

Any employees having a specific health condition or need are encouraged to inform their supervisor, the personnel office, and colleagues as appropriate, to the extent such information may be helpful in case of accident or illness on campus. Alternately, the wearing of a Medical Alert necklace or bracelet is encouraged. Police Assistance

if a situation should develop which appears to be serious enough for outside police assistance, the following personnel should be contacted:

  1. The Campus Police Officer.
  2. The Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services, the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services, or the President; or in the absence of these individuals, the Coordinator of Evening Services.

4.3.6 Emergency Exit Drills

Emergency exit drills of the Evacuation Plan procedures are not required on a regular basis. However, from time to time the alarm signals are activated and must always be responded to by following the Evacuation Plan.

4.3.7 Building Wardens

The following positions have been designated to serve as building wardens and charged to work with the Campus Police Officer when evacuation procedures are initiated:

  1. Administration Building  - Business Manager
  2. Instruction/Student Center Building - Dir., Adm, Records, Fin. Aid, & Veterans (East) and Asst. Professor of Drafting and Design (West)
  3. Learning Resources Center/Business Technologies Building - Learning Laboratory/AV Manager (First Floor) and Senior Computer/Electronics Technician (Second Floor)
  4. Mechanical Technologies Building - Science and Engineering Technologies personnel
  5. Nursing Education Building - Nursing Secretary
  6. Occupational/Technical Education Center - Printer (First Floor) and Division Secretary (Second Floor)

In the absence of one of these individuals, and during the evening hours, the Campus Police Officer on duty and/or Maintenance Lead Worker will designate individuals to assume the responsibilities of building wardens.

4.3.8 Parking and Traffic Regulations

Faculty, Staff and Student Vehicle Registration Presently, VHCC does not require students to register their vehicles. However, as a means of identifying vehicles, we encourage staff (part-time and full-time) and faculty to display a vehicle decal which can be obtained in the Campus Police Office (ISC – 212), Evening Services Office (LRC – 625), or the Office of the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services (ADM – 112). This decal can be placed on the left rear bumper or back window.

Individuals to whom parking decals are issued assume full responsibility for their use and agree to destroy the decal when a vehicle is sold, traded, or no longer their responsibility. Any loss of decal or changes (address, automobile tag number, etc.) should be reported to the Campus Police Office.

Traffic Control - The College controls traffic and parking in the interest of safety and orderly conduct of programs. From time to time, traffic patterns and/or the following parking designations may be altered due to special events, repairs, or construction. Notification of such alterations will be by Special College Bulletins, the posting of signs, or use of authorized personnel for traffic control. When practical, advanced notice will be given for temporary changes.

Special Parking Authorization - Persons who are physically disabled or who have medical problems (permanent or temporary) which necessitate parking close to the classroom buildings may request special parking privileges. A statement from a licensed physician may be required before a special parking permit is issued. In addition, it is recognized that circumstances might exist temporarily which call for special consideration. In such cases, the Campus Police Chief is authorized to consider each case and to grant temporary special parking privileges when reason and common sense indicate. This does not relieve any person from the requirement that a valid parking permit be displayed at the time of parking.

Students attending VHCC under the Senior Citizen's Act or any student age 60 or over may request a Special permit for Lots 2 or 5 on a space available basis.

Further information regarding special parking authorization is available in the Office of the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services.

Designated Areas No Parking Areas: The area surrounding the Mechanical Education Center (MEC) Building is reserved strictly for use as a loading zone, for emergency and delivery vehicles, and for the physically handicapped who are unable to negotiate steps. On special occasions when heavy traffic flow is anticipated, those directing traffic may use these areas. On all such occasions, however, parking will be carefully controlled by College officials. ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED IN THIS AREA AT ANY TIME. ABSOLUTELY NO PARKING WILL BE PERMITTED ALONG THE ROADS OR IN ANY PLACES NOT DESIGNATED AS PARKING AREAS WITHOUT SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION.

Lot No. 1 Administration Building Parking Area A section of the parking area in front of the Administration Building is designated for visitor parking. The remainder of this lot is open for faculty, staff, and physically handicapped with authorization to park in the restricted area. THIS LOT IS ALWAYS RESERVED FOR USE ONLY BY THESE AUTHORIZED VEHICLES.

Lot No. 2 Mechanical Education Center Building Parking Area The parking area located on the east end of the campus (to the east of the Mechanical Education Center Building) is designated for faculty, staff, guests, physically disabled persons, and students.

Due to the design of this lot and safety considerations, traffic is restricted to ONE WAY as indicated, and pull through or back in parking is prohibited.

Lot No. 2-N - North of Lot 2 - This Lot is available for faculty, staff, guests, and students.

Lot No. 2-S - South of Lot 2 - This lot is available for faculty, staff, guests, and students.

Lot No. 3 Lower Campus Parking Area All parking not otherwise designated (students, overflow of faculty, staff and visitors) is restricted to the large parking lot located at the bottom of the hill and adjacent to Interstate 81.

Lot No. 4 Nursing Education Building Area - Several spaces are always reserved for handicapped persons and visitors, as indicated.

The remainder of this lot is reserved for faculty and staff until 1:30 p.m. After 1:30 p.m., any vehicle may use this lot on a first come, first served basis.

Lot No. 4-N - North of Lot 4 - This Lot is available for faculty, staff, guests, and students.

Lot No. 5 East of Tennis Courts (Gravel) This lot is available for faculty, staff, guests, and students.

Lot No. 6 Playing Field Area This lot is available for students and others while using the playing field, tennis or volleyball courts, or nature/fitness trail, and for overflow of lots 4 and 5. It may also be designated for special groups.

Lot No. 7 - West of Tennis Courts (Gravel) - This lot is available for faculty, staff, guests, and students.

Violations of Parking and Traffic Regulations - For purposes of safety and appearance, no parking is allowed along the roadway or in places not designated for parking. Warnings will be issued for first-time offenses. Second (and chronic) violations will be handled on a case-by-case basis subject to the normal disciplinary measures. Failure to obey signs or verbal directions for traffic control will normally result in charges being made against the violator under the “Student's Rights and Responsibilities Code” or the “Employee Standards of Conduct and Performance.”

Penalties for Violation of Parking Regulations - For failure to park within designated parking areas the following system has been adopted (records of offenses are based on a 12 month year, beginning August 16 and ending August 15 of each year).

Unauthorized Parking in a Handicapped-Only Designated Spot:

1st offense - $100
2nd offense -$200
3rd offense - $300
4th offense - $400
5th offense - $500

When a person has received one citation for unauthorized parking in a handicapped parking space, he/she will be written a letter from Campus Police warning them that their vehicle is subject to towing (at the owner’s expense) if they continue to violate the parking policy.

Per Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles:

It is unlawful to:

  • park in a space reserved for disabled individuals without displaying your disabled placard or plates. A conviction of this offense could result in fines from $100 to $500.
  •  park in a space designated for the disabled unless you are transporting the person to whom the disabled placard or plates have been issued. A conviction of this offense could result in fines of up to $500 and/or the revocation of your disabled parking privileges, requiring you to surrender your placard or plates.

It is also illegal to:

  • create or use a counterfeit copy of a disabled parking placard or license plates.
  •  alter a disabled parking placard or license plates.
  •  make a false statement about a disability in order to obtain or assist someone else in obtaining a disabled parking placard or license plates.
    Convictions for these offenses, which are Class II Misdemeanors, could result in fines of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail. Additionally, DMV may revoke your disabled parking privileges, requiring you to surrender your placard or plates.

Failure to Pay Fine - If the fine is not paid within 7 calendar days, the individual will be charged with a separate offense for failure to follow College rules and regulations and the matter will be referred to the appropriate disciplinary body for administrative action (e.g., Student Judiciary Committee, supervisor).

Enforcement of Parking and Traffic Regulations - The Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services has responsibility for the administration of parking and traffic policies, and will assign college personnel to issue decals, issue citations, direct traffic and otherwise enforce campus parking and traffic regulations. Campus Police Work Study Students are authorized to issue warnings only for parking violations; citations resulting in a fine (such as handicapped parking violations) are to be issued by a uniformed officer only. Individuals receiving campus citations must report to the Business Office to pay their fines. ALL FINES MUST BE PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE CITATION IS ISSUED. Failure to do so will result in administrative action as described above.

Appeal Procedure - Under normal circumstances, assuming fair and consistent enforcement of the parking regulations, no appeal will be necessary. However, for those instances in which the individual feels that there have been extenuating circumstances or errors in the process, there is a two-step procedure for administrative review and appeal. Appeals must be made within seven calendar days of the citation. Appeals may be required to be in writing.

  1. The Campus Police Chief. This officer will discuss these matters with individuals who have an appeal. He is authorized to take actions he feels are appropriate, fair, and equitable with respect to voiding citations.
  2. The Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services. By appointment, this individual will sit as an appeal court to hear matters not resolved through discussion with the Campus Police Chief. His action is final and concludes the process of administrative review. Students wishing to appeal actions or decisions of the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services or his staff on grounds of unfair or prejudicial practice may utilize the appeals procedure provided for cases involving charges of unfair practice on the part of faculty members.

Where necessary, the Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services may refer cases of chronic offenders to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services with a recommendation that disciplinary action be considered.

4.3.9 County Ordinance on Parking

Following is an excerpt of the Washington County Code, Codified through Ord. No. 2004-08, enacted July 1, 2006 (Supplement No. 5, Update 3), as it applies to Virginia Highlands Community College and regulating the parking of motor and other vehicles on the college campus (Code 1997, § 38-3; Ord. No. 99-5, § 3(38-69), 11-23-1999). The terms of this ordinance are always in effect and may be applied to all campus parking if the above regulations are not observed.


  1. It shall be unlawful for any person to park any motor or other vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in areas not designed for parking or at any time not designated for parking by the governing body of the aforesaid college, provided reasonable public notice of such restriction and regulation is given by establishing and posting adequate signs and other markings on such property.
  2. It shall be unlawful for any person to park any motor or other vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in any area not within designated parking areas within the legal boundaries of the aforesaid College property, such designated parking areas to be so designated by establishing and posting adequate signs and other markings in such manner as to give reasonable notice.
  3. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor or other vehicle in any area within aforesaid College property designated by its governing body by means of the posting of adequate signs or other markings as a specific area reserved for parking use by faculty, staff, employee, student, visitor, or other classification, unless a proper sticker or decal provided by the College administration be affixed to such vehicle so designating the specific parking area applicable to such vehicle.
  4. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor or other vehicle unattended with in the legal boundaries of the aforesaid College property without prior consent of the College administration for a period in excess of 12 hours duration.
  5. The provisions of this ordinance may be enforced by persons appointed as Conservators of the Peace under the provisions of 19.1-13, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended.

    Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than $3.00 per vehicle axle.

4.3.10 Safety

Safety will be a major consideration in developing plans for any activity of the College. Course Objectives

A conscious awareness of accident prevention will be included in the objectives of any shop or laboratory program. Eye Protection

State law requires that all students in potentially hazardous laboratories and shops have approved eye protection. This will be rigidly enforced by every instructor. Faculty and staff members are expected to set a proper example of this regard.

The law requires that “every student and teacher in any school, college, or university participating in any of the following courses shall be required to wear industrial quality eye protective devices at all times while participating in such courses or laboratories.

(A) Vocational or industrial arts shop or laboratories involving experience with:

  1. Hot molten metals;
  2. Milling, sawing, turning, shaping, cutting, grinding, or stamping of any solid materials;
  3. Heat treatments, tempering, or kiln firing or any metal or other materials;
  4. Gas or electric arc welding;
  5. Repair of any vehicle;
  6. Caustic or explosive materials;
  7. Chemical or combined chemical physical laboratories involving caustic or explosive chemicals or hot liquids or solids;

The governing board or authority of any public or private school or the governing body of each institution of higher learning shall furnish the eye protective devices free of charge or at cost to the students and teachers of the school participating in the courses set out in (A) or (B) hereof; provided, however, that such devices may be furnished by parents or guardians of such students. Eye protective devices shall be furnished to all visitors to such courses.

Industrial quality eye protective devices, as used in this act, means devices providing side protection and meeting the standards of the American Standards Association Safety Code for Head, Eye, and Respiratory Protection, 22.l l959, promulgated by the American Standards Association, Inc.” Safety Committee

The Administrative Services Committee is charged with the responsibility of identifying and addressing potential safety hazards. Hazard Communication Program

It is the policy of Virginia Highlands Community College to ensure that all employees have a safe and healthy environment in which to work. In order to accomplish this policy, a written program has been established to comply with the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) Standard 1910.1200, The Hazard Communication Standard.

  1. REFERENCE: OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910-1200.
    1. The Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services is designated as the Hazard Communication Coordinator for Virginia Highlands Community College.
    2. The Dean of the Science and Engineering Technologies Division is designated as Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator for Academic and Student Services and Assistant Hazard Communication Coordinator for that division.
    3. The Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds is designated as Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator for Financial and Administrative Services and Assistant Hazard Communication Coordinator for the Maintenance, Housekeeping, and Grounds areas.
    4. The Dean of the Business, Humanities and Social Sciences is designated as Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator for that division.
    5. The Director of Library and Instructional Services Division is designated as Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator for that division.
    6. The Dean of Nursing and Allied Health is designated as Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator for the Nursing Program.
    7. The campus police chief (safety and security) will serve as overall Assistant Hazard Communication Coordinator.
  3. SCOPE:  All personnel employed by Virginia Highlands Community College who are exposed to hazardous chemicals are included within this program. The written program will be available in the office of each Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator for review by any interested employee.

  1. Each Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator will ensure that all employees within his/her area of responsibility are oriented in Health and Safety and that they will receive information and training on the following:

An overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard Communication Standard.
  1. Hazardous chemicals in the work place.
  2. Location and availability of written hazardous communication program.
  3. Physical and health effects of the hazardous chemicals in the work place.
  4. Methods and observation techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous chemicals in the work place.
  5. How to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous chemicals through usage of control/work practices and personal protective equipment.
  6. Safety emergency procedures to follow if they are exposed to hazardous chemicals.
  7. How to read labels and review Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) to obtain appropriate hazard information.
  8. Document employee training.

Prior to starting work, each new employee (in affected work areas) of Virginia Highlands Community College will be trained on the above information. Prior to a new hazardous chemical being introduced into the work place, each employee will be given information as outlined above.

b. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's):

  1. Copies of MSDS's for all chemicals to which employees of Virginia Highlands Community College may be exposed will be kept in a red binder marked HAZ*COM located in the office of the Hazard Communication Coordinator and each of the Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinators.
  2. If MSDS's are not available or new chemicals in use do not have MSDS's, the Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator for the area concerned should be contacted immediately. The Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator will make a written request to the manufacturer to obtain a MSDS.
  3. Copies of letters requesting MSDS's shall be filed in the red binder marked HAZ*COM located in the office of each Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator until the MSDS is received.
  4. Each Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator will send a copy of all MSDS's to the Hazard Communication Coordinator where a central record will be kept.

c. Container Labeling:

  1. Each Assistant Hazard Communication Coordinator will ensure that all containers received for use in his/her area of responsibility will:
    1. Be clearly labeled as to the contents.
    2. Note the appropriate hazard warnings.
    3. List the name and address of the manufacturer/importer/or responsible party.
    4. Be properly stored.

    It is the policy of Virginia Highlands Community College that no container will be released for use until the above data is verified.
  2. Each Assistant Hazard Communication Coordinator will ensure that all secondary containers to be used more than one work day or by individuals other than the one filling the secondary container are labeled with either an extra copy of the original manufacturer's label or with generic labels which have a section for identity and hazard warning.

d. List of Hazardous Chemicals:

A list of hazardous chemicals in the work place is located in a red binder marked HAZ*COM kept in the office of each Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinator and shall be posted in the respective work site.

e. Chemicals in Unlabeled Pipes:

In the event that conditions exist where hazardous chemicals are transferred through unlabeled pipes, the Assistant Hazard Communication Coordinator for the area concerned will inform employees of the hazard.

f. Hazardous Non-Routine Tasks:

Periodically, employees of Virginia Highlands Community College are required to perform hazardous non-routine tasks. Prior to starting work on such projects, each affected employee will be given information by their departmental supervisor about hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed during such activity. This information will include:

  1. Specific chemical hazards.
  2. Protective/safety measures the employees can take to protect themselves.
  3. Measures Virginia Highlands Community College has taken to lessen the hazards including ventilation, respirators, presence of another employee, and emergency procedures.

g. Informing Contractors:

It is the responsibility of each Assistant Hazard Communication Coordinator to provide contractors (with employees), who are performing work within his/her area of responsibility, with the following information:

  1. List of hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed while on the job site.
  2. Precautions the employees may take to lessen the possibility of exposure to unsafe chemicals.

Contractors will be required to sign a statement in the appropriate HAZ*COM binder to acknowledge the understanding required in paragraph 4.9. of this policy.

h. Contractor Hazards:

It is the responsibility of the Assistant Hazard Communication Coordinator for Maintenance to obtain the following information from contractors performing work at Virginia Highlands Community College:

  1. List of hazardous chemicals to which employees of Virginia Highlands Community College may be exposed while contractors are on the job site.
  2. Precautions that employees of Virginia Highlands Community College may take to lessen the possibility of exposure by usage of appropriate protective measures.


  1. It is the responsibility of the Hazard Communication Coordinator, each of the Deputy Hazard Communication Coordinators, and the Assistant Hazard Communication Coordinator to ensure compliance with this policy which allows easier access to information on hazardous chemical substances present in the work place through the use of labels and hazard warnings, Material Safety Data Sheets, information and training and access to written records.
  2. It is the responsibility of each employee to adhere to the policies and procedures of the Virginia Highlands Community College Hazardous Communication program, including keeping himself/herself fully informed as to the list of hazardous chemical in his/her work site and the contents of the MSDS's pertaining to those chemicals. Pets On Campus

Animals/pets are not allowed in VHCC campus buildings. Exceptions apply to service animals for persons with documented medical conditions and unique teaching and research situations requiring advance approval from the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. VHCC requires adherence to State and County laws that stipulate that dogs in outdoor public areas be on a leash.