4.5.1 Budget Policy
The purpose of this policy is to
describe the general guidelines for
developing budgets of the College and
for the internal reporting, review,
management, and redistribution of
budgets. All budgets are developed in
accordance with guidelines approved by
the State Board for Community Colleges.
Policies and procedures related to
Administration and Finance are found in
section 4 of the VCCS Policy Manual.
Section 4 is available at
Section 2B of the VCCS Policy Manual
also contains policies related to the
fiscal operation of the College. It is
available at
Budgets are the financial representation
of the College’s plans. The college
budgeting procedures take into
consideration results of the
institutional planning process and the
official strategic plan as well as
historical expenditures and divisional
and departmental requests.
Budgets are also controls. It is a
violation of state policy for an agency
to exceed its appropriation. For more
information see Section 20100 of the
Commonwealth Accounting Policies and
Procedures Manual. It is available at
Accordingly, budget managers are not to
exceed spending in excess of authorized
limits. Budgets may also be used as
performance measures helping to
determine whether programs and
management are delivering expected
financial performances.
Budgets adopted by the College are
recorded in the accounting system
(Financial Records System) in a timely
and effective manner. As such, the
budget must be prepared and reported on
a basis consistent with the chart of
accounts approved by the Virginia
Community College System (VCCS) and
consistent with generally accepted
accounting principles. The actual
revenues and expenses in execution of
the budget are subject to audit by the
VCCS Internal auditor and by the
Commonwealth of Virginia Auditor of
Public Accounts.
Based upon its membership in the VCCS
and the various sources of funds, the
College prepares and operates with the
following budgets:
- State Funds:
- Educational & General (E & G)
- Information Technology Plan (includes
Equipment Trust Fund, Technology Fee,
and limited E & G)
- Capital Outlay
- Local Funds:
- Localities Appropriation Fund
- Vending Commissions Fund
- Student Activity Fee Fund
- Bookstore Commissions Fund
- Plant (Capital) Funds
- Grant Funds
4.5.2 State Funds Budgets State Funds Educational &
General (E & G) Budget
State Funds Budgeting Process: The
Commonwealth of Virginia has a biennial
budget system which means it adopts a
two-year budget. The biennial budget is
enacted into law on July 1 in
even-numbered years and can be amended
in odd-numbered years. Developing the
Commonwealth’s budget is a process which
takes many months and involves many
participants. It is described on the
Virginia Department of Planning & Budget
website available at
In summary, the process includes five
distinct phases:
- Agency budget preparation phase.
State agencies analyze their programs
and needs. Based on this analysis,
agencies prepare and submit requests for
funding to the Department of Planning
and Budget (DPB). Agencies generally
present their proposals to DPB in the
early fall.
- Budget development phase. DPB
analyzes the budget requests of agencies
to verify costs, confirm the need for
services, investigate any alternatives
for funding, and identify policy issues
for the Governor’s consideration. This
analysis takes place during the fall. In
the late fall, the Governor and his
Cabinet Secretaries work together to
prepare a proposed budget which reflects
the Administration’s priorities. The
Governor submits his budget proposals to
the General Assembly on or before
December 20 in the form of a bill. He
also distributes a budget document which
sets forth an explanation of his
- Legislative action phase. The General
Assembly convenes each year on the first
Wednesday of January. In each house, the
Governor’s budget bill is referred to
committees which hold public hearings
and committee discussions. The
committees may introduce amendments to
the budget bill. After committee review,
the amended budget bill is brought to
the floor of each house, where other
amendments may be made. Each house votes
on the amended budget bill. After each
house votes on its own version of the
budget bill, the bill “crosses over” to
the other house where it is again
debated and voted on. Before the General
Assembly adjourns for the session, a
conference committee resolves any
differences between the versions passed
by the two houses. The General Assembly
then sends the budget bill to the
Governor for his signature.
- Governor’s review phase. The Governor
reviews the bill passed by the General
Assembly. He may sign it, veto the
entire bill or certain line items, or
recommend amendments. If the Governor
vetoes the bill or any items of the
bill, it goes back to the General
Assembly during a reconvened session in
the spring. If he recommends amendments,
the bill is returned to the reconvened
session for consideration and action by
the General Assembly on the Governor’s
proposed amendments.
- Budget execution phase. The budget
passed by the General Assembly and
enacted into law goes into effect on
July 1 in even-numbered years and on the
date of passage in odd-numbered years.
The VCCS represents all member
institutions in the statewide budgeting
process described above by working with
the Governor’s office, the General
Assembly, and the Department of Planning
and Budget. While the College, through
the President and designees of the
President, may interact with the various
entities, official requests are
forwarded from the VCCS.
Funds appropriated from the General
Assembly are called general funds and
typically are intended for the base
operation of the College. The primary
uses of general fund appropriations are
salary and benefits for faculty and
staff, and fixed costs such as utilities
and insurance.
Appropriations are recognized in the
Code of Virginia. The State Board for
Community Colleges (State Board) is
responsible for the control and
expenditure of funds appropriated.
General funds approved for community
colleges are typically appropriated to
the VCCS, not to individual colleges.
The VCCS then distributes funds to each
member institution and the central
administration units through a budget
allocation model. (Funds designated for
a particular college by the General
Assembly are held in whole for that
college but distributed with the budget
allocation model.) The Fiscal Services
unit of the VCCS manages the budget
allocation model. While the model is
complex, the primary focus for
distributing resources is recent
enrollment figures. Other important
factors include the number of campuses,
the types of approved instructional
programs, employment levels, and average
salaries. The model was developed and
recommended by the Advisory Council of
Presidents (ACOP) to the Chancellor. The
Chancellor and the State Board for
Community Colleges subsequently approved
the model.
The General Assembly also appropriates
non-general funds entitling the College
to collect and expend tuition, fees,
indirect costs, grant and contract
funds, and miscellaneous funds.
Non-general appropriations are
distributed through the Budget
Allocation Model but are based on actual
revenue collections.
After the model calculations are
performed by the VCCS, each college
receives a “Resource Distribution”
packet which details the funds
appropriated for the fiscal year. The
resource distribution packet typically
does not arrive until early or mid May,
although the date varies and is subject
to the legislative process. It is the
goal of the College to have a proposed
spending plan approved by the end of
June. Again, these dates vary and are
subject to VCCS and legislative
The College’s E & G budget is developed
in two parts (a) personnel services and
(b) other than personnel services-OTPS.
The personnel budget covers salaries for
all full and part-time personnel as well
as fringe benefits. Personnel costs
historically account for over 85% of the
total E & G budget. The OTPS budget is
for all non-personnel operating
expenditures of the institution and has
been very limited in recent years.
The President’s Advisory Cabinet (PAC)
is involved in all major steps in the
budget development process. Each PAC
member solicits input from his or her
division or department so that
ultimately every employee has a voice in
the budget development process.
The following calendar is a general
guideline for the development of the
College’s State Funds E & G Budget:
January PAC meetings |
Begin Planning for Upcoming
Begin budget development and
planning for the next fiscal
year. Conduct preliminary
discussion of vacant faculty
and administrative positions
and requests for new
positions. The “VHCC
Request For Hire” form is
utilized to ask PAC to fill
vacant positions or
establish new positions.
(Vice President of
Instruction & Student
Services maintains a
prioritized list of vacant
faculty positions as well as
new requests. This list is
based on availability of
adjuncts, courses taught,
full-time faculty in
discipline, and division
dean’s ranking.)
February PAC meetings |
Make Faculty &
Administrative Decisions for
Upcoming Year.
Depending on preliminary
information for the upcoming
budget, decide whether to
proceed with recruitment
process for selected faculty
and administrative
positions. (It is desired
that faculty and
administrative positions be
advertised prior to the end
of the academic year.)
PAC (with supporting data
from Vice President of
Financial and Administrative
Services |
February PAC meetings |
Request Prioritized Lists
for Upcoming Year.
Solicit from PAC prioritized
lists of operating budget
requests, equipment
requests, and new
classified/wage position
requests for upcoming year.
Solicit input from divisions
and departments. Members are
responsible for reviewing
items received from their
areas for feasibility and to
ensure conformance with
approved operating plans as
well as the College’s
strategic plan.
Develop consolidated list of
requests for upcoming year
is from data submitted by
PAC members. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
April PAC meeting (1st) |
Make Classified Staff/OTPS
Decisions for Upcoming Year.
Discuss vacant classified
and wage positions and new
requests. Decide which
positions to fill and/or
budget for in upcoming year.
Make limited decisions for
OTPS funding for
college-wide required items
such as accreditation.
April, mid |
Prepare Estimated Resource
Needs/Consolidated Spending
Plan for Upcoming Year.
Determine resources needed
for personnel costs for (1)
currently filled permanent
positions (2) faculty and
administrative positions as
approved by PAC in February
(3) classified and wage
positions as approved by PAC
in April. (Depending on the
legislative and VCCS
processes, salary increase
amounts may not be
definite. In addition,
fringe benefit rates may not
have been published.)
Determine resources needed
for other than personnel
costs. Include departmental
budgets at current year
level of funding. Project
college-wide expenses such
as utilities and insurance
based on historical trends.
Include costs for
college-wide required items
as approved by PAC in
April. Include one
percent of the estimated
total validated resource
distribution as contingency
Assemble personnel and OTPS
resource needs into a
consolidated spending plan.
Maintain list of funding
requests from PAC that are
not included in consolidated
spending plan.
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
May PAC meeting (1st) |
Review Estimated Resource
Needs/Consolidated Spending
Review resource needs as
projected by VP of
Administration for personnel
and OTPS.
Provide enrollment
projection for upcoming
year. |
Vice President of
Instruction and Student
Services & Director of
Admissions |
May PAC meeting (2nd) |
Provide Update - Status of
Upcoming Year Budget.
Advise PAC of budget status
based on information
received from legislature
and VCCS. |
President & Vice President
of Financial and
Administrative Services |
Prior to June PAC meeting (1st) |
Develop Draft Budget
Update consolidated spending
plan as salary increase and
fringe benefit amounts are
finalized. When validated
resource distribution is
received from VCCS, compare
total resource
needs for personnel services
and OTPS to funds
available. Adjust revenue
projections according to
enrollment estimate provided
by Vice President of
Instruction & Student
Services and Director of
Admissions. Prepare draft
budget document. In
summary, this draft
(1) currently filled
permanent salaries, wages,
and fringe benefits
(2) additional faculty and
administrative positions as
approved by PAC in February.
(3) additional classified
and hourly positions as
approved by PAC in April
(4) departmental budgets
funded at prior year level
(5) college-wide expenses
such as utilities and
insurance as projected based
on historical trends
(6) costs for college-wide
required items as approved
by PAC in April |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
June PAC meeting (1st) |
Present Draft Budget
Document to PAC.
Present draft budget.
If total projected
expenditures included in the
draft budget exceed expected
resources, work with
divisions or departments to
establish priorities within
the College’s strategic
Maintain list of requests
that were not included in
the draft budget for
consideration as additional
resources become available.
If total projected
expenditures included in the
draft budget are less than
expected resources, work
with divisions or
departments to establish
priorities from the pending
list. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
June PAC meeting (2nd) |
Recommend Final Budget.
If total projected
expenditures included in the
draft budget exceeded
expected resources,
determine what reductions to
make to bring expenditures
in line with revenues.
If total projected
expenditures included in the
draft budget are less than
expected resources,
determine which items from
the pending list to fund.
Recommend and submit final
budget to President. |
By June 30 |
Approve Final Budget.
Approve Final Budget. |
President |
July 1 |
Notify Divisions and
Upon approval of final
budget, notify divisions and
departments of budgets for
new fiscal year by providing
comprehensive budget
document to PAC.
Communicate budget data to
divisions and departments.
Place copy of Final Budget
on reserve in Library. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
September meeting |
Review Final Budget.
Review final budget as
approved by PAC and
President. As required by
VCCS Policy Manual section
2A.IX, the Local Board is
kept informed of the fiscal
status of the College by the
President and receives
summaries of the biennial
financial plan and the
annual spending plans. |
Local Board |
November |
Begin Planning for Upcoming
Request input and
suggestions for Localities
Appropriation Fund Requests. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
December |
Review Budget Proposal.
Review and recommend
proposed Localities
Appropriation Fund Requests
to be submitted to Local
Board. |
President’s Administrative
Staff |
January Meeting |
Review and Approve Budget
Review and approve proposed
Localities Appropriation
Fund Requests as recommended
by PAC. |
Local Board |
January/February |
Submit Budget Requests to
Submit proposed Localities
Appropriation Fund Requests
to localities. |
President and Vice President
of Financial and
Administrative Services |
July |
Analyze revenue projections
for Student Activity Fee and
Vending Commissions.
Analyze the estimated
revenue collections for
Student Activity Fee and
Vending Commissions and
formulate draft of budgets. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
August meeting (2nd) |
Review and Approve Budget
Review and recommend
proposed Student Activity
Fee Fund and Vending
Commission Fund Budgets. |
September meeting |
Review and Approve Budget
Review and approve proposed
Student Activity Fee Fund
and Vending Commission Fund
Budgets as recommended by
PAC. |
Local Board |
The following calendar is a general
guideline for the management of the
College’s State Funds E & G Budget:
August PAC meetings |
Review Carry Forward Funds.
Inform PAC of amount of
carry forward from prior
fiscal year.
Discuss and/or decide to
approve requests and
projects from the EOY list
or requests that were not
funded in current year.
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
As Needed |
Review Vacant Positions.
Review proposals to fill
positions that are vacated
by retirement or
resignation. |
September PAC meeting (1st) |
Current Year Status.
Provide up-to- date
comprehensive budget
Review and revise budget as
needed. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
November PAC meeting (1st) |
Current Year Status.
Provide up-to- date
comprehensive budget
Review and revise budget as
needed. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
January PAC meeting (1st) |
Current Year Status.
Provide up-to- date
comprehensive budget
Review and revise budget as
needed. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
March PAC meeting (1st) |
Develop Prioritized Lists
for Current Year.
Ask PAC to compose
prioritized lists of
one-time greatest needs for
consideration for possible
end-of-year spending of
contingency and uncommitted
Solicit input from divisions
and departments. Members are
responsible for reviewing
items received from their
areas for feasibility and to
ensure conformance with
approved operating plans as
well as the College’s
strategic plan.
Prepare consolidated list of
requests for end-of-year
spending from data submitted
by PAC. Develop estimate of
current year funds that
might be available for use
on one-time projects or
acquisitions. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
March PAC meeting (1st) |
Current Year Status.
Provide up-to- date
comprehensive budget
Review and revise budget
as needed. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
April PAC meeting (1st) |
Review EOY Spending Requests
and Make Recommendations.
Review consolidated list of
requests. Decide amount of
EOY funds to spend as well
as which projects or
acquisitions to fund.
(Legislative process for
upcoming year may impact EOY
spending decisions.) |
May PAC meeting (1st) |
Current Year Status.
Provide up-to- date
comprehensive budget
Review and revise budget as
needed. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services
May, first week
Notify PAC of Current Year
Spending Freeze & EOY Close
Communicate to PAC the
upcoming freeze on current
year state funds
expenditures to be effective
in last week of May. This
is necessary in order to
ascertain current year
balances and secure any
potential carry forward.
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
May, last week |
Implement Current Year
Spending Freeze & EOY Close
Freeze expenditures of
current year state funds
except for emergency items
and Master Card purchases.
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
June 10 |
Implement Spending Freeze On
Small Purchase Credit Card (SPCC)
Freeze expenditures from
departmental SPCCs. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services |
June 10 |
Transfer Fund Balances to
Pool all departmental fund
balances and transfer to
contingency fund for carry
forward and redistribution
by PAC in upcoming year. |
Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services | State Information
Technology Plan Budget
One component of the State budget is
the information technology plan
which is funded with special
legislative appropriations, the
State Council of Higher Education’s
Equipment Trust Fund program, and
student technology fees. Per Section
4.3.0(a) of the VCCS Policy Manual a
technology fee of $8.50 per credit
hour is charged for all credit
courses including those delivered by
distance learning. Section 4.3.0(a)
is available at
Each year the College must submit a
Technology Plan to the VCCS for
approval. The Technology Plan must
be approved by the VCCS Chancellor
prior to funds being released to the
College. The plan is developed by
the Director of Library and
Instructional Services with guidance
and input from the Coordinator of
Academic Computing and Technology
and the Library and Information
Technology (LIT) standing committee.
Various initiatives, mandates,
standards, and guidelines from the
state and the VCCS form the
framework around which the
technology plan is written and
implemented. In addition, input from
each department of the college is
gathered and used in making
decisions and setting priorities
within the Technology Plan each
VCCS purchases of computing,
printing and networking systems,
software licensing and services are
incorporated into the College’s
plan. The plan also covers fixed
networking costs such as monthly
line charges, warranties and
maintenance agreements and
infrastructure for the network.
The Technology Plan as developed by
the Director of Library and
Information Technology and the LIT
standing committee is presented to
PAC for review and approval. State Capital Outlay Budgets
Capital Outlay projects must be
approved by various state agencies
and bodies. As such, the VCCS
collects and submits projects on
behalf of all member institutions.
There are two broad categories of
Capital Outlay, capital projects and
maintenance reserve projects.
Capital projects include the
acquisition or proposed acquisition
of property, including any
improvements thereto, a new
construction project or improvements
to state-owned property, a
renovation, maintenance or repair
project, an equipment acquisition or
improvements to state-leased
property that are financed by public
funds. Maintenance reserve projects
are a single undertaking that
involves major repair or replacement
to plant, property or equipment,
normally costing from $25,000 to
$500,000. Further information
regarding the policy for capital
projects may be found in VCCS Policy
Manual, Section 10.0
http://www.boarddocs.com/va/vccs/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=9QYTYV79B5A9 as well as in the
VHCC Faculty and Staff Manual,
Section 7.5.2.
4.5.3 Local Funds Budgets
The College has and exercises the
authority to establish and operate
certain Local Funds Budgets. Management
of local funds is the responsibility of
the Local Board and the college
administration. Local funds budget
expenditures are reviewed by the Local
Board annually in the form of cash basis
financial statements presented by the
Vice President of Financial and
Administrative Services. Information
regarding the establishment and
procedures for local funds may be found
in the VCCS Policy Manual, Section 4.2.2
available at
http://www.vccs.edu/Portals/0/ContentAreas/PolicyManual/SEC4.pdf#page=5. Localities
Appropriation Fund Budget
Each year, the College prepares and
submits, with the approval of the
Local Board, Localities
Appropriation Fund Requests to the
governing bodies of the political
jurisdictions within the College's
service region. Funds from this
budget are used for student
financial aid, community service and
community information programs, site
development, economic development
and other expenditures not a part of
the State operating budget. The
Localities Appropriation Fund
Requests are developed in accordance
with guidelines of the VCCS. The
formula used to determine the amount
requested from each locality uses
Enrollment, Population, and Property
Value percentages by locality giving
twice the weight to enrollment as to
population and property value.
In addition, requests for capital
outlay funds are submitted to the
governing bodies on an as-needed
In November the President receives
input and suggestions to be included
in the next year’s budget. President
meets with Vice Presidents and
Accountant to review details and
recommendations. A rough draft is
formed and presented to the
President’s Administrative Staff in
December for their review and
approval. Proposed budget is
presented to the Local Board at the
January meeting for review and
approval. Following approval by the
Local Board, budget is presented to
the various local governing bodies
for consideration of funding. Vending Commissions Funds
The Vending Commissions Funds are
derived from commissions from
auxiliary enterprises, primarily the
operation of the Snack Bar and
vending machines as well as limited
funds from the rental of lockers.
Each year the College prepares a
budget for the expenditure of these
funds. Vending Commissions funds are
used for faculty and staff
activities, Faculty Senate,
Classified Support Staff Association
and Arts Array as well as for Alumni
Association and Student Government
association support.
The Vending Commissions Budget is
funded by revenue collections in the
previous fiscal year. In July the
Vice President of Financial and
Administrative Services analyzes the
collections from the previous fiscal
year and reports the amounts to the
President. The President receives
input and suggestions to be included
in the current year’s budget.
President meets with Vice Presidents
and Accountant to review details and
recommendations. A rough draft is
formed and presented to PAC in
August for review and approval.
Proposed budget is presented to the
Local Board at the September meeting
for review and approval. Student Activity Fee
Student activity fees may be
established by the local boards
subject to approval of the State
Board. Further information regarding
this policy may be found in VCCS
Policy Manual, Section
available at
In accordance with this policy, the
College assesses a student activity
fee of $1.00 per credit hour for all
credit courses. Each year, the
College prepares a budget for the
expenditure of proceeds from the
student activity fee. These funds
are used for student development,
student government association, Arts
Array, local drama productions,
commencement, photo identification
cards, new student orientation,
local wellness program, and
The Student Activity Fee Budget is
funded by revenue collections in the
current fiscal year. In July the
Vice President of Financial and
Administrative Services analyzes the
revenue projections and reports the
amounts to the President. The
President receives input and
suggestions to be included in the
current year’s budget. President
meets with Vice Presidents and
Accountant to review details and
recommendations. A rough draft is
formed and presented to PAC in
August for review and approval.
Proposed budget is presented to the
Local Board at the September meeting
for review and approval. Local Bookstore
Commissions Fund Budget
The Campus Bookstore is leased to a
contractor. Commissions received
from the contractor are deposited as
unrestricted funds to VHCC Local
Funds. At the discretion of the
Local Board, Bookstore commissions
are transferred to Local Plant Funds
for use toward capital projects as
described in Section below. Local Plant (Capital)
Policies and procedures related to
Physical Facilities are found in
section 10 of the VCCS Policy
http://myfuture.vccs.edu/Portals/0/ContentAreas/PolicyManual/sec10.pdf For capital projects, including
the construction, repair, and
maintenance of parking facilities,
the College must seek site
development funds from local and
private sources. Further information
regarding this policy may be found
in VCCS Policy Manual, Section
As required by VCCS Policy Manual
Section referenced above,
the College must develop sufficient
reserves for ongoing maintenance and
replacement of parking facilities.
The College maintains a Capital
Outlay Parking Auxiliary Plan and
corresponding fund to provide for
the construction, repair, and
maintenance of parking facilities.
This plan and fund are approved by
the Local Board. In lieu of a
parking fee, the College transfers a
portion of Bookstore commissions to
the Capital Outlay Parking Auxiliary
fund. The formula used is $10 per
annual FTE for the prior academic
year for VHCC as well as for the
Southwest Virginia Higher Education
Center. Each year the SVHEC is asked
to provide the annual FTE generated
at that site for each institution
using the facility.
In addition to the Parking Auxiliary
fund, the College also maintains
various other local capital funds on
an as-needed basis. These funds are
established by and controlled by the
Local Board. Examples of some funds
in the past include New Access Road,
Buildings and Grounds Facility,
Greenhouse, Entrance Sign, and
Landscape Master Plan.
Funding for the local capital
accounts is derived from commissions
earned from the operation of the
Bookstore as well as contributions
from local jurisdictions within the
College’s service region. The
funding formula is described in
Section above.
4.5.4 Grant Funds Budgets
Grants and contract budgets are
developed based upon the funds awarded.
As grant applications are submitted,
budget proposals are developed by the
project director, Director of
Institutional Advancement, Vice
President of Instruction and Student
Services, Vice President of Financial
and Administrative Services, Accountant,
and Business Manager.
Upon receipt of a grant award, these
individuals then develop a negotiated
budget for submission to the granting
agency. |