Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
HomeTable of ContentsVHCC Home

Section 4 Title

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information

4.6 Other Procedures and Regulations

4.6  Contents

4.6.1 Bulletins and Bulletin Boards Newsletter and Faculty Memoranda

In a rapidly developing comprehensive community college, it is frequently necessary to publish instructions to inform all members of the College concerning various matters.

The VHCC Newsletter will be published monthly and distributed electronically throughout the College; hard copies are posted on bulletin boards in each building. Archived editions as well as current editions can be found on the website at: Items for inclusion in the Newsletter are to be submitted to the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Weekly Activities containing items from the Master Calendar are prepared on a weekly basis by the Office of Institutional Advancement. Notice is sent to the campus population via e-mail as soon as the next week’s edition is prepared. Archived editions as well as current editions can be found on the website at:

Faculty and Staff Memoranda will be issued for transmittal items for which the Newsletter is not appropriate or where greater detail is required. Memoranda will be issued by the President and by the various vice presidents, deans, etc. Memoranda of this type will be transmitted through normal administrative channels. Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are located throughout the campus to provide a source of communication for the college community. Each board is designated for a specific purpose and is assigned to a particular office for posting and upkeep. A listing of the bulletin board assignments and purposes is maintained in the Institutional Advancement Office with copies distributed annually in August to all divisions/departments.

Persons wishing to place notices on bulletin boards may be requested to secure permission from the responsible office. All materials should be dated with a posting and removal date and removed within one week of the removal date unless special permission is obtained to extend the posting. It shall be the responsibility of the designated office to maintain the bulletin board.

Postings not on bulletin boards are the responsibility of the Student Development Office. Such postings should follow safety regulations (i.e., not block view through exit doors/fire windows) and not mar wall surfaces.

4.6.2 Sales and Services

The following procedures have been developed for determining kinds of sales and services which may be offered as part of the College's instructional program and the conditions under which such sales and services may be offered.

Shops and Labs

The shops and labs of VHCC are provided for the prime purpose of student training and instruction. Therefore, no additional usage is permitted that would interfere with maximum student utilization.

4.6.3 Selling on Campus

The privilege of selling merchandise of any variety on campus is limited to the bookstore, recognized College organizations, and those having valid contracts as concessionaires.

The President or his designee shall have the authority to specify or limit the places and times of such authorized sales.

(Policy statement, Virginia Highlands Community College Board, adopted November 18, 1970.)

4.6.4 Solicitation of Funds

Solicitation for the benefit of recognized charitable or civic organizations (i.e., United Fund, Cancer Society, etc.) on campus shall be made only with the prior written approval of the President of the College for each specific fund and/or drive. Other types of solicitation of funds are specifically prohibited.

(Policy statement, Virginia Highlands Community College Board, adopted November 18, 1970.)

4.6.5 Vendors

Contracts with vendors will be made only through the Business Office. See Section 4.2. for procedures regarding requisition of supplies and equipment.

4.6.6 Emergency Closing

Determination of Authorized Emergency Closings: In accordance with Virginia Department of Human Resource Management Policy Number 1.35 - Emergency Closing, VHCC's president or his/her designee shall make closing decisions affecting the College. Circumstances that require emergency closing may include inclement weather, utility failure, fire or other forced evacuations from the agency or work site.

The following options will normally apply for authorized emergency closings:

  • College Closed: All classes are canceled for the remainder of that day and evening, and all offices are closed. All special activities are canceled unless otherwise specified.
  • Snow Schedule: This is a variable delay in beginning classes and opening offices. There is a gradual return to normal class times by late afternoon. Evening classes are not affected. Information regarding the timing of the Snow Schedule is available at offices throughout the College, at the Reception Desk and on the VHCC web site at
  • Day Classes/Activities Canceled: Day classes and activities are canceled and all offices are closed. Evening classes (classes beginning at or after 4:30 p.m.) and activities will operate on schedule unless otherwise notified.
  • Evening Classes/Activities Canceled: Evening classes and activities are cancelled.
  • Other Emergency Closing Schedules: Announced as needed..

    Notification of Authorized Emergency Closings: Employees and students are notified of authorized emergency College closings through a variety of means including area radio and television stations, the College's web site, and VHCC Alert. Normally the media will be advised regarding day program closings/delays by 6:00 a.m. and evening program closings by 3:00 p.m. Notice of closings will be posted on the electronic marquee at the front entrance of the College as possible. College employees are also encouraged to take part in the informal “Snow Chain” as an additional way of receiving notice of day closings and the snow schedule delay option. It is the responsibility of each employee to make use of the listed means of notification to determine the College's potential closed or delayed status.

    Designated Employees: By virtue of their position functions, certain exempt and non-exempt personnel (including administrative and non-teaching faculty as well as classified staff) are designated essential to College operations during periods of emergency closing. These positions include the following two categories:
  • Essential Personnel - Standing Orders: Essential personnel under standing orders are required to report to work during emergency closings.
  • Essential Personnel - On Call: On call personnel are subject to report to work upon the written or verbal request of their supervisor. Supervisors should make such requests only when necessary and not as a routine policy. On call personnel will receive compensatory leave during emergency closings only when they have been requested to work by their immediate supervisor.

    Designated employees may be required to work during times they are not regularly scheduled to work during emergency closings.

    Designated positions are reviewed annually in November with notification provided to all affected personnel no later than December 10 by the Human Resource Office. Designated status may be changed at any time during the year with immediate notification provided to affected personnel through the Human Resource Office. A list of designated personnel shall be maintained in the Human Resource Office.

    Compensation of Designated Employees:
  • Exempt and non-exempt employees are paid their regular rate of pay for hours worked.
  • Employees are granted compensatory time for hours worked during authorized closings up to the maximum number of hours of their normal work time whether or not the authorized closing occurs during the employee's regularly scheduled work shift and whether or not the authorized closing is for an entire or partial work shift.
  • All hours worked in a workweek, including hours worked during an authorized closing, will be counted for purposes of determining if overtime pay is warranted for non-exempt (classified staff) employees.

    Non-designated Employees: Non-designated employees are those who are not required to work during an authorized closing. Non-designated employees will be paid for the hours that they are scheduled to work during an authorized closing if they worked or took paid leave the day before and the day after the authorized closing.

    All Employees: Each employee ultimately must decide if it is possible and/or safe to travel to campus. When road conditions and transportation difficulties cause an employee to arrive late, the president or his/her designee may determine that the conditions and difficulties justified the tardiness. In such cases, the lost time will not be charged to the employee's leave balances or to leave without pay. If such justification is not determined warranted, the lost time can be charged against the employee's leave balance; to leave without pay; or, with supervisor’s approval, the employee’s work schedule for that work week only may be adjusted to allow the employee to make up the time missed. If an employee misses an entire work shift, the lost time can be charged against the employee’s leave balance; to leave without pay; or, with supervisor’s approval, to employee’s work schedule for that work week only may be adjusted to allow the employee to make up the time missed.

    When an employee is on pre-approved leave with pay during an authorized closing, his/her hours of leave will be charged to the authorized closing, and not to his/her leave balance.

    Alternate Work Schedules - Teaching Faculty: Teaching faculty will follow the same class schedule as students including make-up days, if necessary. Faculty members are expected to cover their classes and to meet office hours and other scheduled responsibilities. Should a faculty member not be able to arrive on time due to bad weather conditions, the appropriate supervisor should be notified and, where possible, plans made to cover classes missed. No leave will be charged. However, faculty members who do not report to work at all during times when classes are scheduled will be charged one day of personal leave or, should there be no personal leave balance, leave without pay.

    For further information, please refer to the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management Policies and Procedures Manual - Policy Number 1.35 - Emergency Closing at

    4.6.7 Tobacco Regulations

    Virginia Highlands Community College is subject to and enforces provisions of the "Virginia Indoor Clean Air Act."

    Smoking is defined as any product or apparatus (including an electronic or e-cigarette) that emits smoke/vapor or is designed to simulate smoking cigarettes or any other tobacco product. Smoking is allowed 25 feet from the closest building entrance. The use of tobacco products is not permitted inside any Virginia Highlands Community College building or classrooms. The college will continue to offer prevention programs for all drugs to promote healthy living.

    Policy approved by PAC on February 20, 2014