Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
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Section 7 Title

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Organization & Responsibility

Section 3 - Personnel

Section 4 - Administrative Rules and Regulations

Section 5 - Educational Programs

Section 6 - Student Development Services

Section 7 - Miscellaneous Information

Planning, Accreditation, Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Reporting

7.2.0  Accreditation General Requirements

Each college in the VCCS shall follow the accreditation requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. Each community college president shall provide the Chancellor with a schedule of all visits from an accreditation or approval committee, official, or agency. The president shall provide the Chancellor a copy of all reports and findings the community college receives from the accreditation or approval committee, official or agency. Response to Committee Reports

The college’s response to the visiting committee’s recommendations shall be forwarded to the Chancellor when it is submitted to the accreditation or approval agency. Procedure During Accreditation Visits

The following procedures shall apply during accreditation visits:

a. The Chancellor or the Chancellor's designated representative and the college president shall meet with the visitation committee at the beginning of the visit to describe the VCCS.
b. When requested, a VCCS representative shall be available during the Committee's visit to provide assistance and to answer questions which may arise. Accreditation Summary

The Chancellor shall be responsible for advising the State Board as to changes in the accreditation status of each college in the System.

7.2.1 Planning page top Responsibilities

The Chancellor has the responsibility for developing, implementing, and evaluating system-level planning initiatives. College presidents are responsible for maintaining a comprehensive planning and evaluation process at each college. Planning Process

Periodically the Chancellor will initiate a system-wide planning process. It will involve college faculty, staff, administrators, and others external to the System. The process will be designed to: (1) review and revise the VCCS mission; (2) evaluate current initiatives; and (3) set system-level goals. College Planning

The planning and evaluation processes established at each college should reflect local and regional needs, meet accreditation requirements, and support system-level goals. Each president shall periodically submit updated copies of the college’s master plan or equivalent planning documents to the Chancellor. In addition to other data and information, these plans and documents shall contain the college’s major administrative and educational goals and a schedule for implementing them.

7.2.2 Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Reporting page top Responsibilities Colleges

Each community college shall maintain a comprehensive planning and evaluation process to promote quality and to demonstrate institutional effectiveness. Colleges shall use a variety of methods to evaluate institutional effectiveness, and shall measure student achievement through outcomes assessment. System Office

The staff of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services and Research shall identify system-wide study needs, conduct system¬wide institutional studies, and collaborate with college research staff or researchers from outside the System in the design and evaluation of studies.

7.2.3 Enrollment Reporting and Excluded Enrollments

VCCS policies shall conform to the enrollment reporting policies and procedures in the annually published SCHEV Reporting Guidelines.

7.2.4 Statistical Reports (U.S. Department of Education (USDOE); SCHEV; page top

A variety of statistical reports must be completed each year for the United States Department of Education IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System), SCHEV, and the System Office of the VCCS. The System Office shall serve as the distribution, coordination, and collection agency for all statistical reports required by these. The System Office shall maintain a file of all completed statistical reports contained in the Annual Reporting Schedule.