Virginia Highlands Community College   Faculty & Staff Manual
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3.9 Faculty Compensation

3.9 Contents

3.9.0 Nine Month Faculty Salaries - See VCCS Section 3.8.1

3.9.1 Nine Month Faculty Summer Pay

VHCC has developed a summer pay policy in accordance with VCCS Section 3.8.2.  Full-time nine month teaching faculty may teach a maximum of six (6) credit hours at the regular summer salary rate.  Additional hours up to a maximum teaching load of thirteen (13) credit hours for the summer session will be paid at the overload rate.  The College's Partial Pay Policy applies to all courses taught during the summer session. Nine Month Faculty Summer Term Appointments

Faculty members will have the opportunity to teach if courses in their area of specialization are offered during the summer. In those instances in which the number of faculty members desiring to teach is greater than the number of courses to be offered, a rotation system of teaching assignments will be utilized. This rotation system will be jointly developed by the Dean and the faculty members.

Business, Humanities and Social Sciences Division

After consultation with faculty member, the Dean should circulate a list of proposed course offerings; then each curricular area should meet and those faculty members should make recommendations concerning teaching assignments. In the event of a dispute, the person shall have first choice who (l) has over the past three years taught fewer summer school courses, or, if those in dispute have taught the same number of courses, (2) has most recently not taught at all during the summer, or, if this criterion also does not serve to distinguish between those in dispute, (3) has seniority.

Science and Engineering Division

Department members propose a program to the Dean based on instructor desires, educational plans and equality of opportunity for employment. Dean approves or modifies as needs of division and financial constraints require. Acceptable assignments normally occur. In case of unresolvable conflicts statistical (chance) drawing would settle, assuming all parties qualify for assignments.

For required courses in AIRC, MECH, ELEC, and DRFT internal agreements have been developed by department. Any unresolved conflicts would be settled by statistical (chance) drawing.

Nursing Division

Faculty members volunteer to teach.

3.9.2 Nine Month Faculty Summer Term Partial Pay Plan

Determination of maximum and minimum enrollment in various courses is based on numerous variables (e.g., instructional methodology, nature of course, space availability, availability of faculty, funds, etc.). Typically, such determination is made by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services after consultation with Deans, faculty members and other administrative staff involved.

With regard to minimum class enrollment, the following policy will be followed:

At least one (1) section of a required course will normally be taught in the term shown in the curricula in the college catalog. If a course is not shown as a required course for a curriculum for the particular term, it will be treated as an elective course.

In the case of an elective course, or an extra section of a required course, a normal minimum enrollment based upon 75% of the SCHEV funding ratios for the discipline is required. This applies to both day and evening sections, whether taught by the full time faculty or by lecturers.

Under-enrolled classes during the Summer Term may be offered according to the following:

  1. A faculty member will receive full pay for the first section of a course required during Summer Term.
  2. Should a faculty member elect to teach the second section of a course required during Summer Term with less than minimum enrollment for credit, the faculty member will receive pay proportioned according to the actual headcount.
  3. Should a faculty member elect to teach any other course during Summer Term with less than minimum enrollment for credit, the faculty member will receive pay proportioned according to headcount.
  4. A faculty member will receive no additional pay for courses with more than minimum enrollment.
The Vice President of Instruction and Student Services has the authority to cancel any class regardless of any of the above.

Exceptions to this policy may be made only with the express authorization (in writing) of the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services.

3.9.3 Merit Pay

In accordance with the VCCS Policy Manual, Faculty Compensation Plan, Virginia Highlands Community College has developed and implemented the following merit pay plan:

  1. The Plan acknowledges that merit recognition at VHCC is provided in several ways:

    1. Granting of a multi year appointment, where applicable;

    3. Granting of a promotion with appropriate pay adjustments;

    4. a. within the monies set aside for across the board salary increases, a 2% increment is given for promotion to junior ranks (instructor, assistant professor);

      b. a 4% increment is given for promotion to senior ranks (associate professor, professor).
    5. Granting of a merit award salary increase; and/or

    7. Granting, up to 25% of persons eligible for merit awards, if necessary because of salary range limits, a non cumulative award for persons receiving an overall performance evaluation of "Excellent."
  2. Merit awards are based upon performance evaluations conducted as per the Faculty and Staff Manual.
  3. Performance evaluations include summary rating of Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair or Unsatisfactory as defined below:

    Excellent - consistently delivers outstanding performance, substantially exceeding performance standards.

    The performance rating of "Excellent" indicates that the individual is fulfilling expected faculty duties and functions in one or more areas on such a high level of quality that the performance deserves special recognition.

    The supervisor will be expected to write a justification enumerating the ways in which the individual is excelling. This justification would become a part of the individual's permanent record.

    Very Good - Clearly exceeds performance standards.

    The performance rating of "Very Good" indicates that the individual is fulfilling the expected faculty duties and functions on a high level of proficiency. This rating by the supervisor indicates that no reservation exists in regard to any component of the quality being evaluated.

    Good - Performs satisfactorily, meeting performance standards

    The "Good" rating is a standard rating. This rating indicates that the individual is doing a solid job in meeting the requirements of the position and performing all tasks that are normally expected of a faculty member.

    Fair - Performs satisfactorily in some areas of responsibility, but fails to meet performance standards in others.

    The "Fair" rating is below the standard rating. The rating indicates that the individual is meeting or exceeding the standard requirements for some areas of responsibility but is having difficulty meeting that standard in a few other
    areas. The evaluator giving this rating must specify in writing the areas of concern and indicate what might be done to correct deficiencies or problems.

    Unsatisfactory - Fails to meet performance standards.

    The "Unsatisfactory" rating indicates the individual fails to meet the minimum standard expected of a faculty member. The evaluator giving this rating must specifically state in writing the ways in which the individual has failed to meet performance standards.
  4. Guidelines
  5. The following guidelines will govern the use of all evaluation forms:

    An average rating of 1.4 or better constitutes "excellent" performance.

    An average rating of 2.0 or better at least "very good" performance.

    An average rating of 2.5 or better at least "good" performance.

    An average rating of 3.0 or better at least "fair" performance.

    An average rating of greater than 3.0 constitutes “unsatisfactory” performance.

  6. Merit increases shall be determined as follows:

    The division deans shall provide the summary evaluation of each faculty member expressed numerically in accordance with item ”d.” above to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services who shall secure the mean and standard deviation for each division. For each category receiving merit (good, very good, and excellent) the data for each academic division would then be divided into three groups by using the mean + one standard deviation as dividing numbers. Theoretically, the bulk of the data would fall into the middle group. This would allow the College to divide the "goods" into "good-", "good", and "good+." The "very goods" and "excellents" would be likewise divided.

    The above procedure yields nine (9) subgroups eligible for merit, i.e., from "good-" to "excellent+." Each subgroup will be assigned a weight from one (1) to nine (9) respectively. Using these weights times the respective frequencies, the sum of these products will be divided into the salary average dollars available after promotions to establish the unit merit increment. See model attached.

3.9.4 Teaching Overloads

A faculty member may be offered a teaching overload not exceeding ten (10) credit hours for pay per academic year (fall and spring semesters). Faculty members shall be considered as working an overload when they teach greater than thirty (30) credit hours or greater than forty (40) contact hours; in cases where the number of credit hours for a full teaching load falls below twenty-four (24) credit hours, a faculty member shall be considered as working an overload when he/she teaches greater than forty-eight (48) contact hours. Where necessary, contact hours shall be converted to credit hours at rates consistent with prescribed course hour conversions. VHCC follows the outlined VCCS policy. The college president has the authority to develop optional overload plans; such plans shall be developed in consultation with the faculty and must be approved by the Chancellor. Extra pay for an overload shall be at the rate of the faculty member's nine-month salary multiplied by .015 for each overload credit hour. Overloads shall be paid at the end of the academic year (fall and spring semesters). If separation occurs after only one semester in that academic year and an overload was taught in that semester, payment for the overload shall be at the end of that semester.

At the president's discretion, payments for overloads worked in the fall may be made after January 15, if in the president's judgment, the faculty member's anticipated spring semester course load would result in an overload for the academic year. The payment shall be for the fall workload only. In cases where the overload does not materialize, recovery of any overpayment must be finalized by May 15.

3.9.5 Twelve Month Administrative and Professional Faculty Teaching Credit Courses

Twelve-month administrative and professional faculty may earn pay for teaching up to and including eight (8) credits per fiscal year, for teaching assignments assigned beyond those that are required as part of their regular workload. The College president will determine the positions eligible to receive extra pay for teaching credit courses and shall specify the teaching portion of those administrative or professional faculty member's regular workload in the college's faculty handbook or other appropriate publication. Administrators involved in determining teaching loads (e.g., directors, deans, vice presidents, and provosts) shall not be assigned a course for extra pay until all full-time teaching faculty in that discipline are given an opportunity to accept a teaching assignment for extra pay at their institution. Extra pay for such an overload shall be at the rate of the faculty member's equivalent nine-month salary multiplied by .015 for each overload credit hour. Such overload teaching shall be approved in advance by the president.

3.9.6 Teaching Non credit Community Services Courses, Seminars, Etc.

A faculty member may be assigned to teach non credit community services courses, seminars, etc., as part of the regular teaching load.

Any person holding faculty rank or any fully qualified classified employee may teach non credit community service courses, seminars, etc., in addition to regular work load for extra pay. Such additional work load for pay should not exceed the equivalent of three (3) Continuing Education Units (CEU) at any time. Such faculty personnel will be paid by P 14 authorization in accordance with hourly or CEU rates.

No System employee's salary may be supplemented with any College funds without prior approval.

3.9.7 Assistant to the Dean

Minimum Qualifications - Must be current full-time faculty
in the respective division. The individual must demonstrate human relations skills necessary to work with business and industry and/or public school faculty, and/or representatives from four-year colleges and universities.

The Assistant to the Deans will assist and report directly
to the respective Dean. The responsibilities of the Assistant to the Deans include the following:

  1. Developing an annual plan of activities and submitting an annual report to the Dean detailing activities.
  2. Assisting the Dean in developing, implementing and evaluating various strategies for marketing programs and courses within the Division.
  3. Visiting public school faculties to discuss opportunities for mutually beneficial activities to promote cooperation between the schools and the College.
  4. Visiting business/industry and/or four-year institutions to pursue possible opportunities for the College to expand its services.
  5. Assisting the Dean and faculty in program review and assessment.
  6. Assisting in the registration of classes on and off-campus.
  7. Assisting in developing class schedules and preparing annual budgets.
  8. Assisting in the recruiting of adjunct and regular faculty.
  9. Performing such other appropriate functions as may be designated by the Dean.

    Teaching Load of Assistant to the Dean - The Assistant to the Dean will has reassigned time of four (4) hours per semester including summer term. Variations to this schedule may be made by mutual consent of the Dean and Assistant to the Dean and shall be determined with the best interests of the College in mind. This plan must be approved by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services.

3.9.8 Workload Credits for Adjunct Faculty

Teaching Load - The normal teaching load for an adjunct faculty member shall be no more than 12 semester hours each fall or spring semester and no more than 8 semester hours during the summer semester.

To provide adjunct members who teach lecture and laboratory courses with appropriate compensation, the following procedure for determining the work load credits for pay purposes is utilized. Work Load Credits - Lecture Hours plus 1/2 Laboratory Hours.

(Example: DRFT 126 (3 credits) had 2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours. Work load credits for pay purposes would be 2 + 1/2(3) = 3.5 work load credits.)

If any 16-week course requiring the presence of an adjunct faculty member more than one day per week, the college may give a 1/2 work load credit in addition to the work load credits determined by the formula above.  Credit for multiple meetings will be limited to one course per term.   If the college elects to give additional credit for multiple meetings, such credit may be applied on a college-wide basis.

(Example: DRF 126 3.5 work load credits for pay purposes but if taught two or more evenings, the work load credits for pay purposes would be 3.5 plus 1/2 = 4 work load credits.) Pay Plan for Adjunct Faculty

VHCC utilizes the following pay plan for adjunct faculty:

  1. An adjunct faculty member will receive full pay at established adjunct faculty rates for any course which has or exceeds the required minimum number of enrollees for credit based on 75% of the discipline funding ratio applicable to the course.

    Funding Ratio: 1:22 1:16 1:15 1:12 1:10
    Minimum - 75% 16.5 12 11.25 9 7.5

  3. If an adjunct faculty member elects to teach any course with fewer than the required minimum number of credit students, the adjunct faculty member will receive pay in the proportion of credit headcount to required minimum. (e.g., in a 1:22 discipline - 14 credit students = 14/16.5 of regular pay).
  4. If an adjunct faculty member teaches more than one class during the same semester or term for the same college division, the faculty member may elect to use the average enrollment in all courses taught in that division as a basis for the enrollment figure used for partial pay in each course. Enrollment can be averaged when classes are an equal number of credits. If the adjunct faculty member teaches
    classes with differing credits, excess enrollment in the higher-credit class may be used to increase enrollment in a lower-credit class. However, excess enrollment in a lower-credit class cannot be used to increase enrollment in a higher-credit class.

If an adjunct faculty member teaches the first semester or term of a sequence course, the adjunct faculty member will be guaranteed the same compensation for the second semester or term of the sequence, as long as enrollment is equal to or greater than 50 percent of the first semester or term enrollment.

Exceptions to this policy may be made only with the
express authorization (in writing) of the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. Procedures for Determining Partial Pay Situations for Adjunct and Nine Month Faculty

  1. For classes that meet once a week, the number of students enrolled at the time of the first class meeting determines the minimum amount of pay for the adjunct instructor. The supervisor will have the instructor sign the appropriate form (following page) accepting the agreed amount with the understanding that the pay will be adjusted upward if more students enroll before the add period is over.
  2. For classes that meet multiple times per week, the number of students enrolled at the time of the second class meeting is used to determine the minimum amount of pay for the instructor. The supervisor will have the adjunct instructor sign the appropriate form accepting this amount with the understanding that the pay will be adjusted upward if more students enroll before the add period is over.
  3. If the number enrolled is less than half the number required for full pay, the supervisor and the instructor, by mutual consent, can delay the count for pay determination until the following class meeting.
  4. Supervisors of adjunct faculty should follow this procedure in order to ensure that students in the classes canceled due to low enrollment are not adversely affected by the situation.  Every effort should be made to cancel classes prior to the first class meeting.  When a class cancellation occurs, everything possible should be done to enroll the affected students in another appropriate section or course. The deans, directors, or their assistants assess enrollment in a timely fashion, have the appropriate forms signed, cancel classes when necessary, and advise students of their options in the event a particular class is canceled.

3.9.9 Outside Employment

Faculty may engage in outside employment so long as it does not interfere with their work performance, or professional responsibilities to the College or create a conflict of interest as specified in the State Conflict of Interest Policy.

3.9.10 Professional Duties and Consulting Eligibility:

  1. This policy applies to full-time administrative, professional and instructional faculty (including restricted faculty positions).
  2. Adjunct faculty may be compensated for non-instructional services only through procedures governing wage employment or by contract.
  3. Classroom instruction is not addressed by this policy. Opportunities Within the VCCS
  1. Without Compensation:

    1. Full-time teaching, administrative, and professional faculty may provide professional services such as consulting or conducting workshops to VCCS colleges and to the System Office as part of their employment contract with their current college. These services shall be performed on an expense only basis.

    2. Faculty members must receive approval of the college president or designee in advance of performing such service. Such approval may be withheld if the proposed services are perceived to interfere with the assigned responsibilities and duties of the individual.
  2. With Compensation

    1. Compensation may be provided for professional services such as consulting or workshops to the VCCS colleges or the System Office under the following circumstances:

      1. Faculty members must receive approval of the college president or designee in advance of performing such service. Approvals must be documented through a stipend agreement between the faculty member and the faculty member's college or the System Office. (See VCCS Form 14). Such approval may be withheld if the proposed services are perceived to interfere with the assigned responsibilities and duties of the individual.
      2. During Normal Work Hours: If the services, including preparation time, are provided during normal working hours or at a time that does not otherwise create a conflict with work duties, administrative, professional faculty and teaching faculty members must take an appropriate amount of annual or personal leave (including leave to cover preparation time) from the System Office or the "home" college.
      3. Outside of Normal Working Hours: If the professional services, including preparation time, are provided outside of normal working hours, it will not be necessary for the faculty member to take annual or personal leave.
    3. Payment

      1. The rate of compensation will be negotiated directly between the faculty member and the System Office or the college receiving the proposed services.
      2. All payments for professional services may be paid through stipend. Payment for professional services may be made by vendor contract only when the contract amount does not exceed $500 in order to comply with the State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act.
      3. All payments exceeding $500 will be made by stipend. A stipend agreement must be completed prior to the provision of any services. A copy of the stipend agreement between the faculty member and the college or System Office receiving services will be transferred to the "home" college or System Office for payment through payroll to the faculty member. The stipend will automatically become an addendum to the faculty member's employment contract.

3.9.11 Faculty Compensation Plan - See VCCS Policy Manual Section 3.8.11

2007-2008 VCCS Salary Schedule VCCS 2007-08 final.pdf
2008-2009 VCCS Salary Schedule VCCS 2008-09 final.pdf
2009-2010 VCCS Salary Schedule VCCS 2009-10 final.pdf

3.9.12 Administrative/Professional Faculty Compensation Actions -  See VCCS Policy Manual Section 3.8.11 C

3.9.13 Procedures for Granting Faculty Released Time Purpose

The purpose of faculty released time is to improve instruction or support curriculum development. Released time is granted only for activities that benefit the College and improve instruction.

Released time is granted based on a ratio of forty-four (44) clock hours of work per semester credit hour granted. Applicants for released time must use the Virginia Highlands Community College Released Time Request for Faculty form. Released time activities must be clearly stated. Benefits to the College and to the program of instruction must be clearly described. Specific Guidelines

  1. Applicants must submit the Virginia Highlands Community College Released Time Request for Faculty form to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services in advance. The form must be signed by the requesting faculty member and approved by the Division Dean and the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services.

  2. Each request will be considered individually. Approval will be based on the benefits to the College.

  3. A limit of three (3) semester hours of credit per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) may be granted. Any requests beyond three (3) semester hours per fiscal year must have the approval of the College President.

  4. Evidence or documentation must be given to the Dean by the faculty member at the end of the released time to show that the project has been completed and has met the guidelines of the original request. The Dean is responsible for accepting / rejecting the documentation. The documentation should be kept on file in the Dean's office for a minimum of three (3) years after the end of the released time. A copy of the documentation should be forwarded to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. The Dean must complete the Released Time Request for Payment form before payment will be processed.

  5. All faculty released time is awarded contingent upon the ability of the College to fund the request(s).

  6. The College President may also award released time to appropriate faculty members for committee assignments, administrative duties, and other programs consistent with state policies and the College mission.