Brief Version of Assignments Page for Physics 241, University Physics I
This is a brief version of the full Assignments Page, designed for quick and convenient reference. This brief version does contain links to all assigned activities. However the Table of Assignments, Objectives and Specific Objectives in the frame at left is the official version.
Table of Assignments and Specific Objectives
Module 1: Preliminary Assignment - Assignment 8 Major Quiz over Module 1 is assigned as part of Assignment 10 |
Preliminary Assignment (This assignment should have been completed as part of the Initial Activities) |
Asst |
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lab/activity |
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00 |
1.1 – 1.7 {`ds, `dt, vAve} |
Units, Uncertainty, Estimates |
Which Assignments Do I Need To Complete? B5. rates |
01 |
Formatting Guidelines and Conventions PHeT 1.26 Estimation |
Units, Uncertainty, Estimates |
Memorize This Idea 1 B6. areas |
02 |
2.1 – 2.3 |
Collaborative Labs Series 1 [10 lab points for project] |
Uncertainties, Units, Measurement |
#01 |
Rand Prob Asst 2 Prob 1 Memorize This Idea 2 B7. volumes |
03 | |
Measuring Distortion of Paper Rulers
121 alt: Brief Experiment: Paper Rulers) |
Units and Estimates |
#02-03 |
Rand Prob Asst 3 Rand Prob Week 2 Quiz 1 Memorize This Idea 3 |
04 |
Rotating Straw, Opposing Rubber Bands PHeT 2.24 Moving Man |
(text_04) |
#04 |
Rand Prob Asst 4 |
05 |
5.1 |
2.4 – 2.6 |
The Pearl Pendulum |
Estimation |
#05-06 |
Memorize This Idea 4
synopsis of principles and common errors in analysis of motion
synopsis: Understand ideas 1-3
Rand Prob week 3 quiz 1 |
06 |
Units, Meaurements, Uncertainties(University Physics also includes Vectors) |
#07 |
Memorize This Ideas 5 and 6 Rand Prob week 2 quiz 2 synopsis: Understand ideas 4, 5, 6, 7 |
07 |
7.17.2 |
Error Analysis Part II, Data Program PHeT 3.51 Motion in 2D |
Uniformly Accelerated Motion in 1 dimension |
Memorize This Idea 7 Rand Prob week 3 quiz 2 |
08 |
8.18.2 |
Hypothesis Testing with Time Intervals PHeT 3.43 Projectile Motion |
(text_08) |
Rand Prob week 4 quiz 1 |
Test #1 (cumulative through Module 2) assigned as part of Assignment 21 |
Asst |
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09 |
3.1-3.6 |
Analysis of Initial Ball Down Ramp DataDeterioration of Difference Quotients |
(text_09) |
#08-09 |
10 |
3.7 – 3.12 |
Hypothesis Testing with Data from Pearl Pendulum and Ball Down Ramp |
Position, speed, velocity, motion at constant acceleration |
Rand Prob week 5 quiz 1 Rand Prob week 4 quiz 2
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships lines 10, 11, 12
synopsis: Understand idea 8 |
11 |
3.15 – 3.19 |
Motion at constant acceleration, free fall, graphical analysis |
#10-11 |
Rand Prob week 5 quiz 2 |
12 |
3.13-3.14 |
Force and acceleration, forces in 1 dimension |
#12 |
synopsis: Understand idea 9 |
13 |
3.22 – 3.28 |
Force and acceleration, forces in 1 dimension |
#13 |
Memorize This: Idea 8 |
14 |
5.1 – 5.5 |
Force and acceleration, forces in 1 dimension |
#14 - 15 |
15 |
4.1 – 4.7 |
Experiment 7, Measuring masses: view only (on DVD) |
Work, kinetic energy, potential energy |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships lines 25-27, 35-51
synopsis: Understand idea 10 |
16 |
Conservation of Energy |
synopsis: Understand idea 11 |
17 |
17.117.2 |
4.8 – 4.12 CD labeled Ph1 Sets 4, 5, 6 |
Conservation of Energy |
#16 - 18 |
synopsis: Understand idea 12
Memorize This: Idea 11 |
18 |
4.13 – 4.20 |
Conservation of Energy |
19 | |
Conservation of Momentum, Impulse-momentum |
#19 - 21 |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships lines 28-34
Memorize This: Idea 10 |
20 |
5.6 – 5.11 |
PHeT 9.22 Balancing Act |
Conservation of Momentum, Impulse-momentum |
Test #2, cumulative through Module 3, Assigned as part of Assignment 34 |
Asst |
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lab/activity |
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21 |
Elastic and Inelastic Collisions in 1 dimension |
#22 - 23 |
Memorize This: Idea 12 |
22 |
6.1 – 6.7 |
Collaborative_labs_II [10 lab points total for project] |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships lines 13-24 |
23 |
PHeT 8.7 Collision Lab |
Motion in More than 1 Dimension |
synopsis: Understand idea 10 |
24 |
Motion in 2 dimensions |
25 |
Forces in 2 dimensions; Free Body Diagrams |
synopsis: Understand idea 12 |
26 |
Forces in 2 dimensions; Free Body Diagrams |
27 |
7.1 – 7.7 |
PHeT 6.14 Gravity and Orbits |
Circular Motion |
#24 |
synopsis: Understand ideas 13-14 |
28 |
7.8 – 7.12 |
Gravitation and Orbital Dynamics |
#25 - 27 |
29 |
8.1 – 8.7 |
Collisions, Center of Mass |
#28 - 30 |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships Lines 53-67
synopsis: Understand ideas 13-16 |
30 |
8.8 – 8.18 |
Rotational Motion; Torque |
synopsis: Understand ideas 17-18 |
31 |
View Experiment 29, Angular Velocity and Velocity at Given Radius (Physics 121 may omit this experiment) |
Moment of Inertia, Rotational Dynamics, Angular Momentum |
#31 - 33 |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships Lines 53-67
synopsis: Understand Ideas 19-20 |
32 |
View Experiment 30, Conversion of Gravitational or Elastic Potential Energy to Angular Kinetic Energy |
Moment of Inertia, Rotational Dynamics, Angular Momentum |
Final exam cumulative through Module 4, with extra emphasis on Module 4 |
Asst |
qa |
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lab/activity |
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outline |
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query |
33 |
9.1 – 9.5 |
PHeT 16.15 Pendulum Lab |
Statics |
Physics I Practice Tests Assignment 3 (Test 2)
synopsis: Understand Ideas 19-20 |
34 |
9.6 – 9.11 |
(text_34) |
#34 - 35 |
synopsis: Understand Ideas 22-24 |
35 |
9.12 – 9.17 |
(text_35) |
36 |
Simple Harmonic Motion |
#36 - 38 |
Physics I Basic Quantities and Relationships Lines 78 - 98 |
37 |
38 |
Fluid Statics |
39 |
Bernoulli's Equation |
#39 - 41 |
40 |